did they shoot him?
the shitskin knows it's days are numbered, so it lashes out like its backed into a corner
Isnt there a limit to how cucked a place can be?
Hey let me check....
wait for it...
hang on a moment....
...calling management....
NOPE. No limits.
Enjoy your evening sir.
How in the flying fuck can an able-bodied police-officer get subdued by a flailing shitskin, nevermind TWO officers when they hold numerical superiority? We're fucked.
Jesus Germany, get your shit together.
Kek, he beat the shit out of those cuck police
breaking? its literally a scuffle
Kek, what pussies. How far you've fallen, Germany
Hitler is rolling alright. He's not dead though. Check 'em.
Let me guess. He wasn't charged because he was reacting to racism.
I'm sure that will encourage him to never do it again.
>that sea of brown
Jesus Christ, I didn't realize it's gotten that bad. Also I wish this was the states and they just shot the chimp the second he glanced at them.
Hey France, time to save Germany!
Fucking fed cops, fucking useless.
How can white men even compete?
Oh yeah, I was already thinking "4 happenings in a single day? That seems like too little"
Can you see how concerned and almost crying the policeman at the end is alone from his body language?
When the two upitty burqa ladies hover over the nigger shielding him from the cops and the cop looks all apologetic from the way he moves.
Raise your flags and take to the streets when it's time, krauts
I don't know which is worst, this or the cops not doing anything about muzzles shouting Allah akbar at a vigil for terrorism
Now lets compare it with how Danish police arrested a "nigger":
(nigger's parents are Danish, he was adopted from Bangladesh)
That guy would've been shot dead if he pulled that nonsense here. Anyone know what he was chimping out about? German translation?
Did they taze him, he just falls on the floor near the end.
They don't have orders to actually fight back, thus they wont do it. They're basically paid government thugs. You can hit them, you can spit at them, you can kick them and they'll do nothing as long as you're part of a protected group.
When they get your orders they're pretty much as violent and brutal as US police, if not more so. Gotta hate them! No seriously I do hate our police, if they were to vanish all today things would tremendously improve as one could take matters in their own hand.
What the hell? Is that really the police over there? How are they supposed to help anyone?
also qt Danish police woman :D
>the dinosaurs knew there days were numbered...
every day until merkel hangs
i hope
>They don't have orders to actually fight back, thus they wont do it.
HAHAHHA such bullshit. These weak white men were fighting for their lives, there was nothing they could do against this beast.
why is that nigger screaming for no reason, what is he saying?
that's why we need more local neighborhood watches.
Time to bring back an old tradition.
Frankfurt? It was the franks!! Radical christians!!!
Hitlery consumed his soul
is he dead
Western Europe is lost.
"din du nuttin"
Can't do it on their own though can they. A single nigger would beat any single cop and you know it.
You don't understand, they need their orders from higher ups. They're good paid thugs. They only crack down when ordered to and then do so with absolute violence. A good example for this is where Antifa/Mudslimes are concerned. They usually are a protected class, the usefull idiots of the far left political elite.
Around here they're usually used to quell dissent and terrorize people who go against the leftist city council and thus allowed to chimp out and run wild. We had some festival a few years ago, one the leftist city council wanted to go smoothly and without incident. So the protected status was put on hold for that time. The Antifa and mudslimes obviously tried to disrupt, they always do. They barely even managed to arrive before they were bloodily beaten down out of eye sight and with impressive efficiency. The Antifa especially flipped out over it, afterall this isn't what they're used to. The reactions in social media were pure comedy gold.
Once it was over they were back to being allowed to do whatever they wanted with the politicians marching with them in unison.
Dubbs confirm
Nice, even a Danish woman is more capable of taking down a sandnigger than a German man. Kek
>How are they supposed to help anyone?
What gave you the impression they are there to help anyone?
Just playin tough. Apparently he broke his arm.
He is adopted from Bangladesh and was raised by Danish parents. He is a soft little cunt playing gangsta until the moment he wasn't so gangsta anymore.
>implying dinosaurs had telescopes
>the shitskin's meteor will be Trump and Putin
How the fuck is she holding the gun?
Germany is done.
no shit leaf people of the same country sometimes visit their own homeland once in a time
God, I hate the fucking airport; always full of niggers and other smelly people....much like the city of Frankfurt.
Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside
Is this like some cuck fetish thing for you? Because you do realize the police is armed, even in Sweden. If they wanted to, every single last person in that place would be dead within minutes once they open fire. It's not a case of not being capable of.
These people are effectively a protected class, treated like petulant children with special rights. Deescalation and hands off is ruthlessly enforced. And as these police are solely in it for the money, they're hired government thugs and nothing else they will follow most orders without fail.
like a woman.
for some reason women tend to lean away from the firearm.
I've seen my mother and sister do this.
Wow, Whites... You can never claim masterrace after this one.
Rekt cops
I have no idea how european police aren't just as if not more racist than american police.
poorly. those are probobly some sort of reserve police or not regularly armed, those MP5s look like antiques from the 1980s.
>You can hit them, you can spit at them, you can kick them and they'll do nothing as long as you're part of a protected group.
you all really, really need to get over this white guilt. i
i bet those cops had boners while being dominated by that nigger
our cops would have caved his skull in
Germany fell for the strong womyn meme, so every squad car is fitted with one of those pseudo tough barbies (who probably get assfucked after hours by turk drug dealers) who are INCREDIBLY agressive if you happen to run into them during a routine stop at the autobahn but who are basically all snark and no competence.
Americans can compete.
Germans are verily..pussified and can't handle shit. They fight like women. American Women fight better than those whimps.
>allow police to have guns
>don't allow coloureds to have guns
Your country is a fucking joke
Fucking Kill yourself Germany
Kinda, yeah. The police would open fire on your with no qualms if you tried to pull such a thing though. Which means having them around is WORSE. Because you're not a protected class. It means you can't go after the criminals and lynch them as they deserve. The criminals whom the police keeps their hand off because the politicians don't want them in the statistics and so on.
Danish police always go to our sandnigger ghettos in two cars: One to do the actual police work and a second one to deter sandniggers from harassing the first car.
is that how germans train to hold their firearms?
no wonder you cucks lost both world wars.
for those that dont know, that elbow/arm extension makes her a bigger target.
I can translate:
"We wuz kangz modderfuker. Bix nood. Gimma dat wite bitch over dere. Hey bby u wont sum fuk?"
(yelling jihadly)
She likes to live life on the edge. Also, she's part of the local dancing club and wants to show off a backflip from the recoil considering she's leaning backwards heavily.
its an instinct of theirs to get away from anything dangerous. women rely on men to protect them, and men are programmed to do so.
Should change their name to Frankfart hey am I right dude haha
Thanks. Germany deserves to be mocked internationally to get over it's superiority complex.
Germans NEED to realize that this shit is NOT NORMAL. For some reason everyone in germany is trapped inside their little filterbuble where being a cuck and being dominated by foreigners is a normal thing.
They need to be told how fucked up their country is and shamed into changing things.
>tfw you realize chick lean is a fucking global epidemic
where are the strong, capable men in the world to show these women to shoot properly???
fuck germany
>t guys where entire groups of police are killed by BLM and nothing whatsoever happens. Despite the police being highly militarized and the people themselves being armed.
Pot calling the kettle black I guess. Police are ultimatively just government thugs enforcing whatever the political elite wants them to.
That's why ours just finish it, pull the trigger, the threat dies, much less of a chance of it getting out of hand or escelating further. Don't you wish you had Cops like ours Germany?
>Americans booing
Is the US one long world star video? Grow the fuck up.
women dont have enough upper body strength to properly hold the weapon forward to absorb the recoil, so they lean back to find their center of gravity with the rifle somewhere above their waist. of course the recoil immediately throws them off balance and they dont hit shit.
Why did he fall to the floor so suddenly, was he tasered?
thats the shiiiiiiet
classic germany
I felt sorry for you guys once. Someone please kill Merkel already
If the natives of Germany don't grow some balls and organise a way to take back their country you'll become extinct and forgotten, don't be cucks.
Vulcan nerve pinch
are you really from the faroe islands or are you just a proxyfag?
If when I come to frankfurt airport I find them chimping and kick some asses, would I still be allowed to gaymali?
Same way an able-bodied swede gets subdued then raped by a flailing whisking migrant
Chicken wing.
Stop being racist you fucking retards. Even if theres a sliver of truth to your insecurities you have to play the game. Recognize your sad NEET existence and humboe yourselves for you do not know enough about human interaction to generalize a culture. A culture that doesnt take shit from authority, just like those who browse this very board. Tyrone wont judge you fir eccentric behavior kike Chad would. This is why Trump wont win. You nerds make me fucking sick.
Our cops are merciless when it comes to cracking down on germans.
Here's some german cops confiscating all electronics (computer, tv, printer, mobile phone) of people who spoke in a negative way about refugees on facebook.
One thing I found out in the last couple of days was that German police are hilariously incompetent.
No the Sandniggers just reminded the Nigger that its time to pray to Allah