>engaging potential posters with a question
shut up Armond is ALWAYS right
>engaging potential posters with a question
shut up Armond is ALWAYS right
Other urls found in this thread:
>not knowing white is always right
I want nu/tv/ to leave
Used to be a good critic, now he's just mired in the political overanalysis that he claims to abhor in lefties
Sup Forums LOVES Armond, my nufag friend.
friendly reminder that a president h clinton would have already glassed the middle east and rounded up all the us white males
He liked hidden figures, jack&jill, and green lantern yet no one on Sup Forums likes any of those shit flicks
That's exactly how I feel about the film, so yeah, he's totally on point.
jack&jill is kino.
if you disagree you're a pleb who can't handle adam sandler's humanity
t. white
>Ridley Scott’s franchise is hackery in action.
>Ultra-hack Ridley Scott has ruined the Alien franchise
This is what he actually wrote holy fucking shit, this can't be real.
I mean I agree with it completely, but those are such unbelievable meme sentences to use as a critic.
is there a Armond White bingo?
what else
or a b e ellis one
his reviews for out.com are much more interesting
I agree that Covenant is absolute shit but let's be honest here, Armond hardly ever reviews films at all, he only discusses what he thinks are the political views of the director and the lowest ranking artistic tool of them all, symbolism.
Too many mentions of "muh nationalism muh social decay muh diversity muh post 9/11 era"
Never does he talk about any filmmaking element, just a constant stream of political ideologies.
Still, pretty interesting reads and can form some really usable shitposting sentences.
>Doesn’t Scott realize how, in recent months, Antifa has made all Nazi references meaningless?
there is kind of like one good sentence per review
He discusses the technical aspects of film when is relevant.
But what made this film shit was not it.
Thats why rottentomatoes critics will always remain plebs, they cant see beyond it like armond.
>>Doesn’t Scott realize how, in recent months, Antifa has made all Nazi references meaningless?
Leftists BTFO.
well bad films tend to beg discussion of political views and shoddy symbolism by forcing it. if the film gives you nothing else to talk about, thats not on the critic
Armond didn't like Exodus either so I expected this reaction. He has a major beef with Scott's use to christian themes and imagery and I think it's clouding Armond's judgement.
Why are you attacking his rhetoric and not the actual content of the rhetoric? Are you unable to critically think?
Literally /our guy/.
Which part of the review do you specifically have issue with? Can you rebut said part?
In think he has a problem with hack directors using Christian characters in a shallow and unconvincing way.
Thats why he disliked silence but thinks hacksaw ridge was kino.
armond is 100% right.
Didn't he like Man of Steel?
Because I don't care about Obama and post 9/11 America, I care about films.
He discusses "political views and shoddy symbolism" in films he likes too (anything made by Zack Snyder for example)
Armond White is literally the only worthwhile film critic in the world today.
He's right that it was a shit movie, but he will forever be a hack (ironic considering how much he loves throwing around that word) and a tasteless pleb for shitting on Up while praising Transporter 3.
He used to be unfairly mocked, but now I think it's fair. He's usually just throwing together political references. You don't need to sound that sloganeering when you have his wordcount, he's just pandering to his audience.
>shitting on Up while praising Transporter 3.
Sounds like he might be a good critic after all.
>those are such unbelievable meme sentences
that's a meme sentence too
Anyone who praises that pile of shit cannot be a good critic.
Go to bed Ridley.
Agreed. Up shoulda been called Up Its Own Ass!
>Alien: Covenant is not just hackneyed, it’s brazenly diabolical — stupidly so when trading William Blake for Richard Wagner and trite Nazi allusions. Doesn’t Scott realize how, in recent months, Antifa has made all Nazi references meaningless?
>Antifa supporter
>worthwhile anything
Fuck off shill.
>Armond White
>antifa supporter
Are you retarded?
You need to improve your reading conmprehension skills buddy.
You moron
He did, because he's one of the few actual critics who got the message it was really sending.
He browses the 'chon, guaranteed
>who is Richard Brody
>who is Camille Paglia
Paglia is neither worthwhile nor a film critic.
yeah but were shit posting on Sup Forums not writing actual movie reviews people read
/ourguy/ forever and ever.
Based contrarian
She is a film critic, just not a professional one.
>safe spaces VTFO
>millenials BTFO
>ANTIFA confirmed new nazis
if there anything based almond cant do?
Go back to tumblr
Wagner was not a Nazi. White is being stupid
>Doesn’t Scott realize how, in recent months, Antifa has made all Nazi references meaningless?
I agree with everything except this. What does this even mean?
He was Hitler's favorite composer.
He's not calling Wagner a Nazi, Wagner's music was supposedly played to calm the jews in the concentration camps, don't you watch Curb Your Enthusiasm?
>In recent months
>he thinks covenant was written, filmed and edited in 3 months
Is the nigger retarded? The script of covenant was probably done even before Trump was president.
>What does this even mean?
That "nazi" has become so overused it has lost all meaning.
Doesn't make him a Nazi.
Hit a nerve reddit?.
words said so often that they lack any meaning
He still one of the few critics left worth a damn but his gone down a bit in the last few years.
Sometimes his reviews seem kinda lazy for him like his reviews for Tom à la ferme or Byzantium.
Listening to Wagner = Nazi
Base symbolism
So one month before release he has to scrap the movie and start from scratch to please this nigger?
Dude WTF is this guy talking about? Review the fucking movie and say if it's good or not stop writing a philosophy essay lol
How will Ridley EVER recover?
but the only people who read his reviews are on Sup Forums
I just like him because it seems like he gives a damn. The new crew of Disney balllickers like Stuckmann, Jahns, and the RT dross hivemind just do this for the money and throw out a bunch of boring observations and go home. Its a joke that someone can get paid how much Stuckmann does for that.
Armond White is actually out there thinking and I can respect that.
i never get what this guy is trying to say.
Armond has LITERALLY never been wrong. Only plebbitors will disagree.
the brainlet is strong in this one
Definitely /ourguy/
>White, a black man called the pro-black movie, get whitey
The pottery is strong in this one
>>Ridley Scott’s franchise is hackery in action.
>>Ultra-hack Ridley Scott has ruined the Alien franchise
Fucking based truly the critic we need not the one we deserve
But this is nothing new. Even in early 1930s the Communist called social democrats social fascists.