So who else is switching from Sanders to The Trump?
I just feel so alone and betrayed...
So who else is switching from Sanders to The Trump?
I just feel so alone and betrayed...
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>Americans unironically falling for communism and communists' pretty words
you guys should consider hanging yourselves
vote 3rd party
don't reward either of them
Trump here
The only option. Neither represents me.
Be soft on them, they haven't experienced a lot of commie betrayal before.
I was voting for trump before your money was even a glimmer in sanders' eyes.
(((commie))) betrayal
most of us called it as soon as we knew what his wonderful ethnic religion was.
Welcome home buddy.
Poles are electing commies for quarter of century already. Should they commit mass sudoku too?
Thank you, I'd rather be hated and strong than dead and gone.
I was for him. I switched to Trump like four months ago when it became obvious that Bernie wasn't even trying to win.
Fix trade, build wall, rebuild the American middle class. welcome aboard.
I'm a dem born and raised. watching the RNC was kind of a trip
>believing Bernie had a chance
>believing Bernie would do the things he promised
You can vote directly to wall street, or throw your vote away.
or you can read the DNC emails and listen to Trumps speeches yourself, and also observe how wall street is pouring out money to stop Trump.
Trump 2016, don't listen to the propaganda of the establishment.
If you really want to look at what America would be like under Hillary look no further then Germany and Merkel, their banks are failing, their citizens are unhappy, their migrants are ravenous, they are dependent on a mafia of the European union to survive, and their middle class is near death. Oh and they are lowering the minimum wage for migrants to slave standards.
well, you're learning at least
You're just ensuring a Trump victory you realize that right?
Go ahead throw your vote away though so you can maintain your vapid sense of moral superiority.
Those cucks at r/the_donald me for no reason and refuse to unban me, I wanted to be there for the Trump AMA tomorrow
I'm left wing on most things and even I know that it's time to fucking abandon them.
They've gotten fat and arrogant and they need to be humbled. They need to stop demonizing white men for everything and get their fucking shit together. They're tearing themselves apart right now because of the hopeless in-fighting that the SJWs brought with them and they god damn deserve the humiliation of losing to Donald Trump.
Let them fall. They need to rebuild.
>vapid sense of moral superiority is a very real sense
That voting evil thing isn't working out very well.
I get it that your vote barely matters in the first place so who gives a fuck, yeah? But voting for someone who's polling at like 7% or whatever literally the same as not voting. You're not "sending a message" or anything, you're wasting your vote. Why even bother showing up?
You got Libertarian with Gary Johnson
but good luck getting enough votes for his party to be accepted into senate
Vote 3rd Party...get an independent on the National Debates and give a voice to those that want real change and not just the 'less of two evils' stagnation that has ruined our political system with it's corruption changing us from a democracy to an oligarchy. Stay strong don't betray your principals out of fear or shame. Do not reward the DNC's corruption with a vote for Hillary and don't waste it on Trump, he will win anyway. We can still make a statement by forcing a third party candidate at the debates to call them both out on their bullshit.
No. I'm tired of that fucking mentality in this country. Binary options are not good for anyone. We need more options. The only way it will happen is if people refuse to vote both for the shit sandwich and turd burger.
where does this retarded idea of "throwing a vote away" come from. fucking braindead idiots. showing support for a third party candidate is way more important than being 1 of 50 million people voting R or D
It's because voting decisions are motivated by fear rather than issues.
reminder that the 2 party system is cancer
I can't do it myself.
But I don't blame any Bernie supporter for wanting to drop the Trump card on the DNC.
voted for him in 2012
I have always for more freedom, not less.
So yeah, I'm familiar with not winning.
retards like you cant imagine voting for what you believe rather than being on the winning team like youre a fucking 8 year old cheerleader rooting for ur team to win.
this make sense. one of white peoples unique traits anxiety is a double edged sword.
robots dont have consciousness or sentience. that being said, its pretty degenerate to rape a robot and you probably shouldnt do that
John Quincy Adams
Implying it's not some summerfag that can't even vote that wants to brag about how he helped meme a president when school is back in session.
have a meme
is it ironic that a white guy chooses poorly but a jew chooses wisely? Trump 2016 btw
vote for trump m8
i am user, fear not.
i'd rather a man that says terrible things, than a lizard that has a career in doing terrible things.
Voted for Bernie in the primary, will be voting for Trump.
Binary options are the harsh reality in politics, there is a winning side and a losing side, it's just a question of what name they have.
Even parliamentary systems work this way, the difference is their governing coalition comes together after the election, whereas with the american system the coalitions form before the election under the umbrella of one of the two big parties. American parties are very different (less ideologically pure) than parliamentary parties because they are not the same thing. American interest groups like the NRA and NAACP and neocons and greens and conservatives and occupy and tea party and BLM are closer to a european party.
The tiny american 3rd parties are basically those interest groups that are unwilling to sully themselves with impure associates in a coalition, or who are too repulsive for anyone else to sully themselves with.
So railing against the 2-party system is just indulging in fantasy, hoping that eliminating names for these coalitions will somehow magically improve things.
>I just feel so alone and betrayed
Oh right you took his snakeoil sales pitch and your moronic vision of what he's supposed to be as reality agaisnt what he always has been.
>Indiana Jones is a Jew
lets just forget the fact that he is merely played by a liberal Jew
the dubs of truth speak
Here's to indulging the fantasy
what, exactly, do you believe in, then? Because if you truly believed in Bernie and what he was selling how the FUCK could you vote for the ideologically opposite Trump?
die you pos
fuck robots
>voting third party
If it wasn't so late, I'd say sure, but frankly, voting third parties this late is a waste of fucking time. Even if we get them into the debates there's no way they'll be able to convince the brainwashed masses to vote for them as opposed to Hillary/Trump.
Really, that's the biggest problem with third party candidates. They move in late and don't fight hard enough.
What does your post even mean? Everyone votes on the same day. It's not too late for shit.
they mean by not getting them in the primaries
do you not understand how elections work? The Big 2 lay the groundwork for the Presidential election typically the second one is over, meaning come November 8 one side will celebrate, the other will lick their wounds, and by the next day begin planning for the next election.
The 3rd parties don't have nearly the resources to plan so far ahead, and by the time they begin to get groundswell there's only a few months left, which isn't enough time to overcome the deficits they've accrued. It'd be like an NBA team down by 35 with 2 minutes left, it just isn't happening
its up to all the robots to wake up first and realize they arent robots at all
we're beasts of the jungle and we're under attack and they have bred us not to defend ourselves.
any vote other than trump: "people need government to boss them around by force"
any vore for trump: "second amendment exists so when they challenge it, they expose their intentions"
everybody's on the same side but THEY keep the eyes of the animals pointed at each other
has NOBODY fucking read orwell or have your schools just taught you to treat this shit as so boring that you can't see what is happening
woah... I am now a #TrumpMissle
I'm voting in honor of my father, who wanted to see the Mexicans get BTFO
wtf I hate bernie now. I am now a #FineWithStein
Berniebro here now voting for Trump.
Livid they nominated a CHEATER. Livid that Bernie backed a CHEATER and didn't fight for the nom he deserved.
Hillary should rot in Hell.
I will do everything I can, even campaigning for Trump (who I'm not a fan of) to see that HILLARY--the CHEATER--does not win.
trumpist here. my response:
I agree my american brother, but it's TOO LATE. We need a HARD RIGHT turn for the next four years to counterbalance the economy and get tough on law to clean up what's going on in the government, the media, and on the streets and borders.
voting for trump to me is our way to prove that the united states constitution can work.
in four years there will be two or more parties running really hard against trump, and one of them will win. but right now dude we just need a firm hand to make it that far or we'll be forced to vote with guns instead of clicks/dollars/ballots.
(and protip: if it comes to that, trump is on the side of the people with the guns, and the more people that just agree on the winning side, the safer and smoother the entire process becomes in the long run)
I'm switching to Jill Stein, but I now consider Trump the "lesser evil" so count that as a victory.
>I just feel so alone and betrayed...
You're so full of shit and it smells to high hell.
What's the issue people have with bernouts voting 3rd party? it's fracturing the Dem voters so they don't unify
sends a bad message to the world, one we can't afford.
there's genocide in europe, it's the clinton-obama regime's fault, and they are paying off the media to try to hide it from us with a FEEBLE ATTEMPT TO INCITE US INTO A RACIALLY-MOTIVATED CIVIL WAR.
it's tribal, primitive, and downright unamerican for anybody who EVER considered themselves white or black or gay or christian or technologically-advanced or anything to their their vote anywhere but trump.
imo voting for trump as a united nation is a way to give voice to ALL the police/blacks/whites/gays/victims etc,
the more votes we have on trump, the more accountable he is to us.
also we can end it with votes and then we can start making memorials and shit for the people already who died and may die because of this, and start looking towards economic production
He's about as libertarian, as my cat is an astronaut.
>Sanders supporter
Before you vote anything go back to elementary school and learn that there's no such a thing "something out of nothing", ignorant cunt.
There isn't, but we'd like it if they could make a fully informed decision. They've learned the hard way that their party lied about Bernie, now is their chance to learn how they've lied about Trump.
Plus, if you really want to fix the Democratic Party going forward, a Trump landslide is the one thing that might make them check their shit.
I see was asking because out of the few Bernie friends I have 2 are going to vote Trump 1 Hillary and the rest are going with 3rd party's
Bernie negotiated a DNC paid for campaign plane and the ouster of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for his endorsement of HRC. He did that back during the California primary. He NEVER had any intention of contesting the nomination at the convention. He intended on fucking his constituency, and most of them will just take it up the ass. I'm not voting, fuck 'em.