If you disagree then fuck off back to imdb, /r/movies, tumblr or rateyourmusic

if you disagree then fuck off back to imdb, /r/movies, tumblr or rateyourmusic

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You missed DC and David Lynch

this needs a photo of emma watson

replace 'Bernie' with 'MAGA PRAISE KEK'

What the fuck happened to billiliam burr
He was doing so well and then just dropped

>Bill Burr


Lord of the Rings isn't numale-core.
You should put The Hobbit in its place.



All your god emperor does is post on twitter all day you dumb shit.

...why isn't it okay to like things, tv? :/

nu-males detected

Bill Burr makes me fucking sick
I'm really happy suicide is an option for him again

>beard = nu male

lel someone's a low test faggot

what the fuck is wrong with netflix

That long haired dude, isnt he the voice of the medic? Why is a no name voice actor in that list?

Miss alice? what?

I can't imagine being this asspained where you feel a real need to make this picture. Just to show strangers.

Butthurt numale detected


If you're looking for the sekret klub for kewlservative tweens, you're on the wrong board lad

Do your job mods

Low test faggot
Go eat some eggs faggot

Is that Alice the skinny camwhore?

He just had a Netflix special.

David Lynch makes numales sick to their stomach.

Lynch is seriously problematic, yo.

He's not a good ally.

Thats Wes Anderson
The director of resident evil movies

someone spent at least 15 minutes to create this image.

Why the fuck is Miss Alice a part of the nu male starter pack??????????? WHY IS SHE SPECIFIC TO NUMALES? EXPLAIN YOURSELF NOW OR PERISH. Also if you ever put my slutfu on a collage I will locate you and cut you.

That site has been active since before you were born, junior.

Fuck you
there is nothing nu male about blinds

No, you're a fucking retard. How are Pokemon and LOTR in any way for numales?

post your face you shit talking cunt

Didn't know I was a numale. Remind me why Sup Forums doesn't like imdb. Actual question btw.

I actually have no clue. It's just a database. There are no real opinions on it except for user reviews and an aggregate scoring like RT.

That's the only part of this I don't understand

Explain how YouTube is numale. What the fuck else are you using op

what's the anime eye

that's not numale that's the faga starter pack

not that I personally give a shit but Sup Forums has been pissy ever since they removed the forums so they have one less place to ask "what did they mean by this?" over and over again.

Pokemon is like the most nu-male thing on there

Which makes him the best president ever.

>lmao 90s kids unite xD
Did you not even see a screencap or something before coming to Sup Forums? Even newfags generally know at least some things



Wait what's wrong with blinds?

you blindfags make me sick


lotr is conservative you cuck

LOTR is numale propaganda.
>When writing The Lord of the Rings Tolkien continued many of the themes he had set up in The Hobbit. When giving Dwarves their own language (Khuzdul) Tolkien decided to create an analogue of a Semitic language influenced by Hebrew phonology. Like medieval Jewish groups, the Dwarves use their own language only amongst themselves, and adopted the languages of those they live amongst for the most part, for example taking public names from the cultures they lived within, whilst keeping their "true-names" and true language a secret.[10] Along with a few words in Khuzdul, Tolkien also developed runes of his own invention (the Cirth), said to have been invented by Elves and later adopted by the Dwarves. Tolkien further underlines the diaspora of the Dwarves with the lost stronghold of the Mines of Moria. In The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien uses the main dwarf character Gimli to finally reconcile the conflict between Elves and Dwarves through showing great courtesy to Galadriel and forming a deep friendship with Legolas, which has been seen as Tolkien's reply toward "Gentile anti-Semitism and Jewish exclusiveness".[6]
>Tolkien also elaborated on Jewish influence on his Dwarves in a letter: "I do think of the 'Dwarves' like Jews: at once native and alien in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their own private tongue..."