>being an atheist syrian refugee who came to germany so i can be myself
>hated by germans because i'm a refugee
>hated by refugees because i'm an atheist
>mfw no matter what i do i'm always the outcast
My luck
we dont hate you
we just dont give a shit if you live or die
so go to sweden obviously
they're all atheists and they love your brown skin
What city are you from?
then go to merkels house
I'd hang you, you know that, OP?
>flee your homeland for selfish reasons in its time of need
>surprised that everyone hates you
you have to go back
if i'm gonna be honest i have friends there and i cant tell you by the stories they tell its even worse there
the pole goes like this
When did you leave? Will you go back?
you have no idea how many muslims have told me that
Go kill some mudslimes and you will be a hero
That's what you get for insulting us with your presence.
You gotta go back, buddy
>flee your country engulfed in war instead of helping
>surprised when everyone hates you
Just go shoot a load of germans, nobody will care
i didnt start this war and i dont want to comit war crimes
so sorry
where ?
>came to be myself
If the main reason you came isn't to escape war, it was too escape religion then don't call yourself a refugee.
>my luck
You've been given the chance to live in the first World from a war-torn desert and yet you still complain. This is why we hate you.
>I have no sense of duty and I am a little bitch who runs from a fight.
i left about a year ago
if i ever go back im propubly gonna get beheaded by someone
Wut? His religion will kill him if he apostates, it's not America.
If you become a hero if you target non Muslims make sure they are politicians or far left idiots
>to be yourself
i hate you so much you fucking coward
even worse how? What are they telling u
You left your country when it needed you. You are scum.
Do you have a house now?
if i'm ever gonna go back i'm probably gonna join the ssnp (the syrian socialist national party ) because they are like the only guys the want to separate church from state
So you don't want the war to end either, which is the same thing as starting it.
>you hate Islam
>you call him coward for leaving Islam
Most westerners don't understand that. They think that if you are a refugee you are escaping war or isis. Since he doesn't fit that criteria people don't respect him as a refugee.
I joined the army recently so I can liberate your own country when Trump wins. You fucking coward.
pick one
wew lad
tee bee hee when Ruskies and 'Muricans dance their tango, everyone else is best to get the fuck outta here asap
Thanks Obongo
B-but he is fleeing war AND isis..
So you are going back when the war is over right?
Since that is the definition of a refugee
Not if you go to a Christian village or if there is a secular government in control. Have faith in assad he will wipe those extremist rebels out. It's not Saudi Arabia or Qatar, you think you would know that being a syrian.
Kill yourself arab piece of shit. If you had any guts or honor you would be fighting in the army, instead you cower like a woman.
Cry like a woman what you could not defend as a man.
>in syria there are 5 main sides who all have committed war crimes or all they care about is money
>so this isn't like wwII where you could either pick the good guys or the bad guys
Join some far right party on the basis that the liberal government has no plan to send you guys back home. I mean, that's basically what Trudeau is doing; he doesn't even think of the Syrians as refugees; he thinks they're going to stay forever; what he doesn't realize is that many want to go home when the war stops.
Why go back to the country that his own people made shit? When he can just be a fucking leech in some better western country.
i thought escaping war was an obvious reason
i'll try to over simplify stuff for you next so you could be able to comprehend it more
what the fuck is wrong with you people?
you would demand loyalty to country when his own countrymen would kill him?
fuck that.
i hope syriabro gets somewhere safe and tolerant and free.
>his own people made shit
Thank obama for funding 'moderate' rebels
Personally I'd be for taking non muslim refugees.
It's funny how christian and atheist arabs are cool but as soon as they are muslim they turn into full assholes. Same with any race actually. Islam is the problem. Thank them for why people hate your entire race.
The more people stop fighting the sooner it will end actually
why don't you offer him a place at your place pal?
why dont you go back to syria then?
UK has very strict immigration control.
We are an island and the border is the sea. We are not like Sweden nor Germany.
We are not in Schengen area. Border control is tight and it will get more strict when we leave the EU.
If you can speak good English and have skills that can get you a good job, and don't "allahu akbar" and explode yourself. Then my country would welcome you. We need good immigrants. Not illiterate scum.
Honestly, m8. Apply to UK for residence. We need good people like you.
As I said, we are not like Germany nor Sweden. UK immigration is very strict.
We don't have open borders.
But I think you'd be OK. Don't be an outcast, m8. Get your application in for UK. We are arrogant cunts, but very hospitable. To move here you must have a skill that can get you work. If you satisfy the conditions then UK is a nice place to live. We have very high standard of living.
cause he's a spineless fucking arab, from a country with no history, no heritage, he has no duties, he just wants to ficki ficki and get free healthcare
fuck those people
it's not like trudeau is gonna force anyone to stay in canada. let them go home if they want to, rather than plan on forcing them out.
yep genetics are just far right propaganda,
>result is you hate someone because you hate someone
>which means you hate someone without a reason
Take a rifle and fight for Assad, baaz dictatorship in the beuty Aleppo is your best choice.
>duty to people who wann abehead me if they find out im an athiest
>try harder dummby
If it's any consolidation OP, I lived in Bochum for 9 months and met plenty of Syrians that have fled from there. Most were Christian and not Muslim though. Good people. Went with one of them I made friends with to Koeln to sightsee at the Koelner Dom and didn't realize how religious he was. Great drinking buddy as well.
I believe he was from Aleppo, if I remember correctly.
>target people
oh wiat im stil in Sup Forums
>Implying there was only good and bad guys in ww2
Germans should throw your leech ass back to your shithole of a country.
you sound like msulims
Based Poland. Also you should kill yourself.
yea, it's not like it was illegal to be an atheist in Europe at any point
they tend to lie, they all do and before you realize your head is already on the floor
Be a hero, report every crime other "refugees" commit on a public website/blog as detailed as possible
>no history
>no heritage
>no duties
isnt something i personly went through but most of the time it always something like people randomly shouting at them in the streets or in the train stations or even at one point a guy arpoched a friend of mine , asked him if he is an arab , then head butted him for no god damn resaon
Go back to syria you smelly piece of shit.
Every single one of you needs to leave.
Oh well. If i was a muzzie I wouldnt stay in europe. Storms brewing you shitskin fucking leech, so get back on the banana boat and go fight for your country.
germans dont hate you, they are just afraid.
get a book about how to dress properly in westernish way and wear that shit. dont ask germans, they dont know shit about how to dress.
and learn their fucking language.
>my country
>everyone there wants to kill me becouse im an athiest
You are not suited for European civilization. You have been raised in a cultural that does not understand secularism, personal liberty, expressive sexuality and scientific method.
You will not fit in, the gap is too great and you will be unhappy and likely radicalize. Stay in the environment you know.
Yeah this. Avoid gathering in groups too. People don't like groups of foreign people.
If you are really a syrian atheist refugee
Wear a cross.
Don't cause trouble.
Don't look like a monkey and shave yourself.
Don't sit like a hobo in the city.
Count your money before you go shopping so there is no trouble by paying.
Don't make photos in the public.
Don't speak your language.
Don't touch girls or go near them.
Don't go out at nights.
Don't say a single word than "thanks" in german until you can speak it properly.
Don't even think about using our flag or war something where the german flag is on.
If you follow these rules there should be no problem.
not really i've been leaving with the youth office for about a year because i arrived here as an unaccompanied minor
Beggars can't be choosers. Why should you go to Germany when there are countries neighbouring syria you could flee to?
Oh wait, you want free hand outs. That's why you are hated.
And the most important thing.
Fuck off when your war is over we don't want you here.
You are human scum in our country.
Just fuck off coward.
Are you planning to go back after shit cleared up there?
some of those responses are quite harsh.
really makes you think.
>Wear a cross
As if modern Germans wear crosses.
>Don't make photos in the public.
>Don't say a single word than "thanks" in german until you can speak it properly.
So he'll never learn.
>Don't even think about using our flag or war something where the german flag is on.
What did he mean by this.
my existence in this war is so essential for it to end
Aye you gotta solve that Mohamed problem you got their Germany, quite the pest you got
Are you 17?
There is one opportunity to get accepted by other outcast group
fuck off ahmed
With that logic western civilization would not exist, you have to go back
as i said before it's obvious that i'm not just escaping muslims,there are over a hundred fucking reason why i left syria i just mentioned that atheist part to get my point
Come on mate, you don't get to call the shit food and shelter we give them "free handouts" as a first-worlderz where you most likely abuse the system to buy niche porn and dunk weed.
Stop acting like you fought the Inquisition.
We already know you won't go back when the war is over. Because there are safe areas in Syria controlled by the government. The situation is much better now than even a year ago.
Doesn't matter because you just won't go back, you never will. Disgusting.
Wanna know why our countries are great? Because we didn't run, we fought and won.
didnt trump say that he thinks going to the middld east or supporting fighting groups there is a bad idea
You claimed refugee status "to be yourself" is the fucking problem.
dat pic
So you never intended to stay in syria your whole life and are just using the german people to leave now while everything will be paid for?
Didn't had the chance to fight in one yet
Sure as fuck I would
You desert niggers and your victim complexes, I swear
fucking hell you're annoying
>syria sucks!!
>germany sucks!!
>mean ol' muslims wanna kill me
I wish they would have.
Any qt refugee babes
If you would know how many of these rats take selfies in public and send it than to their friends in Syria to get them here and promote Germany.
He can learn it in his shithole and he won't need it later anyways because we will kick him out or kill him.
Wearing a cross shows that he is not a muslim.