Why are abos so incredibly retarded?
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Because they are something like 40,000 years behind us on the human evolutionary scale
(skip to 1:30 for the abo part)
holy fuck, this is incredible. they literally look like gorillas
What the fuck did I just watch?
There is no way these things are human
they're the inbetween
the missing link
I'm more weirded out about how they're completely incapable of being together without fighting one another.
That`s really very underrated topic. Too band pol is only good at memes and bantz.
i just pretend abos aren't real and since i'll never go down under, i'll never have to face the reality
jesus christ......do they have a language?
Oi cunt, give us ya loitah, sort me out aye
I mean. I can see why white people are intelligent (ice age survival - retards die out).
Niggers are retarded, because they did not have to survive anything. Everything in savanna is edible. No cold winter, no nothing.
Abos had no need to survive the Winter, but they fished and are present throughout islands of oceania. And the boat building and fishing is how anglos and maltians define their separate place in white race "because we could swim on boats on the top of other white activities and this is top-tier intelligent skill".
They have more linguistic diversity than Europe. Educate yourself bigot.
How else would they explain to other abbos how to do penile subincisions?
what the fuck are they even
there was no reason for them to evolve past what they are...
then da evil white man came and gave them 40 000 years of progress and they couldnt handle it so now they all sniff petrol and beat their kids
There was a group of them on Tasmania that never invented fire.
they also forgot, or never discovered, fishing, and recoiled in horror when the white man presented them fish
So I presume some white person has procreated with them at some point. What do the half-breeds look like?
The gap between Whites and Asians and the natives of the Americas, Africa, and Australia is staggering. I just don't get how it got and remains so extreme.
its because the original white settlers oppressed them, denied them education and rights after stealing their land. whites are truly evil.
What i don't understand is how fucking ugly they are. Amerindians are not even remotely close to being as ugly as abbos are.
this is amazing and i've laughed so hard. this duo should have a regular tv show.
Do Native Americans have any Neanderthal in them? That's the main cause for the difference in looks and base intelligence of the various races.
>Wise Aboriginals
Holy shit
The native Americans are Asians and some of them made pretty good civilisations.
Yes, everyone has some amount of Neanderthal DNA except legit Africans.
ship them in to Sweden where they'll be welcome and given everything.
they do not.
Jesus Christ, killing this people would be a mercy
I think Oceanians and Australian abbos have little to none. They have more Denisovan than any other proto-human in them.
Yes they do. Neanderthal DNA is mainly a Eurasian thing including of course the Siberians who crossed the Bering land bridge.
This is already bad, but the fact that it's performed right next to a person with decent piano skills and singing voice makes it look even worse.
Abos are made to red pill whites.
What the fuck is this shit? I'm literally dying of laugh in here. Even us triracial monkeys make better music than that.
can someone post the same species different species meme with a photo of a white guy and an abbo and two birds
Man, i love bossa nova. Can you recomend me some artists?
They are not Homo Aryanas. Humanity is a social construct. Homo Abbocus is a mixed species of Denisovans, Neanderthals, "Sapiens", and one more archaic hominid.
Good bye Abbos.
We stole an entire generation of children amd tried to breed them out.
This one?
There are literally hundreds of bossa nova singers. It's hard for me to recommend you one as I don't really listen to it very often. You can pick any of this list though and have 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
It looks like somebody just Photoshoped nigger lips on top of a model. just disgusting
Oh my dog, this frighteningly monotonous jamaga jimuga chant is going to haunt my dreams.
But at least young Abos must look less ugly, right? No way there is not a single hot Abo girl? Right?
the native north americans weren't that bad off i think. they survived for hundreds or thousands of years (including through harsh winters), and expanded all over the place. they had boats, bow&arrows, fishing, farming, housing (albeit primitive), and other such shit.
obviously not as technologically advanced as white and asians, but i wouldn't even consider lumping them with abos or many of the africans.
>bust out laughing at their own bullshit
>remember they were offered a pallet of tallboys for doing this
>stick slapping intensifies
Why do they have blond hair instead of kinky? Did the Aussies interbreed?
Nasty. Just nasty.
Same. This is basically whats stopping me from visiting Australia. I dont wanna see them irl
god dammit you made me google it, why didn't the first colonizers just kill every abo on sight?
The Australian government literally tried to breed them out of existence because of how subhuman they are
Honestly, all kidding aside, we should study them and native New Guineans. The average IQ for both of them are well below the level of what we would consider mental retardation in the western world. I think they may be primitive homo sapiens that possibly left Africa in a different time period and went straight to the Australian area. For some reason, they didn't face the selective pressure for intelligence as the other non-Africans did.
Abos and New Guineans share 3 to 6 percent of their DNA with Denisovans, a primitive homo species, which may be a leading cause of their mental deficiencies. In comparison to modern Humans, there is some DNA absent in Denisovans that has to do with brain function and development.
The ugliness is mostly due to fetal alcohol syndrome. Aborigines around the time of colonization actually looked more normal.
What's their average IQ? Mid 60s?
Homo Erectus Australius
Abos aren't African you retard.
I know man, I googled it myself and, well, I found something.
This girl actually looks alright, though I'm afraid to think what she will turn into in a couple decades (of course, a Russian should probably be last person to bitch about beautiful girls turning babushkas in their 40s).
Nice bait
She can't be more than 1/4th Abbo.
in fact the white and black girl look very similar!
I feel a weird urge to exterminate all missing link creatures tbqh
Nice Cro-Magnon Upgrade, bro!
Australian gay boner?
>1/20994040 abbo
Not sure about 1/4, but
>Her mother is an Indigenous Australian and her father is of German-English descent.
So yes, her example is hardly applicable.
(And it makes me wonder why would a German-English father take an Abo for a wife? Out of despair?)
>abo "intellectuals"
Whites have to teach abos not to huff gasoline.
Why do these white cucks try and save abos? Why do any Australians care about them? Is it required or something? How do these "people" stay alive? They seem to do everything they can to die early deaths. Is their population at least going down?
Memes aside, what's Sup Forums's view on migration dates of the aboriginals, New Guineans? Post maps and infographics, if you've got them. What about the isolated people of the Sentinel and Andaman Islands? Genetic isolates such as the above (and also the Tasman natives) intrigue me.
Is legit?
>Why are abos so incredibly retarded?
because they're Australian
Irish bro bringing the high level bantz.
Yeah, native new worlders were developing. Agriculture (Mexican maize, eastern agricultural complex, andes crops), large cities (Aztec/Maya/Olmec/Mississippian/Inca), written languages, and so forth. THey were clearly progressing.
Australian aborigines actually lost technology over the course of 40,000+ years.
San bushmen are the same way in Africa. Harsh climates basically mean that there's no opportunity to really progress beyond hunter-gatherer cultures.
Abos had no farmable crop in Australia nor any beasts of burden. The two most fundamental things for society to develop. As such they lived a strictly hunter gatherer lifestyle for sixty thousand odd years in what is essentially a closed ecosystem with hardly and major changes.
It's not their fault for the past, but their current behaviour is absolutely their fault. Despite technically being our same species they are highly untrainable and prefer to live as sister raping savages in the bush
like 62
It's the latest research.
Blah Blah Blah. Muh Humans.
We are talking about Aussie abo's right
Cause our abo's are alos subhuman but to a lesser degree.
Interesting read.
They all are. That's why we whites created a word specifically to describe them as a type of people. Abbo.
What's wrong with canadian injuns why are they worse than american injuns?
No reason to develop higher intelligence if the retarded hunter gatherer lifefstyle gets you food and allows you to breed. Australia has no natural filters for high intelligence its the worst place to put developing branch of humanity in ad expecting them not to be wild animals.
Because they are legit subhumans. No really, they are subhumans.
I don't think they're worst then Americans, they are of the same degree.
Mexico and the Americas are a perfect place for developing humanity and the Aztec's couldn't realize cannibalism is wrong.
Holy shit Sweden, I didn't know you had it in you
We believe you. We're coming to save you bro.
I thought all men were created equal
looks Indian or Sri Lankan tbf senpai
No Central America gimped the intelligence of the Siberian nomads that migrated into the New World they literally became stupider except the ones that lived in Alaska because you see user a tropical unchanging environment favors impulsive dumbasses the most since they breed the fastest thats why every tropical area on earth has the most savage humans on the planet. The North American Natives for some reason didnt develop higher impulse regulation despite living in temperate forest and have amazon native tier savagery.
sniffing petrol is the only new thing they've been beating their kids for 40'000 years.
and eating them, look it up
does the average Russian know about aboriginals in Australia?
I was waiting for this. Truly amazing there are Aussies who feel guilty about trying to exterminate these '''''''humans'''''''
Ok that makes sense.
Doesn't change the fact that Abos are subhuman, my question now is why the ugly looks?
Because they're in Australia..
Haha normal niggers do the same shit.
G-guys we are attractive too! Just look at this mixed race woman. She is attractive right?
Abo's are proof that the denisovan race must have been the ugliest humanoids ever to exist. Just think that only 5%~ percent of their DNA is enough to make them look this hideous.
Because they have non-human DNA.
Airdrop a few thousand niggers into the desert and have them kill the last of the Abos.
Holy fuck.
Sometimes, genocide is the right thing to do.
In a hot climate humans tend to have ape looking faces since the primate face is designed to deal with thermoregulation, there was no reason for their faces to become less apelike if it wasnt becoming a problem for them like the ancestors of Eurasian humans. The blacks also retained their apelike features because it wasnt a problem for them in survival. You will also notice that American natives in the tropical areas tend to have big noses as well just convergent evolution. While Abos are ugly as fuck to us they have an alien sense of sexual attraction because these ugly females are hot to the males thats why they rape them so much. The same applies to black africans that think their women are gorgeous but show them a more evolved looking female and they go instant rape mode like a white female or an arab female or any eurasian female.
Denisovas lived in Central Asia user they really dont have much to do with Abos, and they were smarter than pure human savages in Africa.
Denisovans could be the original Mongoloids.