What the fuck is going on with Tom Hardy in this interview? His hair looks fucking stupid and he can't stop fidgeting.
What the fuck is going on with Tom Hardy in this interview? His hair looks fucking stupid and he can't stop fidgeting
He's in Delaney mode.
thingken of Nootka
He's just come off a bender
He lost his fidget spinner
Wow DiCaprio is such a bitch
What did you mean by this?
mmmmm i have...a use for you
Lost his pelts.
That reminded me how bad the revenent was
>Tom Hardy's Taboo character is so memeworthy that people have completely stopped Baneposting
Never thought I'd see the day.
>His hair looks fucking stupid
Be very careful now
not as bad as your spelling
Hes a soft nigga and i wouldn't give him a gun
Hotheads leave!
>'Max was my support unit, it’s like I had a focus; I had an identity and higher self-esteem because something relied on me and loved me constantly... I’m very, very lucky that people - from 17 to now - have always allowed me to have my dog around.'
>When Max passed away in 2011, a devastated Tom told the Irish Central: 'My dog and son recognise me no matter what. Actually, my dog's dead now so he won't. We had him cremated.
>'There's a cardboard box of his ashes on our sofa that we're working out what to do with. I might put him in a pillow.'
He was still griefing
>no fidget spinner
how dumb are you?
wtf i dont have autism now?
uhhhh hmmm
Be veeery careful, now...
>what did you say, boy?