Who was in the wrong here? Was it the horse?
Who was in the wrong here? Was it the horse?
>we live in a timeline where this movie exists
Hell of a thing, I gotta say.
I always saw this in the doco section of my video store as a kid and thought it was about people abusing horses or something.
I guess I was half right.
They made a docu about Mr Hands?
Wait, what's this movie? Does some dude stick his dong in a horse or something?
The documentary about Two Girls One Cup had a better overall message and balance.
yea, like ten years ago.
A guy died 'cause a horse fucked him too hard and ruptured his colon. Not even joking.
Is it opposites day?
...something like that
Is this about the guy who bled to death after having his ass ruptured by horse dick?
no, it's the other way around
What the actual fuck? Why does this movie exist?
I saw it. The dont show it in the doc but when the horse cums and pulls out some of his lower intestine comes out. It's over in less than thirty seconds.
Is this an Equus adaptation?
I don't know
But once there was a pony tied to a post in front of a store and it was pissing. It had a huge member. It was surreal. It also reminded me of this movie and the scene where they get on the farm and some pony comes around and suck off a mustang right in front of them. Well, it's not in the movie, but the talk about it.
...Because it happened in real life, and this was a documentary. The guy and some of his pals took trips to the barn, got fucked by horses, and fucked some horses themselves.
So this is a video you can get on the internet...?
How fucking retarded do people have to be?
You just don't understand the allure of horse cock/cunt
I hope I never do
Pinyan previously lost the ability to experience certain sensations after suffering from a motorcycle accident, and became involved in increasingly extreme sexual acts such as dildos, fisting, and sex with horses. He was a part of a group of men who received anal sex from horses and sometimes had sex with one another afterwards. In 2015 Charles Mudede of The Stranger wrote that the men had a sexual fixation on large penises "that may have had nothing to do with horses."[1] He also believed Pinyan did not truly love horses and was not a true zoophile.[1]
>He was a part of a group of men who received anal sex from horses and sometimes had sex with one another afterwards
How have you not seen mr hands? Are you 12?
He couldn't just buy a really big dildo?
I don't know user. I guess they wanna "experiment". What happened to liking tits, pussies, hips, asses and at wworst, human cocks? Why would you even fuck the poophole of a stalion?
I envy him.
I hear the guy with the jar didn't really love glass jars, he was just in it for the bloody sex. What a lowlife!
Remember when jerking off to sailor moon pictures was enough?
Your loss.
Whatever man, animals are gross and dirty
I've been fapping to bailey jay and natalie mars for years but THAT is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
I never even did that user. I had Busty Western Comic Book Waifus.
But yeah. People are just fucked up I guess. How do you even fit a horsecock in your anus?!
Answer: Evidently, you don't...
Mr hands and the hammer time video were some of the first videos me and my friends watched on the internet.
Gore and porn destroyed our innocence early on
>not wanting sweet,untouched horse pussy
Keep fawning over your whore celebrities,just means more for me.
Anime isn't real, user
Are you implying fapping to GIRLS with dicks is gay?
Fucking millennials. My friends and I raped real life women and smashed up real dead bodies. Put your cellphone down and live in the moment, shithead
It's not implying.
It is gay
2008: A 43-year-old mother of four in Ireland died from having sex with a German Shepherd dog owned by a man she met in an online fetish chatroom. The semen of the dog triggered a fatal allergic reaction similar to that of a peanut allergy. The owner of the dog was later criminally charged in 2011 under Ireland's national anti-bestiality laws, the first such case in Irish legal history ever since the said laws were passed in 1861
If you're imagining it's a girl how is it gay.
If I pretend rape is consensual I'm not a rapist
>the dags
>the semen of the dog triggered a fatal allergic reaction similar to that of a peanut allergy
>food allergies are proven to be entirely psychosomatic
>she basically had a heart attack from the shame of having a dog cum inside her
>when they seem to think you're name is help
>he doesn't know /mlp/ exists
i envy you
You forgot a board called /mlp/. Full of horse fuckers there
There's an entire board in this website that is dedicated to that shit. Are you that naive?
Dude had nerve damage and could only get off from getting his ass reamed by huge dongs.
Look it up, he couldnt physically get hard otherwise.
>dog semen
You want to tell us something there buddy?
Honestly one of the most beautiful and moving documentaries i have ever seen.
it's so rare to see realness like that in people.
As if 15" Black Dildos don't exist. The guy was nuts, pure and simple.
Is there some kind of zoophilia lobby or something?
>he might loved getting fucked by horses, but he was totally not one of us noble horsefuckers
Imagine the fights between the catfuckers and the dogfuckers. Or the rivalry between the stallionfuckers and the ponyfuckers in the horsefucker fandom.
Now you understand how I feel about fans of opposing sports teams
The same way Stucky shippers feel for Stony shippers?
Seriously. Fuck those sportsball meatheads.
I get that you like sweaty black men, but let's keep it related to the thread.
fuck off Adam
I don't understand your post.
>food allergies are proven to be entirely psychosomatic
>Sup Forums does bill nyeesc science
This is why no one ever has allergic reactions from food that had contaminants they were unaware of right
>>food allergies are proven to be entirely psychosomatic
It was on dialup shit head
Horses are less expensive tho