What do normies and Faggots see in this shit? What's the appeal?
What do normies and Faggots see in this shit? What's the appeal?
Other urls found in this thread:
So that I can feel better about my mental disorders
>What's the appeal
It's funny.
I to cannot possible fathom how this tripe is entertaining. Tis the curse of being a patrician I say. Now gib (You)s pls.
Typical scene
>Hey Morty
>Yeah, Rick?
>We have to go to Cyclon 15 to get the galmwappers
>What's a galmwrapper?
>Don't worry about it, Morty. It's Reeeeallly edgy shit, Morty. Really edgy.
>But I have to, like, go to school, Rick. Why are you taking me out of my comfort zone? It's like I'm a fish, and you are taking me out of water.
>But they have really good galmwrappers, Morty. Really good.
>What if I refuse you, Rick?
>You don't have any free will, Morty. You have to fuel the plot. People laugh at you getting into crazy situations and screaming.
>Well maybe, I don't want to scream anymore, Rick.
>You'll squirm and scream and like it, bitch.
>Don't call me a bitch, Rick!
>But you're my bitch, Morty. Slide off those pants.
>Rick! No. That is inappropriate!
>Just have to get me a galmwrapper out of this drawer. Erase the evidence, Morty. And erase your memory. Just have to put it on the old cock, Morty. Just slip it on. You won't remember a thing.
>But RIck, that's too edgy! And I'm not sure it fits within the story circle!
>Joseph Campbell was a drunk and pedophile, Morty. Everyone knows that.
>No, Rick!
>Oh wait, here comes Summer. Act normal Morty. Act normal.
Sup Forums alt-right shills drive mankind to certain doom. 'Cause nothin' really matters after 9/11 and plutocrats ate your dinner.
Why does it bother you
>8 posts
>8 posters
pickle rick poster is apoplectic right now
The only thing I don't understand is how fanatical the fans are of this show, even more so than Game of Thrones.
A typical GoT fan would say,
>"You don't watch GoT? Really?"
a Rick and Morty fan always sounds the same,
He clearly wants to understand the appeal; what bothers him is... not understanding the appeal.
Is that hard to comprehend for you?
I was drugged, and when I woke up, Rick and Morty was playing in an abandoned basement.
reminds me of back to the future but funnier.
It caters to the "Science rules :^)" crowd.
Then there are OG [as] fans who can appreciate this show.
Normies have never entertained any existential thought before.
>but funnier.
So you have shit taste?
But that is shit.
>what is Season 1 of Dr. Katz
You can tell how immature the writers are because they think alcoholism is cool.
I loved that opening. That was a great way to start a new show off.
Alcoholism, violent misanthropy and bombing the city to create a "fresh start", it really just paints Rick as a huge asshole from the get go.
I've only seen season 1 and the rest of the episodes are hit or miss (or forgettable), but I'll defend opening your new cartoon like that.
Sorry it wasn't the city, he was going to erase the human race and turn Morty into the new Adam with Jessica as Eve.
Edgy and biblical.
Rick and Morty is a great autism test and Sup Forums never passes it because you niggas take everything so seriously
Bullshit. Show me 1 funny clip from the show. I bet you can't.
So, you don't take American Gods seriously? It's like totally ground-breaking.
>clearly used to show how dysfunctional and miserable Rick is
absolute autism
>you niggas
sup normalfag white kid
Go watch any episode.
Because they're normies and faggots.
We're in a generation where people can't watch Sopranos on HBO GO for the first time without checking their phone 67 times and episodes.
We're in a generation where people watch other people play video games.
>A generation who posts on Sup Forums
But muh Kubricks.
Rick and morty is a decent show.
The fanbase is trash, though.
You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty
hahahahahhahahha literally rolling lmao
People have always looked for a way to voice their critiques/beliefs/bantz, etc Now it's Sup Forums, before that it was IMDB boards, aol chat, writing to your local newspaper, etc
Checking your phone constantly and watching other people play video game is nulevel retard shit.
And they deserve to stay like that forever.
there are no good fanbases on the internet
hello autist
Not as bad as Steven Universe fags. But you're right.
In fact, I think that Steven Universe fans are the worst people on the planet. We should lure them all to a convention/cosplay and gas the entire convention center.
I've seen this gif for years and I just now noticed the thumb was fake
Nigga, what? Your return key broke or some shit?
I watched meeseeks and destroy and there was nothing funny or entertaining in it. Just shitty and annoying voice acting and characters.
>watching episodes out of order
>why wasn't this funny
They haven't seen Back the Future or any of the films, shows R&M parodies and thus think that all of the parodies are original ideas. Furthermore they haven't seen any of the other shows and movies which have parodied popular sci-fi movies either such as the ones which do it a whole lot better.
R&M plebbitors are the same as YouTube fags in that they love their easy-to-remember throw-away lines. Actually, you can go just about anywhere on the internet, and once R&M comes up you'll hear a chorus of, "Wubba lubba dub dub!" and, "SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!" like trained parrots.
Mostly though it's a show for normies who, "Just aren't into all that dumb nerdy shit lol."
It is for sci-fi what CoD was for gaming and GoT was for fantasy.
>says show is funny
>can't post even a single funny clip from it
Rick and Morty is an episodic series with a 20 minute runtime that is mostly spent towards trying to make it's dumb fanbase repeat the show's catchphrases on the internet. Another way this show uses it's runtime is referencing pop culture things so the dumb kids who watch this show can point at the tv and say "ha ha I know about that thing :^)" and post about it later on reddit.
>It is for sci-fi what CoD was for gaming and GoT was for fantasy
So stuff that had a decent following but instantly got hate the moment it became popular.
/lit/ shilled ASoIaF so hard before the show became a thing and now they hate it as a community, same with season one of rick and morty and Sup Forums. It's all contrarianism and I hate it.
>such as the ones which do it a whole lot better
interesting wording, why didn't you just name names instead of this vague shit.
>reddit show
>one of the creators uses Sup Forums
rly make me think
i'm not the guy who said the show was funny, i'm saying you have autism
That the creator of Rick and Morty would just put that drivel out there for people see at all freakin' astounds me.
>It's all contrarianism and I hate it.
It's really not. This show is BBT of animated sitcoms.
Can someone suggest a good adult animated comedy that's currently being made? Let's see what you patricians watch.
>inb4 depressed Netflix Horse and Le Danger Zone
Disliking a show because of it's fan base.
Do you ever have thoughts of your own?
that's family guy
That redundant. We're on Sup Forums. Anyone who belongs here has autism.
Okay, I'll bite.
The show's animation bothers me.
I think the voice acting is lame.
It repeats jokes that I don't find funny.
I cannot stand Rick as a character and how other characters defend him as though we as the audience are being told by the creators to like him when he's clearly an asshole who shouldn't be liked.
There are moments where we see hints of selflessness from Rick and flaws which make him seem as though he hates himself more than everyone else, but stuff like that isn't present nearly enough to make up to balance out the douche scales.
Conversely there are characters like Jerry who started out unlikable only to be shit on so much that I begin to feel sympathy for them, and then they keep being shit on again, as though the creators want us to keep laughing.
On a similar note, there are moments of pathos, yet they are quickly invalidated. I thought the finale to season two offered up some much-needed humanity, but the season 3 premiere promptly erased all of that.
I absolutely despise writers who confuse flawed anti-heroes and assholes you love to hate for assholes who are super smart, always win, and everyone loves. That's just the power fantasy of a middle schooler with a superiority complex.
Shall I go on, user?
But it's all on Harmon's story cycle, and therefore is perfect in every way.
every rick and morty idiot praise that episodes of interdimensional cable and they are crap, like almost all the series. it only have like 5 good episodes and the rest are extremely cringy.
>how other characters defend him as though we as the audience are being told by the creators to like him
no, rick isn't likeable at all and the show doesn't show him as likeable, morty gets tired of his shit constantly, beth and summer have (grand)daddy issues
jerry is clearly shown to be right about him in s03e01 too
i think your problem is that the characters don't react the way you want them to
Idk dude it isn't funny to me either
Yet Morty keeps coming back to him as does Beth and Summer, and Jerry is shit on for daring to oppose him.
Then there's that line where Bird Person defends Rick, saying that he's a wonderful person.
More than anything however, the show defends him. He never answers for his bullshit, and when he does it's just a bait and switch to fool us into thinking something finally caught up with him.
every soccer mom and their catvideo is on normie chan these days
Lotta deadbeats that don't know how to have fun in this thread
terribly unfunny, the voice acting is awful
When does the funny part start?
>Rick and Morty is a great autism test
>Sup Forums never passes
That's because we're not autistic like you user
Great post
To be fair, that scene was totally improvised
>redditors don't use le Sup Forums XD
and? Doesn't make it funny. And I'm one of those people who easily laugh out loudly in front of a monitor
Only reddit enjoy rick and morty
no it doesnt, it actually makes fun of it
I liked the episode with the blue guys who's entire life cycle becomes improving Jerry's short game. That was great.
The other episodes aren't too funny and season 2 I didn't really enjoy at all
>check out this epic random humour!!!!
>What do you mean it sucks? Lotta deadbeats that don't know how to have fun in this thread
eromanga sensei
my little pony: friendship is magic
it's a well constructed, well animated and creative comedy.
i think what many see as overappreciation stems from the decline in good comedy programming.
fuck off. a board does not have a single opinion on every piece of media. and you're not a contrarian if you think for yourself. you fucking drone
>When does the funny start XDDD
>This isn't funny and I usually laugh at everything
Pray tell, what would you consider to be funny?
the improv episodes were the worst
Shut your eyehole
they take the schmpleegle and rub it on the blingading. the frublo is then rubbed on the googoogaga to provide extra blishblosh
plenty of stuff actually, but the topic here is Rick and Morty so please stick to that
>*burp* I had to make a bomb, Sup Forums
>Right now we're gonna *grunts* we're gonna go pick up your little friend, Sup Forums
>And I-*burp* I want you to have someone, Sup Forums
>It's gonna be like the new Adam and Eve. And you're gonna be Adam, a-a-and Sup Forums's gonna be Eve
Stealy was god tier tv
No no no, no sneaking your way out of not talking
you're the one moving the point of the thread
>Tfw tv pickle posted so much that I laugh every time I see pickle rick
fuck off hipster
When did you realize that you were a Jerry?
I honestly do not get this show. American Dad is a much better cartoon.
Yes but much like Colbert it is accepted by those types of people who don't realize that.
Ooooh yeah, gotta get schwifty in here
It's time to get schwifty
Colbert guest starred on an episode once