What can I expect Sup Forums?

What can I expect Sup Forums?

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A shit book written by a psychotic man

Your awakening.

bump for interest with oc

Why do you have a faggoty ass braclet on?

Sikh bracelet.

Insane ramblings

Oy please don't, No goyim no!!! AHHH!!

u got some thick ass wrists

you workout?

yes i do SS

can you actually find that in a store or did you order it online? lol

a description of how DD became racially aware

I got it from Amazon senpai.

> Shilling david Duke
You can expect nigger dicks raping you for reading that garbage and falling for the new hillary meme. Duke is a lifelong democrat and paid shill for the clintons.

t. former neo-nazi

freeze frame of Duke in a klan outfit,
voice over: "you may be wondering how I got in this situation"

Racist southerners were Democrats before Nixon started pandering to them to win their votes.

Now they switched over to the GOP.

David Duke had a very pro-white record when in congress.

Prepare to be AWAKENED

Relevant Links to Duke's Campaign:

>Announcement Video

>Campaign Website:


>David's Website (Not campaign specific):



>Youtube Account:

>David Duke vs. Alex Jones

>David Duke vs. The Young Turks

I just watched the Frontline episode on him from 1992.


I understand where he comes from now
>bright and curious as a boy
>father was absent
>mother was a drunk
>indoctrinated by the local white nationalists as a kid
>liked the attention being a neo-Nazi gave him in high school and college
>spent one summer teaching English in Lao during their commie wars that he would later refer to as "serving in Lao" despite never having been in the military
>had grand plans for politics such as becoming governor of Louisiana that never panned out
>had a base of support back in 1992 that is basically dead today
>becoming less relevant with each passing year and knows it

A deep insight into the psychological chess board of race relations and the ensuing scorn tactics placed on those who dare play the contrarian reactionary to the establishment control of the big cities and governing establishments

>saged, stop shilling your campaign on here david

To not be able to board a plane for a while

>That video

Where did we go so wrong?


Did you watch the whole thing user?

How do I get thick wrists?? I'm pretty strong and work out when I can but I look like I have lady wrists, it's an ego killer.

>actually buying this shit
Lmfao this is why le wight rase is dying. How much did you spend on that hunk of junk? You should burn it and pirate it instead. Grow up dude. Stop paying for books. You have unlimited information at your fingertips. Utilize it.

Forum sliding is a tactic used by Shill posters

>don't support the efforts of the human who wrote that book

normally I would agree with you but I doubt a Duke book has any insight beyond a 4th grade level, if even sane. most likely not even worth the paper its printed on

>dude i did actual shit in life and hate those dirty niggers pls buy my book or else youre a JEW KIKE XD

Kill yourself. Information that isn't classified or up should be free. Moneygating is disgusting, especislly for fucking books whose messages sum up to "i hate niggers" or "just do your best and never give up".

>t. Yitzhak Goldberg

I hope they didn't put you on a watch list for buying that

Not him, but they probably did. Feds came to a friend of mines house in 2006 asking why he was buying books from a "known terrorist organization."

A book publishing company called AK Press.

Work with handheld tools develops wrists pretty well.

I don't think I've ever seen a construction worker with thin wrists...

eh i agree with that. No need to get so hostile. I only bought it because I hate reading on computer screens and I love reading from books.

run test, do wrist curls and reverse wrist curls

its about his kampf