Brit/pol/ Transhumanism Edition

>Leaked e-mails show that Steven Woolfe is ineligible to stand for leadership of UKIP

>Boris Johnson's cat evicted from Number 10 after sneaking in when the door was open

>Blairite Labour Party donor Michael Foster's legal challenge to Corbyn's right to be on leadership ballot

>Corbyn supporters consider legal challenge to NEC's voting limitations and suspension of Constituency Labour Parties. Petition:

>Theresa May SHUTS DOWN £6.4m-per-year asylum centre

>New ICM Poll

>Syrian refugees on remote Scottish island

>Nicola Sturgeon takes political fantasy to new heights

>Theresa May in Northern Ireland

>French press fury after Hollande caves in to May

>Nigel Farage says "Germany may never be the same again" after Angela Merkel’s decision to let in 1million refugees

>The BBC continues it's long history of honest and unbiased reporting

Other urls found in this thread:

why did merkel do it?
I can't even get angry about it any more, it just makes me depressed.


Their symbol looks a bit like the hp printer symbol

Brit/pol/ is pro-Jewish. Leave your antisemitism at the door stormfags.

Anti-Muslim sentiment is welcome.

because she's a fat old sjw bitch

That pic is kinda horrifying to be honest family

after these conventions, the leaks, with more leaks on the way, dems completely refusing to talk about important issues,
for the first time, I believe Donald J. Trump will be president.

It's the future you fucking cis mortal.

>post yfw Machines genocide all of Mankind, starting with the 3rd World


>why did merkel do it?
Banter but we all know krauts can't into humour properly

Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

path of least resistance coupled with delusions of grandeur

I want to lick theresa mays hairy gilf pussy desu

>Not transcending man and becoming a cyborg
Are you even a transhumanist mate

Thinking of making a political blog, lads.
Would you read it if posted it here?

because the thought of genociding the white race makes her happy.

Holy fuck, is this OC or what?

are you any good?


Of course, the Jews are the chosen people after all, and they love the British!

Nothing better to do with my days so probably

Based Brit reporting in, is it true that our majesty is in a spot of bother?

literally detained by thought police at the airport, disgusting

First 4 mum

>Image size:
>960 × 960
>No other sizes of this image found.

Nah mate but I have no fucking clue how I found it in the first place

>why did merkel do it?

The speaker employs a rhetoric question that serves to make a point rather than to elicit a proper answer. It is used to trigger the negative feelings associated with "merkel", an authoritarian character that defiles the bastion of Western civilisation to its fullest extent by opening the lofty gates of vast European cities, that once had their grandeur.

By letting these perpetrators rape and brutally smite the poor european citizens that inhabit these places, what is left is a sense of belligerency and downright medieval behaviour that strikingly contrasts with the peaceful atmosphere European men used to be a part of.


>those constant cleavage shots in Dani's House

She filled out.

It's pretty fucking unique.

I don't know yet, I haven't started.

I dont understand? Also are you try to stalk me, if so im flattered

I was checking to see if that was a real image of you, hahahaha

>Liking a literal slag.

Really makes you think, huh...

ello mates ;) good ev'nin,as they say on the streets of england!!!!! i was just waggling my willy the other day when i googled something into yahoo...callled "porno".....oh man me mates you gotta check this out!!! all these boobies and bums for all the eye can see!!!!!my willy has never been so overwhelmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!imwagglingmywilllyyyaAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MY WILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathat hit the a bit of an artful dodger you see you pick up these tips and tricks from the rookeries and streets of england so dont go around telling anybody about porno ok???ok:)me mates we have a deal ;) waggle it away maties!!

what about the image size tho fag

important poll

How's she a literal slag? I don't really know her career or life

You have to understand. The only way her country will make up for its Nazi past, the only way Hitler will TRULY have been defeated, is when every single german has arab or african blood running through his veins. She's making sure this future becomes a reality sooner rather than later.

>Implying you wouldn't

I hope you deleted your exif data. GCHQ prowl brit/pol/ for the opportunity someone posts information about themselves.


If she had green eyes I'd be down...

Her skin is too dark too... Not my cup of tea tbqh

So when did Piers Morgan took the red pill?

U stupid nigger, of course it it mum >:)

He's been defending Trump and making some based comments recently. The only thing he is cucked on is guns.

i thought Sup Forums deletes the exif data on upload nowadays.

>Who would you marry?

Nigga please

Implying he's not an opportunist courting controversy for clicks.

Better than nothing I suppose.

i don't think so

What a hypocrite

Stop psting that ugly French slut

>tfw I will never have a qt right wing bf
Save me from the literal Marxist homos please

delete this immediately


If you're gonna waifu challenge me atleast post some higher quality pictures of your dirty slave whore instead of posting shitty low quality 2 framed memes

U mad cuz u don't have a real qt pi like mum

doesnt she have a kid out of wedlock?

or is that natalia

Like this ??

He's not "cucked on guns".

The general public does not need access to firearms.


She got married, had a kid then divorced.

Natalias husband blew himself up or some shit

Yuck yuck

>It's a someone judges rights based on needs episode


Y do u hav to be mean to mum? She is Angel

dear kek. please kill some brits

kek does not answer to pig dog american


You started it faggot

nah everyone knows kek is too busy killing frogs and krauts to kill any brits


Guns will always be hard to get hold of in Britain so circle jerk here as much as you want. It makes no difference.

natalia-tan is a qt

I don't know why I thought that was an american flag
I blame the blairites, bankers & bonuses


I thought this was just a meme, but these people actually want us to become cybermen, watch this video at around 7:30

They actually say emotions are holding us back, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Dear kek please kill this poster

Well stop posting whores, mum is official queen of pol

>On brit/pol/
>American flag
>Posting Natalia
>Not knowing that Marion and Karen are brit/pol/s waifus

Pls fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

this is a pretty cool conversation mostly about transhumanism

>subhuman slav single mother
>queen of Sup Forums

how about no

Are you actually interested in discussing the principle of the matter, or are you just going to say "well the status quo conforms to my views so whatever"?

ok im here

ok. stay bluepilled.

Men wont do anything while their wives and children live.

to save this nation you need to turn every white male into a savage equal to the muslims.

we need to revert to savagery

>single mother
go to bed Stefan

>waifuing a woman that's balding


Im on a watchlist somewhere anyway

Our countries have an extensive relationship

>single mothers are good

>it's a 'we should risk school shootings because I'm too much of a pussy to take care of business with a cricket bat' episode


>Our countries have an extensive relationship

ya sure do!

Excuse me, pls provide evidence to support ur claims :DDD

proxy off Stefan

that's my cellphone, desktop, laptop and workplace desktop wallpaper. This thread needs more mum

With that huge canyon that is the part in her hair.

trump will fix it, he makes the best diplomacy, the best

Thats actually pretty cute


>Our government is destroying the country and doing things contrary to the health of the public
>Good thing they made sure to prevent us from getting the one thing we could potentially use to bypass their rigged system and actually remove them from power

Same, m8. I can't get angry anymore. Anger is a bad emotion but sometimes useful.
I want to reserve my anger for when I need it. I take it out on gardening and growing plants. Also fishing. I love my flowers and herbs. They are very thirsty just now because of the weather. I give them water daily.

The mint plant is the most thirsty. It needs loads of water.

Of course , I bet French lady doesn't do this