Why exactly did they get Gal Godot to play Wonder Woman instead of Christina Hendricks? I think she'd have fit the part much better.
Why exactly did they get Gal Godot to play Wonder Woman instead of Christina Hendricks...
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hot, but shes way too old
Hendricks is old and fat.
because she is a massive land whale
Actually the perfect Wonder Woman is JoJo
because Jews
she should have been amazonian, pic related
Why would you hire a cow to play an amazon?
The amazons are a race of perfect women, so it would make sense for Hendricks to portray one.
They also cut one of their tits off
every time I see this pic, I cum involuntarily.
>that skinny
She should play Maxima, Superman's femdom villain
All of these spanish programs have sexualized women, which isn't good for their economy.
well spains economy has been in the shitter for years, so.....
but its all they have
>be Christina Hendricks playing wonder woman
>get puffed out and start coughing after running two feet
I don't remember Wonder Woman having this power...
Amazons aren't real sweetie
Neither are comics faggot, was that post meant to make a point?
Why the fuck did Zack Snyder cast her as Wonder Woman? What was going through his mind to make him think "Yes!! YOU are the perfect wonder woman!"
Moreover, why did DC and WB allow Zack Snyder to make such important casting decisions in the first place? He's always so hit-or-miss with casting
Literally how is it possible to be that retarded? Of course comics are real. You mean not realistic. And that makes the issue of whether amazons cut one tit off all the more irrelevant you down syndrome.
What a rare gift to look more retarded with every word that leaves your mouth
>Of course comics are real
Now this is the kind of THICC I can get behind off.
Babbyposters fuck off its nap time
ani.me are re,al :^)))
>wonder woman will never have a body like that
>Wonder WOMAN
that's a big bitch
Fuck off Papist
i think most of the people crying about it could live with a poor likeness if she weren't also a shit actor
someone post that fukin jon hamm webm
You damn right
Because a fat wonder woman is worse than a skinny wonder woman.
literally who
Don't ever reply to me again
>Christina Hendricks
That's a fucking terrible idea. 4/10, I'm annoyed.
>brown sugar
She doesn't look very brown.
That's why it's translucent, ass of a darkie, tits of a pole
>Christina Hendricks gets the part of Wonder Woman
>Chris Pine's part as love interest is rewritten to be a young boy
> Entire movie is rewritten to be first person like HH
> Instead of an origin story it focuses on Wonder Woman jerking off her shot lover
Nepotism, of course
Gadot can't even speak English properly
No not facial expressions!
Not the ones in the Wonder Woman universe
>Why exactly did (((they)))
This thread is kino
Because faggots like stick women
>I think she'd have fit the part much better.
No. Neither would fit.
>hes a shota fag
>Cast extras that look the part
>Have a skelly as your lead
>implying sexy sluts wont increase their ratings
I love Christina, but you'd be crazy to think she should be cast as Wonder Women. Just because a woman has big boobs does not mean she should be WW.
>Why exactly did they get Gal Godot to play Wonder Woman instead of Christina Hendricks?
jew knows.
from all the disgusting fetishes of tv pic related was always my worst nightmare
how can ppl find this attractive
no bad pic bullshit..she looks like a blob of meat in any pic
>that look the part
right one looks like a man in drag
much like gadot kek
is this from some event related to Neon Demon?
agreed. It was specially troubling to have her play an incredibly attractive model in Neon Demon. Broke the immersion, Abbey Lee should have been Jesse.
>Why exactly did they get Gal Godot to play Wonder Woman instead of Christina Hendricks?
Why? Because she is he most recognizable actress who could fit the role and also work within the cape shit system. Your list of realistic choices was:
>Gal Gadot
>Eva Green
>Anne Hathaway
>Katy Perry
>Alison Brie
>Alexandra Daddario
And that is pretty much it. Every other woman who could have potentially fit the role in 2015 when BvS was filming had some other engagement or reason why she was not cast. Go down the list
>Scar Jo
Already in marvel
>Mandy Moore
Not famous enough, perhaps too old
>Jessica Alba
Too old, and now too rich
>Christina Hendricks
Not famous enough, too heavy, too hold
>Antje Traue
already cast in the DCU as Faora
>Eliza Dushku
Too old
>Jennifer Connolly
Way too old
>Kristen Stewart
Would not accept the role, not actually that suitable for it
>Hayley Atwell
Already in the MCU
>Jaime Alexander
Already in the MCU
>Penelope Cruz
Too old
>Kiera Knightley
Works for Disney, a rival company
>Natalie Portman
Already in the MCU
>Jennifer Lawrence
Already in the MCU
>Jessica Biel
Too old
>Kate Beckinsale
Too old
>Kate Upton
Not a believable actress, would be a joke casting
>Katie McGrath
Not famous enough, would be confused for Kiera Knightley, also very skinny
>Zooey Deschanel
Too old.
Eva Green was not any better of a casting than Gal imo, I would have passed on her too.
Katy Perry is sort of stunt casting, I don't think it's the sort of thing she wants to do or the studios.
Anne Hathaway was likely on the short list of possibilities. But having already been Catwoman in the non-DCU Batman movies probably disqualified her.
So that leaves Alexandra, Alison Brie, and Gal Gadot as real world, could-have-happened possibilities. Neither one of these women have the stroke behind-the-scenes with the big studio producers that Gal has being friend with people through the F&F franchise. And Alexandra is not Jewish, which -does- count for a lot.
>Jennifer Lawrence
Already in the MCU
Correction: JLaw is in the XCU, but same reasoning.
this post is batshit crazy. congrats
>ywn live in a world where Brie is WW
Katie McGrath is also already in the DCTVU as Lena Luthor.
From the thumbnail those pasties look like those lotusboob edits
Name one thing that is crazy about it. Because it's exhaustive? If you're not here to discuss Sup Forums get the fuck out.
And because someone might think of her, Adrienne Palicki has already had her shot at playing WW and it was awful.
>Megan Fox
would be too much of a joke, potentially hard to work with, not really WW sized anyway
>Amber Heard
You can add her name to the list of could-have-beens. I'm not sure what exactly disqualified her other than perhaps she was already in talks with the DCU to be in Aquaman.
>Katy Perry
>Zooey Deschanel
I would have loved those castings, they both resemble Lynda Carter
They resemble Lynda Carter, but not Wonder Woman. At least not that strongly. They both have too round of faces.
Wonder Women, when drawn properly to her canon, has a very wide face with an angular jawline. Her face is as wide as it is tall, sometimes even more so.
And of course there is a good reason for that. Wonder Women artists in the 90s and 2000s used Lucy Lawless as inspiration.
That's not even the original faggot
And if you want to go back into history it was women like Elizabeth Taylor, Linda Darnell, Betty Page, etc
It doesn't matter who they pick although going all out and getting someone who can act better and has some actual sex appeal would have given them a better starting angle.
The movie is going to bomb so fucking hard. Nobody cares about Wonder Woman. It's going to take itself way too seriously. They'll shove to quips in there but clever writing is what they need but WB execs don't understand this and have too much control.
It's DOA. I'm predicting 42% RT score and that's only boosted by people not wanting to look sexist on social media.
This is probably the most comprehensive, actual answer to the 'why the fuck' question I've seen so far.
I still think WW looks like crap from the trailers and Gadot couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, but at least this isn't 'the Jews did it'.
Donna Troy and Diana are both Wonder Woman so it makes no difference. And they are drawn mostly identically.
It's from Ginger And Rosa.
goddamn I hate you faggots. Shes old now, even larger (not that its bad) but not in any shape to be WW.
>posting 10 year old pictures
full stop
It's because Wonder Woman is now Jewish propaganda. So they have to cast a Jew killing Germans!!!FACT!!!
Wew, I didn't even know that existed. Thought ND was the only movie where they were together.
>killing Germans
so they're going "muh dark" with WW too?
Dropped, WW is supposed to be angelic.
Christ my dick won't have any mercy tonight
>hendricks tits
how do guys even stand in her presence without wanting to fuck her? her voice is sexy as hell too
umm sweetie check your eyes
she is simply a dick magnet
>mfw reading about her death
Holy fuck that's depressing
I like how not famous enough is used as a reason when they actually cast a no mark model for the role.
oh fug I didnt know she died I just looked for WNBA white qts
I would off myself if I was the blonde
I don't even mind her DFC, but she's ugly.
i like her mostly but her nose is weird, and she's a bit flat other than that she's hot
Holy shit that really is sad. That's weird to die that young of a heart attack. Was she ever diagnosed with gigantism? They usually die young like that as well in the same way.
that nursing area sign was included intentionally
>her ugly husband gets those huge tits wrapped around his dick whenever he wants
I dont know but most fuck huge people die earlier than manlets.
At a nursing home I worked at I never saw many 90 year olds taller than 5'6. When you have long ass veins its easier for shit to go wrong and clot
Christina is a B-list tv star, she is nowhere near as visible as Gal who has been in the Fast and Furious series, which is now the possibility the most famous film series in history.
Going by google trends popularity Daddario would have been the most recognizable choice, likely owing to her appearances in the Percy Jackson movies.