Who the fuck are these people? They are clearly not engineers.
Who the fuck are these people? They are clearly not engineers
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Indeed, notice how the real engineers have translucid skin, with a softer texture like a boiled egg, the eyes are also different.
Was it bad makeup or a different race?
More like who the fuck is shit?
Its clearly a machine-xenomorph-human hybrid when you compare it from the pure breed organic xenomorph from Covenant.
they were another race the engineers engineered. they thought it was the engineers (their jesus) coming back to say what's up. instead they got btfo
this is a retard assumption I keep seeing everyone making of late
the entire point was that they went to the engineer *homeworld*, not some ass backwater nth-planet
maybe those faggots are elitist pricks who don't wander around in bio-mechanical combat armor, but just dish out orders and ocassionally sacrifice one of their own to seed an entire planet's worth of their creations
they're probably lower caste engineers.
They're white males. Their extinction at the hand of a gay man is Scott's take on the future.
why would they all gather like that then? if it's just another ship coming home to port not jesus in the sky coming to jerk off all his children
>why would they all gather like that then?
who gives a fuck
ridley scott said in an interview that the engineers on the planet that david bombed. are actually a rebel faction that oppose the other engineers (the assholes who want to kill humanity)
so david killed a a planet filled with innocents
It's clear the Engineers were messing a lot with biotechnology, their armor and ships look that way. Probably, their society was divided into castes highest of which were bioengineered and looked differently. The one we see in Prometheus prologue was a priest (it might have been some kind of a ritual like giving birth to a new life), the one in hypersleep was a scientist/warrior/whatever, and the op are common workers.
It's their safe space. A place where they can be racist white males together.
citation needed or fuck off
this shit was straight-forward as can be in the movie and it'd be bothersome if it became another Prometheus, because this time around nothing warrants that to be
just like Sup Forums then?
why in fuck does this old faggot Ridley Scott think its acceptable to drop crucial plot points on interviews and not in the movies themselves?
>Reeeeee don't drop goo on us reeeeeeeee!
This is the fucking Alien, not that shit we saw in the other movies. How could people say this is the same species as the drones in Aliens or the purebreed in Covenant really baffles my mind.
My headcanon is David finds a way to give birth to xenomorphs by modifying his own body. He becomes THE Space Jockey in Alien and the xenomorph that spawns from him is half machine half organic.
>everybody wave at our enemy faction hurrdurr
the damage control from ridleyfags is unbelievable
i exposed this same theory weeks ago. stop stealing my OC, faggot.
>tfw your creation's creation comes to your planet and drops the black goo intended for them
it's already fucking stupid that aliens/ xenomorphs had a Weyland-influenced origin instead of being something fucking scary and disturbing out of space, but this would be even worse
My interpretation of Ridley's universe, based on the relationship between the characters:
Engineers: white males
Weyland: Jews
The androids: homos
Aliens: blacks
After 35 years they seriously thought adding half a skull would make this more spooky?
>What? But I liked when the alien was just a mysterious monster from deep space! Are you telling me it was related to humankind all this time? It makes no sense! Well, except for all those human traits
i just dont want the space jockey to be a huge albino gay faggot. i want it to be a monstrosity.
But we already know the engineers wear space jockey suits. It's either an engineer or David.
you are genuinely retarded since you miss the entire point of this creature
this faggot, too
I think if we go a bit deeper, what at simple glance looks like diversity pandering is something more subtle than that.
Humans are a species gone wrong at the brink of extinction. And they show them all gay in a heavy religious movie. It cant be just pandering.
David is an atheist robot without morals. But he is also part human and thus flawed (doesnt remember well Ozymandias author). Walter tells him a single note can fuck up a symphony. The bit of human in him makes him flawed and with sin. He tries to rape the girl and engages in gay conversation/kiss with Walter.
If anything they show gay people as impious fucks that should be stoned.
its david turned into an elephant faced monstrosity.
Is this a joke? Thats the 1979 design as it appeared in the actual film.
In fact the skull is missing in all of the following media, starting with the lore raping Aliens.
It was a fossil for fuck sake, the space engineer and the xenos are milion years old, ridley is a fucking hack
that pic I posted is from the Original movie.
they originally planned to go with that look for the alien, but decided to go with the dome over it.
breh that is the original alien custom minus the translucent dome
Not enough pottery.
Engineers shouldve never been space jocleys but another specue with another spaceship and another types of xenos, perhaps trying to make their own after being at war with the space jockeys
Fake, she doesnt appear like that in the movie. Her head is normal and doesnt have bones coming from her.
In fact she only has the torso opened in half. There is no mutation. David probably extirpated her organs to create the xenos.
>In fact the skull is missing in all of the following media, starting with the lore raping Aliens.
technically all aliums have this, but future installments made the dome more opaque, which isn't a bad thing if you ask me, because part of the appeal of this thing was all the hidden creepy shit which ocassionally revealed itself to the viewer when they were paying attention, or when the camera framed it in a certain way
Pig skins yeting out
I dont want to alarm you guys, but I have sources that tell me that JAMES CAMERON is in this fucking thread shitting it up. He is still mad they retconned space bugs shit from Aliens.
In fact, James Cameron is the next poster. Ask him anything.
forgot pic
Reminder that first the eggs were in a pyramid that the derelict ship had crashed in
Then the funds were cut so they didnt built it but still they say theres a hole on the ship, the top of the pyramid.
Then Ridley said that it was a bomber
Right. So they DIDNT do the skull? So it wasn't actually like that? Ok. So I'm right.
The skull was not even remotely that visible in the actual film. The head was much smoother than that too.
>It was a fossil
theres only one way to solve this and also make david the space jockey: time travel.
i hope ridley becomes the ultimate hack by going this route.
Too organic and bug like for my taste. He looks like a cockroach.
Where are the cables and biomechanical shit?
why would james cameron worry about a movie that is clearly inferior to the Original Alien and Aliens movies.
when he is busy making 5 Avatar movies
No, you are wrong. They did the skull and its visible in many parts of the film.
it's just his head you fucking duck
they still used it. it was just barely visible under the dome
Hi James.
Hows space pocahontas going on?
they evolved since whenever
I have never noticed this before and now feel silly. This feels strange to me that this was there all this time.
man shaw must be the dumbest bitch ever
trusting david, who experiments on her
See, the head has cables
This is the final suit as it appeared in the movie.
>james cameron was wanking himself over some blue lame-brained space furries all the while making The Abyss, Terminator, Aliens, Titanic and True Lies, and writing/producing Strange Days and Point Break
to me, this is one of the most dissapointing facts of life
the runner alien from Alien 3 looked different though.
it lacked the tubes on it's back for examples and it mostly ran on 4 legs instead of 2.
But if you look at any screenshot from the film the skull is not visible in the vast majority of it.
died of aids
Me too kek
now I'm kinda wondering if they were attentive enough to give that thing a dog/ oxen skull instead of a human's
can't see it clearly, but it might look a little different from a human skull
it's hard to see because of the darkness in the scenes
but sometimes you can notice it
Now all the blacked theme makes sense
Alien was akways an alegory for the BBC
Lel it really is
problem with the alien 3 runner is the color. even the dome is darker
What does Sup Forums think of Alien 3's Assembly Cut?
This is CORRECT. Like the leaker who predicted EVERYTHING in the movie and the crossing trailer back in november, he confirmed that David combed the wrong race.
who are the mexicans?
the bonus situation
but Shaw and David set the coordinates at the end of the movie Prometheus
did somebody say sexy xenomorphs?
Post the leak please
It changes the movie from a 3/10 into a solid 7. You can see there is a really great movie below all that shit. The movie needs a third cut with the autopsy and all the shit intact. Fincher did a real sequel to Alien, way better than Aliens. Too bad the studio fucked him good.
I prefer theatrical, but a hybrid cut of the two would be the most ideal
assembly cut neuters some of the more gruesome parts in the theatrical version and relaxes some of Ripley's intense suffering; this is traded for more time on the convict planet and solving a plothole that most didn't notice was there anyway
rate dem bodies
Probably cheaper, simpler, faster makeup because there are like 50 extras who only show up for less than a minute.
>>poo in the loo caste system thinking detected
please to do the needful and KYS
the only really big change is the chestburster scene
the theatrical dog scene is brutal and bloody
the assembly cut ox scene is half off screen and the ox is already dead. while the dog was alive.
and i think the dude getting blown in the fan blades was shorter in the assembly cut version.
i do preffer the ending of the theatrical edition over the assembly cut. ripley holding on to the queen chestburster looked better then her falling down as a cross in bad looking cgi lead
You just did.
THey go from best to worse as the series progresses.
alien and aliens have the same torso design
alien resurrection, avp, and avp 2 also have the same body design
aline 3
this thing walks up to you in the club and slaps your ass with its dickgina.
what do you do?
Just saw this last night, it was honestly enjoyable and some of the deaths were brutal. Tennessee's wife burning to death was really intense to me for some reason. My big gripes are too many characters with little to no development and pretty fucking bad CG. Also the xenomorph was not. Very spooky to me in this.
They were engineers
they look different because it was easier for the makeup crew.
scott killed them off to kill off prometheus so he doesnt have to explain anything
deal with it
this movie is terrible
the fuck has cameron got to do with toys based on one of the comic series?
is that really what happened to her, or was that just concept art done by david?
her face didn't look that fucked up when we saw her
Who would win? A gorilla alien or a bull alien? My money is on the bull alien because he was literally the best toy of the line.
>Wtf has Cameron to do with Aliens having a bug like society with a Queen and other bug shit?
Geez I dont know
These movies aren't terrible because of Ridleys hackery. Still better than capeshit.
>concept art
maybe he reconstructed her like she did to her
another of his concept arts resembled pic related. She was probably getting gigered hard by his experiments
be missing my lower half, as that thing was strong enough to slap half the queens face off
aliens > alien >>>>> alien 3 assembly cut >>>> alien 3 theatrical >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alien ressurection
This is how the one from alien 3 shouldd've looked
Spoken like a true pleb
Alien > prometheus=covenant > Aliens > assemby
The rest is not even worth mentioning