what the fuck were they thinking?
What the fuck were they thinking?
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Truly the most kino scene in the film, if you didn't like it you simply did not "get" it. Sad!
I fail to see the problem
>it was s-supposed to be b-bad on p-purpose, I s-swear
Every single time
It's not bad at all though.
Raimi actually wanted Tobey to grow a small tootbrush moustache for Spider-Man 3, but Sony unfortunately didn't want to change Peter's look too much for the trilogy finale.
No, it's funny on purpose. If you don't laugh your ass off at emo Peter you're a faggot.
Patrician coming through
Doc Oc > Green Goblin > Sandman > Venom
>street dancing scene
>jazz club scene
Sandman is bullshit, he makes the least sense of any superhero
>dude he is sand
This was Raimi giving Sony the finger for their executive meddling.
>Spider-man 3.1 supervised by Raimi coming in July
Who is ready for the purified kinocut?
I rank Goblin and Doc Oc first because they had the most charisma. They went a bit overboard with the excuse for the superpowers in the third film. But at least with Sandman they tried to give him a sad story plus the fact he didn't shoot Uncle Ben in cold blood means he's not a prick like Venom. I mean, seriously a fucking meteorite?
Anyways, this was the best scene in the franchise in my opinion:
Source to confirm that? I'm very interested in this.
>what's that symbiot?
>cleanse the world?
>doesn't understand raimi camp
I liked Venom and his backstory
But Green Goblin was great. Nigga was scarier when not wearing the mask
Ok, so this all originates from the Japanese Amazon listings for the new blu ray release of the Raimi trilogy. Disc 4 was to include a "re-edit of Spider-man 3 supervised by Raimi called 3.1 that will release first in Japan".
I just checked the Amazon listing and all references to 3.1 have been erased. So actually I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Just for reference sake, I live in Japan and I've been following this news for the last month.
This. It was great, I can't believe people didn't like that scene.
100% this
most fun, best part of the movie
Sony was too busy ruining the movie by pushing the red suit vs black suit marketing scheme
Any directer of a spiderman movie after 3 wouldn't be brave enough to put in a scene like that
Can you give me the quick rundown on why the movie isn't up to par with the other two? I watched the three in a row and could tell the fall in quality. Suits fucked over the creators again?
They twisted Raimi's arm to include the black suit and Venom, which was simply too much material for one movie. For Spiderman 3 to be a complete movie, it would have to be at least 3 hours long.
>leddit strawman argument
Every single tiime
Okay I agree completely. The Venom plot felt too bloated.
>Uncle Ben Actor died one day before the 10th Anniversary of 9/11
What did Raimi Mean by This?
fuck off faggot
green goblin > venom > doc ock > sandman
Never cringed so hard in cinema I even closed my eyes
What kind of fag closes his eyes during a scene that includes BDH in a tight black dress?
It's supposed to be lame.
You gotta remember Peter is a nerdy dweeb outside of the Spiderman costume. So it makes perfect sense that this is what he thinks is "cool".
why did raimi have to be such a pleb and go for sandman so hard
the movie would have been better if he had just listened to the suits and replaced sandman with venom, of course he could also have done a better job with focus on sandman instead but sandman is intrinsically less interesting
a jealous rival photographer with an alien symbiote is much more compelling than muh daughter
Doc Ock > Sandman > Green Goblin 2 > Venom > Green Goblin 1
I cried rewatching the train fight scene
i'm a faggot?
so much kino
Me too. I cried at that scene, at Uncle Ben's death, and at Doc Ock's redemption scene.
would you rank hydro-man above or below him?
Hydroman? wat
Peter becomes a Chad though
>now nig on this
How did Raimi get away with it?
>The original scene ran for a few minutes longer, because just before the director yelled cut, Tobey Maguire started lifting his arm, imitating a nazi salute and with the index finger of his other hand he simulated having a moustache, all the while mustering "You give me Sieg Heil" ( a clear reference to the song "Fever" which was the song playing in the background. He only stopped when one of the key grips told him "Fever" was originally composed by Little Willie John, a black man. Sam Raimi apparently shows the uncut scenes to his friends at his annual Thanksgiving dinner for no reason at all.
yeah what the movie REALLY needed was less of this and more CG lasers in front of a green screen shooting the bad guy until he's dead.
Could Sandman die to a heart attack?
It's KINO.
But you're clearly a brainlet, so I will let your confusion pass.
Carnage > any other villian
comments like this
must've clicked on a link on Wikipedia and thought Carnage looks pretty cool, huh?
Fuck i cry everytime the spiderman theme appears
Or im 25 and read the comics my dad owned while growing up but hey i could have just seen a pic of him
why can't nobody just get the scene is influenced by the comic? it's meant to be like straight from the comic. that's what they were thinking.
And yet Sandman was the much better character.
It was supposed to be cringe. Not an excuse, by the symbiot is obviously trying to make Parker act "cooler" but because Parker is so much of an autist this is what he thinks is "cool"
It was supposed to be good on purpose. And it was.
If I saw it when it first came out I would have probably thought it was retarded. Only a decade later can I realize it is unironically first-order kino.
>his dad reads/read comics
It's Kino and anyone that says otherwise is a retard.
such a shitty scene.
This is a perfect description of what the scene is trying to convey. If you didn't come in here expecting it you probably aren't old enough to post.
Cant expect modern capeshitters who love MCU and new wave geek culture to appreciate the masterpiece that is the Raimi trilogy
looks just like my mom. How old is she?
Raimi's Spider-Man movies were the best. What the hell happened with super hero movies?
We're out of touch, user. People who appreciate Raimi's Spider-Man on a mature level aren't really the target audience for anything anymore. After all, they're just flicks about guys in costumes, right?
I think the campy element of Raimi's direction pushed everyone away from taking them seriously (except Roger Ebert somehow). I bet people nowadays would much more quickly call Civil War a more "mature" film than SM2.
Holy fuck I need to re-watch these, thank you Raimi
There is nothing wrong with this scene at all.
The end where the passengers grab him, to stop him from falling, and carry him into train carriage is absolutely beautiful. You will probably never see anything remotely similar in any modern capeshit, that would evoke the same feels as that scene did.
I don't understand the criticism of this scene.
It was intentionally cringe-worthy. The women Peter hits on in the streets even laugh at him.
i want to fuck your mum
i want to fuck your mum
Can't be unseen.
>tfw Tobey unintentionally disrespects the genocide of 6 million blacks by imitating Hitler
got me thinjkin
>that double chin
Why did they let a skinny-fat numale play Spiderman again?
Best spiderman ever
man, that guy looks terrible for 22
Sam Raimi and Wynton Marsalis got into a fight about music one night, so Raimi decided to get revenge by ending jazz once and for all.
>Have you been to Sup Forums's politics board? It's got some pretty cool people on it.
Raimi went way too far.
Spiderman 1 > Spiderman 2
Fight me
>he looked like a jew to me, uncle ben
>oh, peter
I unironically like that scene
Even as a kid I found it funny
>Sam Raimi apparently shows the uncut scenes to his friends at his annual Thanksgiving dinner for no reason at all.
Top fucking kek...
>We will never get competent superhero movies like the Raimi Spiderman series ever again and will instead be subjected to shitty Hack Snyder grimdark and Marvel quip bullshit forever
go on
For the people who are saying Sandman was a bad character:
Just shut the fuck up, Sandman and his sad story about his ill daughter with the sad piano melody in the background and the very good sad expression by the actor was one of the best parts of the movie
Also, that final moment when he tells Peter he was who killed his uncle and, that was an accident and then Peter despite all his anger finally forgive him...
Shut the fuck up, Sandman was great.
I would have liked a Spider-Man vs Venom solo movie but believe me, Sandman was not the problem of that movie. The problem was, and that's where all the disappointment about this movie came from, that Venom had almost no time in the movie, people thought he was going to be the main villain but then he only appears at the end and briefly.
Also the awkward dance in the streets by Peter... yeah now you can say it edgy but it was truly awkward to see. They could have made another shit to show he was bad Peter.
I thought these scenes were pretty funny, never got the hate for the movie
>I liked Venom and his backstory
Do you know Eddie Brock´s real backstory?
The one from the movie is really dissapointing
>Bruh, he took my jab, and the girl I like for no other reason besides because she´s hot seems to like him; I want to kill him!
Oh, man
>h-he looked Anglo
>Oh, thank you Pete
People will understand the self-parody and realize that the dancing IS SUPPOSED TO BE CHEESY.
>knowing what's characteristic of reddit
You can escort yourself out
Absolute madman.
needs more raimi posting
Best scene of the movie
but it was a pretty bad movie
3 villains in one movie, hamfisted plots, goblin 2 half baked, sandman halfbaked, shoehorned and retconned into Ben's death for some 'motivation', and Venom WASTED.
Honestly, Raimi could have pulled it off with more time IMO. Cut Goblin or Sandman, and focus more on venom, and we could have something great.
as far as execution he was more fun to watch