No wonder Sup Forums hates Hillary so much

No wonder Sup Forums hates Hillary so much

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im more interested in the fact that so many women will vote for a candidate just because she has a vagina.

>because no degree automatically means stupid

It just means they didn't fall for the educational Jew. nearly all higher education campuses are sickeningly liberal, which completely explains that.


Sup Forums is an international board of peace, so go suck a dick, you cuck.

>Forum sliding

>$100,000 student loans
>BA in communication/psychology/sociology/womens study/black history
>im educated guys. only dumb people vote republican

Oh it's the usual leftist argument.

Same shit here in Sweden, "only young angry white uneducated males vote for SD".

its pretty well known conservatives, racist and alt-right weenies lack education and fall for their racist belief system due to black and white thinking and generally being simple minded.

Pay attention OP, he's explaining why you're so fucking stupid

And you vote left because you're a fucking cuck.

Either that or they're currently enrolled.

>paper that says you know some potentially useless shit = intelligence

Sup Forums hates anyone who they think is better than them.

>help!!! i owe so much money, my student debt is killing me
>hehehehe you didnt go to school like i did

btw i have an engineering degree

It's hilarious how leftist trash who lionize the kike karl marx shit on the proletariat.


Pick one.

Trashing people without degrees is ableist.

fucking australians how do you guys do it

>people working trades who are getting their shit pushed in by illegals hopping the border and working for a fraction of the minimum wage
>The children of elites


Anti-Walmart Union Stays Quiet as Hillary Gets Big Donation From Heiress Alice Walton

Warren Buffett Endorses Hillary Clinton and Calls for Higher Taxes on Wealthy

Minorities exploited by Warren Buffett’s mobile-home empire

better then slavery

I like how this is posted without a hint of irony.

>Hillary is doing better then Obama
>the DNC is cracking apart
>email leaks
>40% of the democrat voterbase are bernouts and if even just half of them abandon her for trump or independents she loses 7% of her vote
>random voters dropping out because of the sheer corruption

I have 3 degrees and I hate her

I have a BS/MS. I'm pretty sure most of us are educated.


>claim to be the workers party
>constantly insult and belittle the real working class

A recipe for success

>Trump is leading even with independents
>before the DNC started crashing with no survivors
his power level will rise to 9000%+

I never understood
>I have X degrees

normal progression in academia is BSc -> Master -> PhD
why the fuck would anyone do 3 different degrees?

Satan Trips vs Aussie shitposter: whoever wins, we lose

>liberal indoctrination centers make you more likely to vote liberal
Thanks for the insight, hope that $150k degree in gender studies was worth it

Looks like somebody couldn't the mustard. What happened? Did your autism get in the way? Found staying at home, playing vidya, and collecting autism bucks far more easier than actually bettering yourself?

I'd love to see what those degrees are in. Go past any business, engineering, chemistry, or ag department and it's solid Trump.

>I don't understand having degrees in different fields
I have a cousin who is an MD/JD. Don't know why she did that but there you go.

>less school

:^) sure u learn a lot out on the construction site

I bet it's the other way around with black men. But those are of course Coons and Uncle Toms, while non-elite working class white males are redneck white trash. Democrats are spiritually the same elitist, slave owner party they were before.

>1 post by this ID
Why do we still allow this?
If the OP isn't going to participate in this thread, he's just trying to rile you up.
Don't post into a thread until you see an OP with more than 5 posts.

>Hillary Clinton is largely performing as well as Obama did in 2012, except with the single biggest demographic group in the country.

lol I have a degree and still will not vote for hillary

we WASPs do not need more blood on our hands

>nonwhite or hispanic

Shillary saw the latest polls

also she isn't going to have the Obama nigger turnout and probably lose 7% of her vote if she can't get above 50% turnout with niggers

Democrats have been the gibs party ever since Lyndon B Johnson, the worst president in all of american history.

>overwhelming number of people with (((degrees))) are conveniently leftist
>overwhelming number of post secondary (((educational))) establishments are openly leftist
>you must be a moron if you don't have a degree!!!

Certainly forces one to contemplate...

Universities are liberal factories. It has less to do with being smart or not and more to do with the political climate of the vast majority of colleges.

Here's what I've found from working with "The Elite".
The richer you are, the more conservative you are.
Every election season the Rich Conservatives and the communist/intellectual leaning democrats all vie for the same pool:
"The Everyman" That is, someone who is solidly middle or working class. A so called under class, in order to get them to vote with conservatives/democrats for the same purpose.
What's frightening is that I originally noticed this in 1984:
The middle tier seeks to recruit the lower tier so as to overthrow the ruling tier so that the middle tier can then become the new ruling tier.
Each time, this is cast in the same basic sense and has been more or less the way of things for a while.
Enter the socialist fringe into the democratic party. They say screw the working class, we are going to reform the middle class because honestly you cannot win the dumb racists over. They are just stupid and most of them don't live near a major metro region so screw them. Instead, they focus their energies in metropolitan areas, virtue signalling at will when the need to recast themselves as "Revolutionary parties" emerges (Like the present).
There is an end goal. And it ain't pretty.
Enter trump.

>couldn't the mustard

your crap attempt at a pwn failed terribly

I've got an MBBS considering JD.

I have several years of college and regularly read nonfiction and scholarly books. Currently reading Stephen Coughlin's book Catastrophic Failure. If neocons and banksters are so smart then why does nothing they attempt work?

People who talk about work vs people who actually work.

Surprise surprise the people who actually have to do the jobs liberals love to gossip about don't like how shit is being run.

Why are you trying to censor this discussion user? At least add to it in place of OP. Cmon, Sup Forums is meant for getting riled up.

I have a BA, and I work for a major US fuel company, wife, kid, 2 cars and a big home. I'll probably vote Hillary, why? She's good for business.

Go to , I was surprised that I aligned with Shillary more that Bernie.

There are few mech engineers who are good at math and who have the capacity to understand physics.

I design experimental aparati for experiments and I need a fair bit more knowledge in physics and mathematics to do my mech engineering job.

a ph.d is kind of useless and only provides niche work


24% of degrees given are STEM. The rest are retarded cookie baking classes with 50% being SJW brainwashing classes. These retards took loans for useless degrees. No surprise they're voting for an extrication to their stupid decisions.

The current inbred anti-education, anti-science rednecks did it to themselves so fuck em.

You must mean white men with gainful employment and workplace experience as opposed to white men with degrees in philosophy.

That's nice

wew, that's a LOT of people!

>Non degrees don't vote democrat

Is that why they're pushing for free tuition?

I agree. The current inbred anti-science, anti-education cucks are the ones flooding colleges now for the luxuries like safe-spaces and coddling, and leftist muh feels propaganda. They never actually intended to be educated, and remember gravity is sexist, right?

the liberal looks like a faggot with lipstick on

being a transgender is more degenerate than being fat

hillary won't get near the black turn out she thinks she will and trump will win


ALL white males in the US only make up 31%, and there are more women than men, you uneducated, ignorant trumpfellators.

Most so called educated people are just faggots with degrees in something easy like marketing or the arts. Then of course you've got the guys with economics degrees working for banks so of course they will vote Hillary.

but that doesn't matter when women are less likely to vote than men

Gosh, how gravity is sexist?

I have a master's degree and I'm still voting for Trump. The whole college education thing doesn't mean shit. It's not like people become political experts over four years, often times with a useless major. I've met countless stupid people with degrees.

>couldn't the mustard

WEW lad. Should probably proofread before you comment dumbass.

that image is literally backwards

Not even a nice car.

Quiet, you loser!

I have a degree and am voting trump

What now democucks?

the only reason I am voting for Trump is to spite pretentious liberals like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert

I actually think we will be worse off with Trump but I don't care.

Well I dunno Trump seems fine to me. I'd vote him.

How was the poll conducted?
How many people were polled?
Where was the poll conducted?

Oh wait, I'm educated.


Nothing to see here, this is a slide thread that just spams Jew propaganda

Trumps support is diverse and educated

When will this failed, laughable, pathetic meme die? They say we're all Machiavellian evil rich geniuses with white privilege, then in the next breath say we're all retarded.

The entire Democrat base believes "Hands Up Don't Shoot" wasn't based on a lie, and that taxing rich people will somehow fix everything, so they're clearly less intelligent.

5 degrees, graduated 4.0, made around $260K last year.

Would prefer Sanders, but voting Clinton. The economy always does better under Democrats.

Want to know the average pay of someone employed as a Philosopher?

I guess you're With Her then?




You sure showed them. Tweet about it and maybe they'll read it. Better yet: post a link to your blog.

Would be interesting to see a nonwhite w/degree and nonwhite without. But those stats might be construed as racist.

Stupid white men are Trump's demographic.

Explain Jimmy Carter

In today's age, it does have a strong correlation with intelligence. There are exceptions.


yeah exporting a bunch of american jobs to boost your stock portfolio performance is what democrats are best at

raid/slide thread sage

Cunning =/= genius. Your idols are cunning. You, on the other hand, are just an average citizen of dumbfuckistan.

Having a degree means you have a degree, it doesn't mean you're intelligent or wise.

people who vote for trump have no jobs, no future, no girlfriends, and think "itz all da shitskinz fault". what a bunch of losers.

>couldn't the mustard

Best part is you know this fag closed the thread immediately after reading his post or seeing his first >you

I have a degree and am voting Trump, eat a dick

t. pretentious liberal

>tfw I'm in a swing state too

With a woman vs. a misogynist running, KEK!

According to Sup Forums the illegal Mexicans working in construction are smarter than anyone with a degree because they didn't fall for the Jew.


They're looking for someone to bail them out senpai desu~

In sales, no degree, doing just fine desu~

>I'm in a swing state too
I feel like I'm learning so much about you. Who are you voting for, for prom? Your feelings are so interesting to other people.

Democrats hate the working classes. That's why they engage identity politics against them.

>What now

Lead paint chips eaten as a child? FAS? Dropped on head?

if you're a STEM major you're probably smarter than a mexican construction worker

if you're not a STEM major you're probably dumber than a mexican construction worker