North Korea is the Best Korea

>North Korea is the Best Korea

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Sadly, while North Korea is shit it is absolutely Strong Korea, whether or not it is in fact Best Korea.

>be Worst Korean
>don't have foreskin
>be Best Korean
>have bowel parasites

>North Korea may be a malnourished totalitarian shithole where you can get executed along with all your family for not praising Kim but it's not cucked by America so it's based

South Korea could invade and occupy North Korea in a month if they wanted too.

North Korea's only power are in their nukes, and artillery pointed at Seoul.

But army/navy/air force wise their Middle East-tier.
Whilst South Korea has one of the strongest in all three of those aspects.

Normally you could make the argument that North Korea has a shit ton of soldiers.
But that doesn't work in this case especially, considering South Korea is the ONLY nation with more troops than North Korea, and they are much better equipped.

>i take best korea meme seriously

and they're good at mobas and starcraft so they everyone is napolean


That's a lot of big talk. Meanwhile in the real world...

문재인 정부가 북한의 ‘화성-15형’ 발사 도발에도 여전히 국제기구를 통한 800만 달러(약 87억 원)의 대북 인도지원을 추진하겠다고 밝혔다.


It's true though

Does South korea only have such a huge military due to the North Korean threat?

north korea is close to a idilic paradise on earth

>finnish reserve
Ayy lmao

>no Rothschild bank
>ignores sanctions
>builds nuclear weapons and threatens America with them
>guaranteed employment for all citizens
>caring leader that protects his people from (((degeneracy))) of Hollywood and the west
Pretty based. South Korea is a tech manufacturing slave state with higher suicide rates than NK. Lmao.

I'm not sure I believe that. Nevertheless there are two things that are undoubtedly shitty about South Korea especially when combined:

1) They are a US satrapy, and dislike this reality

2) They refuse to actually do anything about it.

If either a) they made peace with their current situation or b) did something to at least try and actually become independent, they would be deserving of respect.

But what they do (act pissy and ungrateful) is pretty reprehensible desu

After the second Korean war both Koreas will be a smoking crater and all Koreans will be dead so it doesn't matter. Probably happening this year too, if I were you I would move.

I don't think there will be a war. Trump will make a deal with North Korea, and the South Koreans will throw a fit as they always do despite the fact that they've been standing in the way of the US doing anything about North Korea for decades.

South Koreans are pimply circumjewed geeks

Best Koreans are strong intact military men

You mean next year


>South Korea could invade and occupy North Korea in a month if they wanted too.

Even supposing South Korea could muster the will to mount an operation like that, just imagine the casualties it would involve...

Foreigners often make the mistake of assuming that people of South Korea would be more willing to take those casualties out of some noble desire to liberate their coethnics than, say, the United States. Such a naive assumption is very misguided indeed.

No; there will absolutely be no war from the South Korean side.

Is 문재인 the good President for Korean?
Judging from information covered in japan, it's hard to say so, for my opinion.