I really want to support Trump, but at the same time I hate the fact that most of his supporters are white trash leeches. How do I reconcile this.
Feeling Conflicted
an hero
>Realize that you are not white trash
Boom, just because most of the supporters are white trash doesn't make you white trash my man.
Stop worshipping a steroid Abusing faggot, faggot
>this new
A shill? Wow, that was unexpected. Learn the board culture before you post, friend, otherwise you make it too obvious.
it's a really tough sell
This, you're already stupid trash and don't even know it.
>but at the same time I hate the fact that most of his supporters are white trash leeches.
The racism of the left shows its face once again!
>not all with Bernie
leave, go talk about something you have some knowledge about.
kill yourself leddit
I don't worship Rich Piano. I just think he's a nice meme.
Bernie literally said yesterday that if a man works 40 hours a week, he should be able to afford the basic cost of living
Do you know WHY white people support Trump? Because the Democrats left them. They pandered to minorities so hard, they abandoned the hard working union democrats. Democrats have done NOTHING to help unions for the past 24 years, despite having 2 presidents.
Democrats fucked up and workers are waking up to their bullshit. Sanders was their last hope.
I've been absent for a couple weeks. Unlike most of the neets here I have stuff to do, so I can't keep up with all the new memes.
It's not racist. I don't care that they are white. I just hate the fact they are trashy degenerate leeches. They're essentially low melanin dindus.
Except that that meme is fucking ancient, shill. As in, 5+ years ancient, and re-posted often. You are a shill.
I've actually been here a year. I've never heard of that meme. Atleast i've never had anyone respond to me with it. What does it mean.
Ironically, it means "kill yourself" which is what I was about to say to you. To use it in context:
An hero, you shill piece of shit.
not one of his supporters does
and the most work they can do is run a coffee machine
I'm used to hearing kys. I've never heard an hero.
i pay my union dues in exchange for strong protection in the event of any workplace dispute, raises, discounts, extra benefits, etc.
if you're working private sector at $7.25/hr you can neither find a union nor pay dues if it existed. the basic truth is that the federal minimum wage is much too low!
>being so insecure in your political views that you need to feel that your fellow supporters are cool enough for you
What, do you want to listen to a bunch of celebrities and Jew professors/mainstream talking heads who don't know the first thing about self determinism and nation states?
The idea of the democratic republic is amazing because it is a government form which afford men an ideal balance of individual liberty and state protection while simultaneously not betraying basic human/tribal instincts for survival.
yeah those losers are really embarrassing and are probably just looking for welfare and to legally default on their student loans. I'd welcome a lower interest rate but my payback plan is sweet and i can easily pay it off. a family member said of the amount (comparable to sanders babby loans) is pitiful, wait until i have real loans
stop assuming an identity on them, biggot
The fact that Americanism is embraced by rednecks is testament to the fact that the democratic republic is a natural form of government. Marxism sounds amazing in theory, but it doesn't work with human nature. It's for eggheads only. The philosophy of the Founding Fathers is simultaneously noble, lofty, and naturally derived. Uneducated people understand it by DEFAULT.
The founding (((fathers))) are shabbos goys.
Are you asking me to not stereotype. Sounds like sjw talk.
Stop being a classist, faggot.
>not addressing the principles of the democratic republic a natural law
>attacking character instead
You might be a faggot pseudo-intellectual desperate for acceptance. No wonder you care about people's identities more than their ideas.
Because you are a cancerous newfag who needs to lurk moar.
Just look at hillary supporters.
Ok autiste.
Stop believing the media lies, for one.
Stick with Cruz. A strong, unflinching leader.
wtf i am now a cruse missle
Dont worry, I love you, user
Thanks babe.
But, goy, you've obviously heard the (((media)))... how can you possibly support a man who only has "white trash leeches" for followers? You're on the right track... Just drop it. I'll forget you said anything. Hillary is expecting your vote.
I don't vote for shabbos goys.
You seem like the kinda guy who needs lots of validation, support, and a healthy does of superiority in your choices.
What does kys mean?