white guy refused to give them any money so they slashed his tire.
would you pay up, user?
white guy refused to give them any money so they slashed his tire.
would you pay up, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nigger would be watering my car with aids blood as a sacrifice to ecoboost
Lets see, I live in the land of the free, so no. I would shoot them and be praised as a hero in local news.
I'd pay up. How much is 12 9mm bits of lead worth these days anyway?
>midlothian, va
Maximum overnigger
>Call police
>Tell them someone is brandishing a knife at people and slashing tires
>Watch as Trayvon 2.0 gets gunned down
bout 20 cents a pop
I'd mag dump on the niggers then go back in and finish my coffee
Malicious destruction of property of a vehicle is a felony. You'd be well within your rights to walk out there and shoot both of them dead.
are you that ecoboost mustang guy who i always see posting on /o/
Like says, let the police deal with it so you don't have to deal with any litigation.
you don't have a very good grasp of rights if you actually believe that
>While other customers started calling 911 Mike told the panhandlers the police had been called. "They picked up a bunch of rocks and started throwing them at us, and then he came out at me with a knife and he started running at me and I turned around to start to run a little bit away from him; then his friend picked up a brick and hit me in the back with it."
>The men jumped in a truck and got away before police arrived.
you wouldn't be so tough when a guy with a knife ran at you. You would pay up.
No, I'd draw on them and shoot. Not all of us are eurocucks that are banned from defending ourselves.
They have guns there though.
Yeah, the iron price.
>you wouldn't be so tough when a guy with a knife ran at you
That would put you well within your rights to draw your gun and end his life.
No I haven't been on /o/ for years
No nigger dare to do this here. I feel sorry for that user.
>Mike told the panhandlers the police had been called
Why? Why would you tell them?
I have insurance.
This, niggers can't tame the EcoBeast
On average if somebody is within 16 feet of you and your gun is still holstered, they will be able to knife you before you can shoot them. Sad reality.
L2 H2H
They don't pull this shit in FL for a reason.
Fleeing felon rule, nigger.
> justifiable double kill
> constantly in possession of the means to perform the act complete with well tested hand loaded ammo
This is literally a wet dream for us /k/ posters. We publicly talk about 'dreading the day' and we do have great respect for the responsibility of a firearm, but deep down inside a lot of us sit around dreaming of a home invasion.
I'm not a gun owner personally, but I have a 12" bowie by my bed for just that day. I hear it feels just like slicing a roast.
>dreaming of a home invasion
Not me. It would make me way more paranoid than I already am. Thankfully I live far, far away from niggerville.
Oh jesus christ I live near there.
That's houston.
>Time to buy another gun
you talk a lot of shit on Sup Forums, but in real life you would cower and pay up. Two black guys with knives jumps at you, no chance you're getting a gun out in time.
>see post
>see flag
This is a made up story move along everyone
>take out wallet
>drop it and say "oops"
>as they're distracted pawing for the wallet you pull your gun out and end them
>Gang signs
Should've just killed them to spare us all the effort and money of sending them to jail.
When did Norway become Sweden's cuck shed?
A knife, no I had a guy pull one on me in KCMO, he ended up with his knife on the ground and a few good lumps on his head along with a trip to the city jail, if some one pulls a knife on you you react as if they are going to kill you.
>would you pay up, user?
I'd give them .13 cents worth of Russian surplus 7.62x39mm.
Before I walk out with the AK....I'd call a few buddies and we'd take bets on which boy reaches the end of the block before the other one does when I step outside with the AK.
Shoot them as per law in my state.
I got jumped by 3 dindus once and they didn't get shit.
Got hit in the head with brass knuckles and I still swung on them and they ran off like cowards.
Only thing that happened was a fucked up shirt and a lot of blood.
Nigger ain't shit.
This edge takes the post
there's a video too.
>They approached Mike and his business partner asking for money, both of them said no. That apparently set the panhandlers off.
>"He said, 'Is that your car,' and then he got on the hood of my car," Markiewicz said.
>One of the men began posing on the hood of Mike's car, and Mike snapped a pic, and the man snapped.
>The panhandler took out a knife and slashed Mike's tire.
wouldn't it be easier to just pay them 50 bucks or whatever and go on with your day?
How cute, does your husband have a handgun as well?
- t. glawk 19 master race
>literally 'gibs me dat mufugga'
oh black people... this is why no one that lives around you likes you
They're like any other wild animal.
Their survival depends upon their natural body being fully intact. Since they don't know how to survive on their wits. Threaten their body, and they'll run.
That's expensive. How much does one of those big bullets costs?
If you cooperate with blacks, they attack you anyway.
listen up viking nigger, i would not only pull my gun faster than there nigger asses could eat a 10 piece bucket, but i would piss on both there dead coon body's while saying HEIL TRUMP.
but your a cuck from the snow nigger lands, you gave up and offered your daughters for black nigger impregnation. so you wouldn't know about fighting back would you pussy.
Youre right in that the main mistake is getting niggered in the first place.
Dont trust panhandlers when theyre in groups. I had two kids approach me at a gas station asking for a ride across town and over the bridge and even then I kept distance between us.
Sorry Sven, but no, I would probably risk getting stabbed. If I let em push me over it only encourages them to try it on someone else.
Plus, one is highly likely to run if all he has is a knife and his buddy is dead or wounded.
takedowns only work in the cage fag.
nice swiss
This. Plus some of us are a bit more aware of a nigger running up. He would be greated with a .45acp to the face.
Nigga you shooting FMJ?
>wouldn't it be easier to just pay them 50 bucks or whatever and go on with your day?
If you live in a Communist state like Jew York or Mexifornia, yes.
If you live in America, you go to your bedroom, grab the AK and walk outside and watch those two boys shit their pants.
>Two black guys with knives jumps at you, no chance you're getting a gun out in time.
Are you talking out of your ass, or are you talking out of your ass?
In a real survival situation none of the "official" fighting styles works. They are civil fighting. They are designed to be less lethal. If you are without a weapon you have to fight like an animal would. Humans have weak upper bodies. Kicking will win a real struggle for survival 100% of the time. Because our ass muscles are gigantic.
Yeah with .38
You haven't seen any rugby player go mad
>check out my glawk brand glawk
How's that grenade working out?
Thanks m80.
>not posting video
hes like 5 fucking feet away from him, of course a take down isn't going to work. Not only that, this guy clearly doesn't know how to do a take down.
I can never escape the EcoBoost shitposting, Jesus christ.
I've give each of them .38
As a proud Texan my car is an extension of my home, therefore nigger blood would be splattered everywhere
>Two black guys with knives jumps at you, no chance you're getting a gun out in time.
>Eurocucks are so pathetic that they can't even fathom the possibility of self-defence
This was in the Houston subreddit. I used to work out at that LA Fitness and behind it has a bunch of nigger housing projects. Whats weird is I never seen any Niggers go to the gym either.
>not taking the chance of getting cut to shoot someone
Yeah? I bet you're one of those faggots that would get robbed for his gun too.
This thread is hijacked by gunfags.
Please tell me I'm not the only knife enthusiast reading this shit.
>mfw edgelords on Sup Forums is trying to convince me that risking your life and attack two hood niggers because you want to save lunch money is the right thing to do.
little white guy ran inside it film it all scared
whites are fucking pussies hahaha
I'm in Texas, I can legally kill them for doing that.
Also, I have a place to get used tires for $10, cheap price to pay to get rid of some niggers.
Are you new to America civil and criminal court laws? If they're twenty feet or less near you, you have no choice but to pay up unless an opportunity arise by default.
No because you can take them up to civil court for negligence and - intentional - damage to property. After you won, congrats to your cash made. This picture OPs demonstrated, since it's a car, it indicted you will get around 800 dollars or less for repair the tires.Even better if you have video or paper proofs.
I've been to your country and fucked your woman.
I'm not surprised you're a pussy.
Not all dindus are bad though. The smart ones are just like humans.
>>mfw edgelords on Sup Forums is trying to convince me that risking your life and attack two hood niggers because you want to save lunch money is the right thing to do.
Norway, take a minute to re-read your post.
Now walk outside your front door and witness all the brown skinned "immigrants" in your neighborhood.
If you wonder why there are so many there, please come back to your computer and re-read your post you pathetic cuck bitch.
They walk around like they own the earth beneath their feet, and they do.
>you can take them up to civil court for negligence and - intentional - damage to property. After you won, congrats to your cash made.
Are you joking? I've sued a nigger before. You know how much the court ordered him to pay? Five digits. You know how much that nigger paid me? zero.
>implying every alpha didn't leave Norway to conquer other lands long ago
Stay smug you doughy soft fuck.
Meanwhile if niggers broke into my house with knives and I somehow managed to get my shotgun from its locked cabinet, and the ammo from a seperate cabinet with a different key, load it, and take them out with two shots, I'd go to jail for murder.
nigger pls.
You don't fight the chimp unless you have to, you shoot the chimp.
>letting the chimp fuck up your car
>taking pride in being a cuck
vikings have become cucks.
do you realize you're talking about burger land, listen to this 911 call, the guys says don't move and blows them the fuck away
I was going to say, seems a bit extreme to be able to shoot, dead, someone just for damaging property. Am I completely naive or can you people do this?!
If you roll your own, about 10 cents using cast lead.
>Gets anally bombarded on a chinese cartoon website
>Hee hee you're all beta cowards like me
Abdul deserves your country tbqh.
He'll fight hard to make it his, unlike you.
Niggas from the pjs dont have time for all that.
>not having zero deductible insurance
shiggy diggy doo.
Lol, fuckin monkey doesn't know how to shoulder a gun properly.
Why woudn`t you?
No shit. Norway is the Shitposter of the Day for this. This sort of attitude is EXACTLY what let the Mafia do business.
You let em do it once, theyll do it again..
And bring their friends next.
Jesus Christ, you Euros literally deserve everything that is coming your way. Fucking disgusting.
What state?
why do all this idots have the need to go up to the face with a gun.
Its a fucking gun, it can shoot people from afar. It was invented to kill people from far away so you don't have to get close and such things can't happen.
Well good thing niggers are nigging.
I suspect op just got bullied out some money and has come here for reconciliation in hopes you guys dont call his actions pussy.
Your ancestors raped and pillaged their way across Europe for hundreds of years, only to have you born in their bloodline.
You make me ashamed to have blond hair and blue eyes. You're a disgrace and a fucking coward.
You can if you live in an uncucked state
>tfw old roommate and I once had a pack of niggers who were trying to break in our house at gunpoint
They ran away so we didn't shoot them but they never came back after that