>barely contained laughter from audience in anticipation
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Least funny meme of all time. r/the_donald refugees are the worst thing to happen to this website since GamerGate.
t. lib
Pretty ironic how Sup Forums was destroyed by ledditor immigrants desu
You're right about r/thedonald refugees, but this meme is great, only because it drives reddit refugees completely nuts. They can't handle somebody insulting their god.
I hate Colbert and this meme. It's not funny at all and it's completely forced.
That's it. No humor to it at all.
I enjoyed it for the first 24 hours but after it was clear it was only being spammed by Trump autists it lost its charm for me pretty fast. The original version where it was just " So...Donald Trump" usually spurred better threads but there's no going back now
>Samantha bee can't find her dildo
>Walks into her garage and finds a pickle
>"Oh this will do"
Colbert isn't funny, this meme isn't funny.
What if I post these threads and I hate both sides?
Watched an episode last night and Colbert literally made no funny jokes. Not one. He just recited the news and smugly laughed. This gets good ratings?
something something Blumpf
>puts hands in pockets
>lets talk about about... you guessed it
>Finhault Pump
>Now you're allowed to laugh
>*audience laughs hysterically
Colbert show in a nutshell.
Trump is such a retard all you have to do is list off his daily activities and it counts as a joke, how is that Colbert's fault?