Which is the most authentic? Give reasons why.
Catholicism vs Protestantism
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Catholicism, obviously.
Catholicism is the OG, pure Christianity; as it was the first denomination. Protestants cucked it all up. See Anglicans and Lutherans
catholics are protestants to orthodox
or is it the other way around...
> thinking those are the only two options
Catholicism. There are a slew of reasons, historical and theological, that Catholicism holds the rights to authentic Christianity, but that aside, consider the fact that every time you hear someone talking about the earth being 6000 years old or some other literalist nonsense, they are always a Protestant.
Catholicism and Orthodoxy are pretty much the same thing.
anglicans- formed because King Henry VIII was upset he couldn't divorce his wife, and today, anglicans have openly gay bishops. wtf
It started around the year 400, it's older, but definitely not the first.
>want to be catholic
>pope keeps acting like a cuck
Why not both?
Protestantism! No man can speak for God but God himself. The catholic church was acting direcly against the teachings of Jesus Christ, and if it wasnt for Martin Luther the catholic church would still tax you for a chance for redemption
Weren't the OG Christians Roman lion food and cave dwellers?
>Arguing over which Christianity is correct
Where are we, Northern Ireland? Who fucking cares, It doesn't matter, we got over this shit hundreds of years ago
Also Protestant is an effectively useless term If you want to compare it to Catholicism, there are just too many different denominations that are too different for the word to mean anything other than "Not Catholic or Orthodox"
Orthodoxy, but Catholics are way better than Protestants
Evangelical Christianity, no doubt about it
Women clergy.
And founded so a King could get a divorce.
Yeah, and they were Catholics.
Pic related. Catholic iconography found all over the Roman catacombs.
>Also Protestant is an effectively useless term If you want to compare it to Catholicism, there are just too many different denominations that are too different for the word to mean anything other than "Not Catholic or Orthodox"
That's precisely what it means, they protested Christianity and came up with the idea that every man should worship his own internal monologue which naturally lead to 30,000 different sects. You know, when every man thinks he has the answer...
All Christians R dumb
>which one of these systems of belief which promote a celebration of weakness is the best, guys?
Leaf, check out the SSPX. Founded by Archbishop Lefebvre they remain loyal to the Vatican and the Pope, however, resist them to their faces.
Yes BUT the church has gone out of its way to misinform catholics during the centuries, the cult of the virgin mary is pure idolatry
Catholics are probably more "authentic" but protestantism is by far the superior version.
Protestants moved the power away from clergy and to the people. They instilled the values of hard work and an idea similiar to what most people now know as "American dream". The taught people that anyone can make it if they believe in themselves and work hard enough. Catholics are closer to a caste system and waste money buying gold for child molesters. Also popping out 12 kids so no one has time to parents the last 10.
high church, conservative protestantism (shit like some sects of lutheranism and anglicanism) resemble pre-tridentine catholicism moreso than the modern catholic church...and so, these protestants are more true to the original than modern catholics.
However, dirty low church protestants, like the SBC that you're referencing in your pic follow systems that basically didn't exist until the 1920s (srsly, even baptists in the 1700s wouldn't recognize modern baptists), and so catholics are more true to the original than these protestants.
tl;dr nobody. And the orthodox are faggots who got cucked by the ottomans and basically practice catholicism with nasheeds.
>Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Is this in your vandalized Bible, heretic? Or did you guys redact this too?
>30,000 different sects
would you agree there are 242 different One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Romes?
that's what the source you get that 30,000 figure from says.
What's wrong with being Anglican?
I know that's precisely what it means, but that doesn't that the definition is useful.
they really aren't. look into the essence-energies controversy and try to wrap your head around orthodox philosophy...you'll see that they're pretty fundamentally different.
The orthodox also have no unity to the point that calling them "a" denomination is a joke.
>away from the clergy and to the people
Therein lies the problem
>values of hard work
Because Catholics were such lazy bitches before that
>child molesters
I won't act like there isn't a problem in the Catholic Church. There is. Their actions have been shameful in how willing some people are to cover up crimes against children. BUT, there is similar abuse in all organized religion, whether its Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn or some Mormon compound in Utah. The church just get publicized more.
>started around 400
St. Ignatius of Antioch says your full of shit
This is the fifth Catholic vs Protestant thread today
Something being slid?
Weren't they just kicked out of the global anglican communion?
There is no similiar epidemic of child abuse in the lutheran church probably largely due to the fact that priests are allowed to marry.
>having large white families is a bad thing
Brown people are multiplying like roaches
According to the Bible Mary was just a human and you should worship exclusively the Holy Trinity
Protestants aren't Christians, they are rationalists and borderline atheists.
not quite. They lost voting rights in the communion pending whether they shape the fuck up or not, though.
and shitskins and roaches are examples of good behaviour you want to copy?
>shape the fuck up
What does that entail?
sometimes to defeat the roach, you much become the roach :^)
Actually, user, Protestantism is more of a pure Christianity, focussing on the pacifist and idealist way of Christ.
Catholicism is hardened by the dark ages and full of magic, yet more classy.
Catholicism is good for the western world, but a mere placeholder for a NatSoc religion.
Protestantism is too weak and female to work in the real world.
Yeah, they only produced BTK.
(isolated example, obviously)
Married priests, similar to orthodoxy, would be preferable I think. Also, I'm speaking about Catholic vs Protestant in the broad sense, not necessarily comparing individual denominations like Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc. The release of doctrine and interpretation into the hands of whoever can pick up a bible is dangerous and foolish. Protestant exegesis is ridiculous.
The Bible is not an authority, there was no bible prior to 367 ad, the Church selected the Bible for teachings and traditions.
I don't know specifically, as I'm not episcopalian. I think it had something to do with them accepting either gay marriage or gay priests, though.
they need to un-accept whatever faggotry they accepted in order to be given rights again.
First of all, I don't know what source you're talking about.
Secondly, there are not denominations of Catholicism, but other Churches in communion with the Vatican and the Pope. Big difference. All of these aforementioned Churches ascent to everything Catholicism teaches and submit to the Holy Pontiff. There are differences in charism, rituals, devotions, music, habit, yet all believe the same thing. That's what being a heretic is, somebody who disagrees with the teachings of God, and places his own internal monologue onto an altar for worship.
According to the Bible The Blessed virgin Mary will be referred to as blessed by all believers for all generations. Stop trying to create false-dichotomies with Scripture, it's the exact same thing Satan did to Christ.
and if the Bible is an authority what gives you the right to interpret it however you want?
There is a descriptor that many Episcopalian churches use to describe themselves, which is part of the reason (among many others) that I will never again go to an Episcopalian church: "gay affirming".
Acceptance of this modern Satanic fad where we should destroy the very foundations of civilization and Christian life because of a person's perceived personal choice is the cancer destroying all forms of Christianity and undermining Christ's influence on this world.
>implying a trip fags opinion or """facts""" matter.
Blessed? True, but it doesn't mean she should be worshipped as much as or even more than the Trinity. I'm not trying to rile up a sterile controversy or anything but this things just bugs me a lot
>The Bible is not an authority
It is on Christianity
>however you want
I'm just saying what hundreds of theologists thought and it makes sense to me
>Sola gratia
>Sola fide
>Sola scriptura
>Solus Christus
but Sup Forums doesn't understand this anyway
>First of all, I don't know what source you're talking about.
i'm sure, you just heard some other swarthy catholic say the 30,000 figure and you decided it's fact
>intellectual diligence
>Secondly, there are not denominations of Catholicism
that was my point, the data you're using is absolutely flawed.
>churches in communion
yeah i think it does count different rites, but multiple times, the ones in pic-related.
you don't need to read what they are, but you should look at the image and notice there's not 242 of them.
>Protestants cucked it all up
>Now I'll go pray to my saint's God.
Protestants are not Christians, as Christians solely referred to Catholics, Catholics have nothing to do with fan fiction.
Make your choice.
Traditional Catholicism as against all types of liberal Christianity, since Liberalism is anti-christian and has humanism as its sole focus.
Thomism which is arguably one of the foundations of Catholicism is the remedy to all forms of modernism.
More reading:
Arguing with a Protestant is the same as arguing with an Atheist, there is no point when one believes in truth and the other in personal interest.
How many of those independents are just non-mainline Protestants? Either way, 9000 official sects of Protestantism. Is there 9000 Holy Ghosts inspiring them. Or is there one Holy Ghost that can't make up his mind?
There is literally nothing wrong with being a high church Anglican.
then why are the most liberal of the lutherans still more conservative than you, papist?
>Protestantism! No man can speak for God but God himself. The catholic church was acting direcly against the teachings of Jesus Christ, and if it wasnt for Martin Luther the catholic church would still tax you for a chance for redemption
>Catholics are probably more "authentic" but protestantism is by far the superior version.
>Protestants moved the power away from clergy and to the people.
does not need to listen to a king, in their pointy hat, who sits on their throne in Rome.
"Protestantism naturally begets toleration of error. Rejecting the principle of authority in religion, it has neither criterion nor definition of faith. On the principle that every individual or sect may interpret the deposit of revelation according to the dictates of private judgement, it gives birth to endless differences and contradictions. Impelled by the law of its own impotence, through lack of any decisive voice of authority in matters of faith, it is forced to recognize as valid and orthodox any belief that springs from the exercise of private judgement. Therefore does it finally arrive, by force of its own premises, at the conclusion that one creed is as good as another; it then seeks to (16) shelter its inconsistency under the false plea of liberty of conscience. Belief is not imposed by a legitimately and divinely constituted authority, but springs directly and freely from the unrestricted exercise of the individual's reason or caprice upon the subjectmatter of revelation. The individual or sect interprets as it pleases, rejecting or accepting what it chooses. This is popularly called liberty of conscience. Accepting this principle, Infidelity on the same plea rejects all revelation, and Protestantism, which handed over the premise, is powerless to protest against the conclusion; for it is clear that one, who under the plea of rational liberty has the right to repudiate any part of revelation that may displease him, can not logically quarrel with one, who on the same ground repudiates the whole. If one creed is as good as another on the plea of rational liberty, on the same plea no creed is as good as any. Taking the field with this fatal weapon of Rationalism, Infidelity has stormed and taken the very citadel of Protestantism helpless against the foe of its own making."
>Did Christianity start in 1,500ad?
>Did people follow the Church prior to something that sounded good to opportunists?
You are free to not follow the Church, many didn't, you're an infidel.
We need to confront both in public places and crush them.
nominal catholics != catholics
BTW: Presbyterian here
scotsmen != true scotsmen
all of those numbers are skewed, my man.
what they did was, for every country a denomination is in, it adds another denomination, even if it's really the same one.
"The principle ramifies in many directions, striking root into our domestic, civil, and political life, whose vigor and health depend upon the nourishing and sustaining power of religion. For religion is the bond which unites us to God, the source and end of all good, and Infidelity, whether virtual as in Protestantism or explicit as in Agnosticism, severs the bond which binds men to God, and seeks to build human society on foundations of man's absolute independence. Hence we find Liberalism laying down as the basis of its propaganda the following principles:
XXXIII. The absolute sovereignty of the individual in his entire independence of God and God's authority.
XXXIV. The absolute sovereignty of society in its entire independence of everything which does not proceed from itself. (18)
>muh protestantism is cucked
Luther was antisemetic as fuck and we wrecked shit all the way up until the great northern war and with british colonialism and all that
the only people to blame are jews, that's the reason your pope is a fucking cuck right now.
catholics tend to be non white democrats
protestants are white patriots
(atleast for the usa)
also Protestantism follows the bible while Catholicism follows pagan rituals
"XXXV. Absolute civil sovereignty in the implied right of the people to make their own laws in entire independence and utter disregard of any other criterion than the popular will expressed at the polls and in parliamentary majorities.
XXXVI.Absolute freedom of thought in politics, morals, or in religion. The unrestrained liberty of the press. Such are the radical principles of Liberalism. In the assumption of the absolute sovereignty of the individual, that is, his entire independence of God, we find the common source of all the others. To express them all in one term in the order of ideas, they are RATIONALISM or the doctrine of the absolute sovereignty of human reason. Here human reason is made the measure and sum of truth. Hence we have individual, social and political Rationalism, the corrupt fountain head of liberal principles: absolute freedom of worship, the supremacy of the State, secular education repudiating any connection with religion, marriage sanctioned and legitimatized by the State alone, etc.; in one word, which synthesizes all, SECULARIZATION, which denies religion any active intervention in the concerns of public and of private life (19) whether it orate or assassinate; whether it call itself Liberty or Government or the State or Humanity or Reason, or what not, its fundamental characteristic is an uncompromising opposition to the Church.
Liberalism is a world complete in itself; it has its maxims, its fashions, its art, its literature, its diplomacy, its laws, its conspiracies, its ambuscades. It is the world of Lucifer, disguised in our times under the name of Liberalism, in radical opposition and in perpetual warfare against that society composed of the Children of God, the Church of Jesus Christ."
>Truth is based on subjectivity
Don't do it for the pope.
We've had great popes. We've had bad popes. We'll have great ones again. And bad ones again.
It doesn't change the essential truth and beauty of the Catholic Church.
Also, pax the fedorafags and LARPer neopagans on Sup Forums, Pope Francis isn't TERRIBLE. He's not good, and, yeah, pretty cucked, but when he's writing about the basics of our faith and staying out of politics, he's aight.
Catholics shall rise and liberate the people from this disgusting order.
>Truth is based on subjectivity
non sequitur?
>a free man doesn't listen to the Successor of Peter, who was appointed by Christ himself
Got that right. I can't wait. It's like God is gathering all of this filth nowadays for us to conquer.
All religion follows the teachings of mystics. All mystics know the same thing.
>catholics act against the Catholic faith
>No true Scotsman!
>Truth is not decided by the masses
>Non sequitur!
Are you just throwing out fallacies and hoping one of them sticks?
Catholicism is Christianity with a giant corrupt bureaucracy grafted onto it over hundreds of years.
Go to the SSPX. The real Catholics.
None, they are both fairy tales
lol Nice lighter.
Protestantism is an abomination of Christianity created by Martin Luther
Except your orders are invalid.
Is this supposed to trigger us cause I laughed.
And no we don't see it that way.
Oh my God, the typical Catholic using le 30,000 sect meme.
Protestantism is made up of 9,000 sects.
Also, Catholicism was NOT the original Church, and was formed by a compromise between Sun Worship and Christianity. There IS a reason Martin Luther launched the Reformation.
this is a valid catholic mass:
>Anonymous (ID: gn3VKNlP) 07/26/16(Tue)21:41:28 No.82950741 ▶
>File: TipsFedora.jpg (78 KB, 640x533)
> (OP) #
>None, they are both fairy tales
The Catholic Church does not have a pedophile problem. That is a lie spread by the media. The church has a fag problem. Most of the victims were teenage boys.
I know most of you don't. It is just bantz between atheists and christians, Justin.
>Strong cases all around
>We didn't even get into the Orthodox yet
>All say you're gonna be denied by Christ if you don't pick theirs
It is also prevalent as fuck that this was done for nothing but power.
Catholicism is the most disgustingly power hungry thing Christianity has ever identified with. The condescending belief that "LOL WE'RE THE ONLY RIGHT ONES, ONE TRUE CHURCH LOL, EVERYONE ELSE IS AN EVIL WRONG HEATHEN"
Okay, so if there are 9000 sects, all supposedly guided by the Holy Ghost, does this mean that there are 9000 Holy Ghosts, or just one confused Holy Ghost??
Catholicism is the original. If you saw Christians assisting Mass before iconography in the catacombs back in 200 AD you'd denounce them for being idol worshipers.
Why don't you have the Mass, Protestant?? Ever look into how old it is and what it evolved from??