Daily reminder
This man got 5 years in a German federal prison for doing the nazi salute in an ironic way
Bravo Germany
wtf i hate jokes now
Germans hate jokes
wtf i hate human interaction now
Gotta admit, it was a bit stupid of him. He knows it's illegal, and there's police everywhere.
Will I get arrested if I scream "behead all the infidels"?
No, that's legal.
It's only hatespeech when whites hate. :^)
Police will surround you to create a human wall and protect you from the horrible racist German people.
Germany always gets fucked over by their politicians.
>He knows it's illegal,
so is rape and murder
but punishment is less severe
>5 years in a German federal prison
I know germany is 1984esque dictatorship, but 5 years? Really?
>be german
>can't play games that have gore
>can't play games with the swastika in them
>can't make a hand gesture
>can't fight back when the sand niggers kill them
what happened to you...
We should bring back the Bellamy salute in the US. There's nothing wrong with saluting a symbol of your country.
not all parts of your brain feel that way. Only a few bad synapses say that. Most of you is a human being of peace.
what was this guys name i cant find any news articles about him
That's because it's not real.
it is real
nah its fake
He wasnt sengendes to anything but a Fine? why did pol become tumblertier all of a sudden with spreading rumours and false Information?
He had to pay a fine of around 1250 Euros.
*wasnt sentenced to anything but a fine,
>trusting Sup Forums
no it is definately real, there is a second image with a police coming over to him
i dont know if the 5 year life sentence is real though
Why are you doubting it? He is comitting a hate crime in germany, that is literally the law in germany, any fool can look up the laws in germany.
>he only had to pay a steep fine for an arm movement
I like how the counterargument is that it's not so bad, it was just a fine.
it's the 5 year thing I am saying is fake
>You have to let men into women's bathrooms and sell cakes to gays or you have to pay a steep fine in America because Barry passed a decree without involving congress
Truly home of the brave, God bless
>meanwhile in burgerland
Congress shall make no law, but you let your prez pass an executive order because he feels like it ;^)
we don't have to do anything. we are rebellious by nature it's what our country is built on. god bless that german who waved an arm and received a fine and those bakeries that denied faggots a cake. it's about the principle
>so is rape and murder but punishment is less severe
Only if you're a muslim.
I think doing the salute in Germany can cost you 3 years max., correct me if im wrong... meanwhile a little south:
both congress and the supreme court have the authority to overturn an execute order
>pretending that those are in any way comparable to banning a hand gesture
go away Mahmoud
Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde der Hitlergruß in Deutschland sowie Österreich verboten. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist die Verwendung des Hitlergrußes und anderer Formen (etwa „Mit Deutschem Gruße“) durch § 86a des Strafgesetzbuches (Verwenden von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen) sowie § 130 (Volksverhetzung) unter Strafe gestellt; ebenso finden sich entsprechende Paragraphen im Strafgesetzbuch der Republik Österreich.
Eingeschränkt wird der Tatbestand in Deutschland allerdings durch die Kunstfreiheit,[17] Meinungsfreiheit,[18] Forschung und Lehre,[19] Dokumentarfilme,[20] Theaterstücke[21] sowie offensichtlich kritischen Gebrauch, in dem die Distanzierung zur Naziherrschaft offenkundig und eindeutig zum Ausdruck gebracht wird.[22] Für letztere Fallgruppe beispielhaft ist der Fall, dass ein von einer Polizeikontrolle Betroffener den Hitlergruß zeigt und sich aus den Umständen eindeutig ergibt, dass er hiermit gegen die polizeiliche Maßnahme protestiert und den Beamten vorwirft, NS-Methoden anzuwenden.[23]
You are right
The nazi salute falls under § 86a StGB
"Verwenden von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen" - use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations - which rightfully so yields a punishment from a fine up to 3 years in prison.
My intellectual neighbor, where's proof?
triggered lardass detected
why doesnt germanies reinvent the nazi salute and do it differently for example like this:
read it , it says you can even do this in front of the police to protest that they are using nazi methods and you are allowed to do it because of freedom of speach. 3 years is really the highest you can get and you get this for like saying that you want to kill foreigners or whatever. You are all uninformed....
nah, it's real
That looks more like Christian priest's gesture during prayer. That will get you beheaded.
There is also definetly more freedom of spech than in all of your shit countries. All you are not allowed to do is call people to do hate motivated crimes and this is good like that. Tell me one case in that people really went to prison for just expressing there mind. Because if you go call people to do hatecrimes you are not better than isis or any of this shit organisations.
The Pakistani muslims who raped your underage sister don't even get 5 year sentences in the U.K Reginald, how is it fair that a guy goes to jail for making a joke?
Because § 86a StGB also applies to such symbols etc. which look very similar to and could be confused with the original.
You'd have to to something a lot different with your right arm than just turning your hand by 90 degrees.
Left arm would be okay though.
thats fucked
I don't have to read it I am a lawfag.
The guy in Freital (the photo in the op) was no lefty protestor showing disdain of the police using nazi methods or whatever, he stupidly raised his arm in support of the right wing demonstration which was passing him at that timer he photo was taken.
Blame him for his stupidity.
>arrested for raising arm in a specific way
I want aliens come to earth and their greeting is exactly this.
Wonder what the lefties would do, and some of them would go batshit insane and claim the aliens are nazis to.
>He disagreed about having illegal immigrants entering the country on the internet
>He knew he shouldn't have had differing opinions from his better; blame him for his stupidity.
Also there are no federal prisons in Germany.
Prisons in Germany are state-governed.
Kill yourself rat.
You can think about the issue whether giving the nazi salute is a legitimate expression of an opinion what you want (it is not under German law though, rightfully so in my opinion)
But you have to admit that if you know that something is forbidden or illegal (and everybody knows that even you uninformed burgers) and you still do it - that's pretty dumb right there if you expect you won't get punished.
Ahmed you are the fucking biggest faggot in Europe. Literally a bloke had an opinion and you're agreeing that he should be imprisoned for 5 years?!
Fuck yourself
I can't wait until your whole country is wiped out and BASED Poland take over in a glorious reversal of WW2 and you realise that there are some people in the world who actually appreciate their lives.
What a fucking faggot.
He wasn't imprisoned, Nigel al-paki. Stop believing every op on this board and research yourself.
Call me when you are able to buy knives again.
And if you are a pole living in GB, plz refrain from posting about how cucked countries are, apperantly yours isn't even able to provide anything for you.
How do you make the difference between the nazi salute and just saying hello to your friend over there? One day in class i was tired and didn't raise my hand super straight and I was told I was doing the nazi salute. Why are people so hysterical.
Sorry, I should have fact checked. Though your country is cucked as fuck. Just as much as ours really, you have people arrested for questioning MUH 6TRILLION and for taking the piss out of Erdogan and even we're not that shit.
I'm obviously not a Pole as I'm able to use the internet and I'm not working in a warehouse.
Also, I love Germany. I just don't want to see you fall apart.
And we can buy knives here, just have to be 120 years old and have a government pass to buy cutlery. I see no problem.
>One day in class i was tired and didn't raise my hand super straight and I was told I was doing the nazi salute.
Hilarious, that used to happen to me all the time
And how many years do you think the german politicians get to serve in prison after Day X (SOON)
You might not be a pole, but you might be bi-pole-ar (get it :^) with anger management issues. You should meditate or something.
What do you even care about Germany and her laws?
Shouldn't you care about the brexit, which is not happening in a hundred years and still the pound-sterling is going down the shitter?
Also, wouldn't you have to argue that this pair expressed his opinion as well? Why was it jailed then? Is Great Britain also cucked?
Pretty clear sign of her being one of the good guys, right?
One time I was in German class and we locked a Jewboy in the stationery cupboard and threw in a few cans of zyklon B and he died and we were called Nazis.
>mfw that used to happen to me all the time.
Nah if you reenact it, waving to your left side without moving your body, it works out about the same.
it does make her that much hotter thinking about it htough.
Except the point is that people need to stop spreading bullshit. I mean, if the real story is "so bad," why not just use that?
I care about Germany because I work there sometimes and because we're the same people and we live about 400 miles away from each other. Europe is a continent of VERY similar people working towards similar goals and we can help each other out.
If one nation (the proper nations, not the 'non-countries'), we all fall apart.
I care about Brexit, obviously. Some of us are able to care about more than one thing at once...
I don't give a fuck about sterling, it's falling against the Euro which won't even exist in 5-10 years and we've been trying to devalue for a long time, hence our low interest rates. We've had some massive business investment because of the low GBP and we've got offers of FTAs from some of the best economies in the world. You wouldn't understand that since you let Merkel deal with your money.
GB is cucked. I never said we weren't. Germany, IMO, is more cucked at the moment but Britain is shit too. I'd like to see us all get a grip of our reality.
they will spend life six feet underground
School as pretty fun back in the day
We had some Jewish kids that went to my middle school. During lunch me and my friends used to walk by their table and do Nazi salute and yell Seig Heil at the top of our lungs.
of course i didn't really hate them back then it was just funny