Reminder that Reloaded is actually pretty decent and really fun and doesn't deserve all the hate

Reminder that Reloaded is actually pretty decent and really fun and doesn't deserve all the hate.

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reminder its a good thing THEY ONLY MADE ONE MATRIX MOVIE as sequels would have just been an obvious milking of cash

I rewatched the trilogy a few months abck and i gotta say that they are better then i remember giving them credot for but i still cant not aay the third movie is "good" its ok at best, the second one was still pretty bad ass the ofcourse the first one is a masterpiece. I will never forget going to see matrix in the theaters with my dad when i was 9 back in 99

basically this, the first one is a groundbreaking but low budget masterpiece
second is a decent, blockbustery sequel
third is still shitty

why was everyone in Zion brown tho?

>low budget masterpiece
>low budget
yeh right, if it isn't 250m capeshit it's low budget?

>The Matrix
>low budget

Because it's the future.

Everyone in real life will be brown in 1000 years too.

the first one was low budget compared to the sequels, just like your boy George's first Star Wars was low budget compared to the rest of them

all matrix movies are great if you take out the oracle and the architect

>low budget
the fuck?

It had a $63m budget dude. That's not "low" by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes the sequels had an even larger budget. Stunning observation, Watson.

bottom line is that the first one wasn't a blockbuster
the other two were

I like all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies

>the matrix
>not a blockbuster
holy shit lmao

>you will never rave because the machines are coming to destroy your city

I always felt this scene was ehh seemed to long and like they were forcing a sex scene between neo and trinity

>all matrix movies are great if you take out the second and third one


no, zion was great, but the exile programs were stupid, they should've been people that knew about matrix but had hacked it and defended it

Yeah Revelations was worse.

This scene was uncomfortable to watch with my parents and it wasn't even fap worthy.


Reminder the Matrix Trilogy was made by 2 Marxist degenerates with a mental illness that chopped off their dicks and wear women's clothes

I don't care if it was made by an albino hermaphrodite asexual nigger as long as it's good and it definitely was.

Back when they made the movie they where male
So I got nothing to lose

>libertarians are marxists

Whatever these guys mean when they say marxist has nothing to do with actual marxism

>actual marxism
le no border stateless world goberment that makes sure all the means of production are owned by the workers

Anyone see the anime matrix movie

Its was pretty shit
But it had 2 good stories

Getting to the point
Why did the machines go from being human type and havind individuality, to turning into floating toasters that don't talk

i agree

I'm not sure what your memespeak is trying to convey here. I'm not saying communism works. I'm saying "cultural marxist" is a dumb thing to say

I went back and watched The Matrix and Reloaded, but I could barely finish the latter. The Neo v. Smiths fight was so long and boring that it brought the rest of the movie down. The chase scene with the ghooost twins was overly long, too, but it had just enough neat moments to keep me from shutting off the film, and then everything else except Zion was perfectly good. But after how good The Matrix was, Reloaded disappointed me enough that I didn't even bother with Revolution.
Also, The Animatrix was sweet. But it's a collection of short stories, so that's cheating.

The skateboard one was the best
And the animation felt refreshing

But it was toooooooo short

related video

I liked this franchise as the numerical order except placing "Animatrix" before the 3rd one: 1 > 2 > Animatrix > 3.

seconded. that mansion fight scene is pure kino.

All of them are shit. Put your testicles back into place.

This, but without the "low budget".

I remember watching the making-of clips. The camera techniques used were expensive as fuck

> those faggots on the right

it's not, cultural marxism means using marxist theory in culture and changing the culture to adapt further marxism

It kinda ruined the whole Matrix universe but some of the fight scenes are the best you'll ever see.

Whatever & however they have became. Funny how their mental status at this moment, my be, reflects what they are working on.

>The chase scene with the ghooost twins was overly long...
Arguably the best chase scene in movie history. It was absolutely fucking epic.

Name one better chase scene

This reminds me. I need to rewatch the fucking Matrix senpai

badboys 2 is the only one that's as good

Here ya go.

Also the entirety of the original Gone in 60 Seconds chase.

It's a very different movie, the first is a (purposefully and well executed) confined story that hints about a big setting. The second is a big exploration of that setting, pretty much everything that happens is consistent with and well enough done. Besides sharing a setting and special effect laden karate fights the two movies don't have much in common, but I like them both.

Third is bad.

>Third is bad.
why everyone hate the third?

Reloaded is kino as fuck desu, far moreso than the first film.

It's been a long time since I've watched it if I can be honest, but I recall a lot of scenes dragging on too long and generally being pointless. Resolution was immensely dissatisfying.

the first part with the indian couple could be but the zion battle is fucking great


Yeah it was an entertaining series of action shots but it didn't save the movie, and the masses of machines being taken out by dudes with machine guns retroactively trivialized the threat they presented in earlier movies.

I like the coat check scene the best from Revolutions.

But the final 30 or some minutes was pretty dumb, with Trinity and Neo going to see the...machine baby? Source of the matrix right?

The honest trailers explains it pretty well
I liked everything about the first movie, the highway scene in the 2nd and nothing about the 3rd.
The cave rave scene is probably one of the worst scenes in cinema history relative to the franchises popularity.

but reddit is commie


>and the masses of machines being taken out by dudes with machine guns retroactively trivialized the threat they presented in earlier movies.
don't be an autist, that was the human army
why compare it agaisnt one ship?
it's like saying horror movies are not impressive cause ww2
>with Trinity and Neo going to see the...machine baby? Source of the matrix right?
why was that dumb?

Reminder that the term "Red Pill" was originated by the same Marxist degenerates

>cave rave scene is probably one of the worst scenes in cinema history
why exactly cause it wasn't mozart?
the population of zion were mostly mongrels
that scene made total sense

I love revolutions, the machine city is great, and the smith / neo confrontation on the ship has an amazing Alien vibe to it

>human army
It was small, and the machines numbers were massive
>one ship
Yeah, against like eight robots. The important brown council people were talking about Morpheus's ship like it was super important but it had essentially no defenses against a small number of squidbots. Clearly these things are very threatening. Yet the human army can hold of thousands upon thousands with machine guns.

Not taking a side in this meme discussion but that term was definitely co-opted.

what fucking planet are you living on?

I dont actually know what kind of people denizens of zion were, it simply wasnt fleshed out.
But I dont know of any type of population that universally likes raving in bikinis.

Reminder that these movies were shit on because the plot was too complex for people to understand.

Seriously think about the average movie goer back in the early 2000s. This shit was waaay over their head.

>>What we were trying to achieve with the story overall was a shift, the same kind of shift that happens for Neo, that Neo goes from being in this sort of cocooned and programmed world, to having to participate in the construction of meaning to his life. And we were like, ‘Well, can the audience go through the three movies and experience something similar to what the main character experiences?’

>>So the first movie is sort of classical in its approach, the second movie is deconstructionist and an assault on all the things you thought to be true in the first movie…and the third movie is the most ambiguous, because it asks you to actually participate in the construction of meaning.

Reminder that matrix 2 and 3 should have been one movie with the third being a prequel (that became the second renaissance in the animatrix), but while they were shooting the movie they were denied funding (something like that can't remember anymore) for a third movie so they extended many of the scenes to fill up two movies worth of content.

I dunno, the whole gaining powers outside of the matrix thing kind of killed it for me.

He wasn't around then. I remember at the time it was the most anticipated movie in fucking history. Almost an entire "Making-of" video was released before the movie showcasing the Bullet-time techniques and computer programs used.

>The Matrix was released on March 31, 1999. After its DVD release, it was the first DVD to sell more than one million copies in the US, and went on to be the first to sell more than three million copies in the US. By November 10, 2003, one month after The Matrix Reloaded DVD was released, the sales of The Matrix DVD had exceeded 30 million copies.

>the plot was too complex for people to understand.

I wish I had the energy to type "HA" 1000 times.

Reloaded was the highest grossing rated R movie in the US at that time, iirc. The hype for Reloaded was fucking huge.

The "reality" Zion side was shit. Everything IN the Matrix was 10/10..... EXCEPT the final fight scene.

The final fight and ending was shit. They fucked up the ending imo.

it was boring and pretentious, if it was hard to follow the plot it's because I didn't care

that felt so unfitting

but The expanse has a same kind scene, it resambled this

it's a trashy shitshow with all style over pseudo-intellectual substance. just look at that poster and their ridiculous edgy clothes, because that's the essence of what the sequels are.

Revolutions wasn't that bad either, there I said it. The battle in Zion was fucking awesome, deal with it haters. The final battle between the smiths / Neo was also pretty gud, why does everyone hate it so much, just because of the meme?

Also, that scene where they breach the clouds was great.

it was because you were 5.
and for 5 you probably already was a faggot if you don't liked at least for pic related

This. You have to have experienced the hype surrounding the movie in 1999. It was a fucking global event, and very few movies even come close. Matrix will remain a classic movie for many, many years.

So where is the shoop where Belluci is wearing sun glasses?

>Zion is all subhuman shitskins and niggers
I was a blue pilled, naive and idealistic young pupper who believed the judenschwein kike pig brainwash propaganda about muh equality, diversity, multiculturalism and all that crap, but even then I noticed this shit was off.

I still hold to the theory that they were blackmailed into doing this by (((them))) for being too woke.

>Although the term "blockbuster" was originally defined by audience response, after a while the term came to mean a high-budget production aimed at mass markets

Generally, anything made for under $100 million is not a blockbuster, kiddos

I'm sorry I'm not as into fictional cyber-cuckolding as you.

I don't mean the "hurr durr the matrix is a simulation holy shit neo woke up" part of the plot.

I mean the fact that the movie is constantly cutting between the real world, zion, scenes on the ships.... Smith comes into the real world somehow... neo starts being able to defeat the machines in the real world.

There are explanations for all of this in the film, but they are not obvious, and they require engagement and imagination from the viewer.

These films have a lot of depth and your denial of that just indicated your lack of ability to understand them.

These movies changed film. Literally every big budget blockbuster movie these days is taking influence from these films.... capeshit, fast8, transformers etc.

Reddit pls go

oh I agree on that that was bollocks

i remember hating this scene as a kid and only now i realize it's because it was full of niggers

>Neo and the gang are supossed to be good guys
>They are literally killing innocent people because they want robits to left their filthy rave hole in peace
I'd take being struck in the Matrix over having to spend all of my life in some dirty pseudo nightclub that probably smells like sweat and semen all the time.

Are you sure it wasn't because it went on for like 20 minutes and you thought by that point there would have been some cool fight scenes?

no, i thought that the aesthetic of the first film, i.e. white nerdy hackers dropping out of society to join a secret society was destroyed by turning it into a pulsating mass of sweaty primitive niggers. i mean, how can you run a city like zion with just a bunch of shitskins, it doesn't make ANY fucking sense

I haven't seen this movie in years upon years and barely even remember what happens. What were the white twins again? What made them so special? Why didn't they just make a bunch of those niggers instead of Agent Smiths?

Also the video game where you could play the chick in crocodile leather with the weird buns on her head was fun as fuck.

>School shooter aesthetic will never be cool again thanks to fat fedoralords
Feels bad mang

I literally didn't even know that hating on the matrix sequels was a meme until I saw it on Reddit. I unironically enjoyed them and had no idea the level of unfettered hatred that so many people have for them. Are they perfect sequels? No, not by any stretch, but they aren't bad movies and they are fun to watch. I seriously think 90% of people that are hating on them are just doing so to be "in the know" with other people that also hate them for the same exact, copy pasted reasons.

It's become a fucking meme, there's legitimate flaws in the sequels but they aren't THAT bad, and treating them like they don't exist is so goddamn stupid.

Watch you dont cut yourself on that edge, faglord.

>using wikipedia as a dictionary

top kek, you're retarded

it's called zion, jesus man put the pieces together.

i agree, ergo, concordantly, this was a good post, vis a vis

Exactly, Zion. Not Zimbabwe.
Makes zero sense that it was full of subhuman shitskins and niggers only.

You realize that 63 million dollars in 99 are the same as about 95 million dollars now?
That ain't low budget, son.