Death by Snu-Snu
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jesus christ that looks awful.
Amazons didn't come from Greece
Omfg is her rope actually glowing? Neat. So shiny. Color me impressed. That settles it, I need to run out and see this movie right away! Amazing.
>the golden lasso can do nothing against mansplaning
he got captured by the grounders?
is that lasso temp? Looks god awful
I'd ask all the Amazons to trample me with their sexy soles
Who would you want to get snu-snu'd by IRL
pic related for me
No way her test levels are female-normal.
>Amazons live on an isolated island for thousands of years
>They are a mix of blacks and jews
i'm getting really fucking tired of this
So this is the natty limit
There's a conspiracy theory about the sisters being boys
The dad allegedly raised them as girl with the intent to put them into sports
It's a fun read
is that Grace Jones?
Chris Pine
are you implying that they should've interbred over the years?
how come ww's mom doesnt have her accent? what means?
She does in some of the trailers, better question is why is she uglier than her mother
What is her fucking problem?
>amazons aren't barefoot or wearing sandals
Only dyel girl on an island of amazons.
small jewbz
is his watch CGI? there is something on it. also amazon boots are retarded. how can you run and fight in those high heels?
>"Gal is the worst casting choice ev-"
why are the greek super soldiers black? am i missing something?
One is fan reaction on twitter which are always usually always positive
the other is CRITICS reactions.
Not same thing faggot
absolutely disgusting
consider suicide
>Gal Gadot is so dyel they have to hire Ethiopian extras to make her look buff
>me on the left
Even the negress twig with a flattop?
weren't they created by zeus or hera or something? isn't their antagonist literally hades?
I bet her pay was a meal
I want this meme to die, Hades was the chillest and peaceful of the Olympic gods.
>Army of women in metal bra's
>Every time they run their boobs flop around slapping around the inside
>As the army of women approach the collective boob slapping sounds like a highway full of cars with flat tires
Is that why he kidnapped Persephone?
considering they cant even beat the 200th ranked male(a guy whose training regime was a six pack and smokes) , I doubt it
That was merely rumours spread by her mother
He kidnapped Persephone, yes, that's the only thing you can say about him, and in many versions of the myth she went with him, because they were both in love. Meanwhile every other male god is raping girls, animals, plants, abstract concepts by hundreds an hour, except Apollo, he only dicks dudes.
Demeter, Persephones' mother, decided to fuck up humanity (who had nothing to do with this shti) till Hades returned her daugther by killing every plant crops and shit with an eternal winter. Now we only have bad seasons half of the year because Persepone spends that half of the year with her lover Hades. And that's Demeter goddess of family, crops and home.
Imagine a time where taking that sort of consistency into account and making the amazons all one race would be lauded as clever screenwriting, or just considered, God forbid, logical.
How do they know rack is slang but crap isn't?
>untrustworthy nature of man
... yet, women are the most untrustworthy of us all. That's not even up for debate. They're deceitful to even each other.
women don't poop, but women have boobies
an amazon betrays the other amazons in the movie
That's not even a lasso, there is no loop on the end. It's just a glowing rope wrapped around him, she's even using two hands to hold it. Fuck this rat faced bitch.
Why so many niggers?
Needed them to make Gadot look good it failed
The washed up hag or the Congolese goddess...