In light of some criticism, in my mind, I slightly improved on my original cut. Enjoy.
Passengers fan edit
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Just leave feedback here plese.
No Passenegers fans here? Do people on tv even do own cuts btw? I dont hang around here
Chances are you made a mediocre film even worse.
Said it in a youtube comment, putting it here for... what's the opposite of posterity?
Leaving thoughts as I watch. Haven't seen Passengers, but I watched the Nerdwriter vid and the Cinema Sins. Also, a little drunk. Let's go.
Nice open, very direct.
Needed the scene where they introduce Pratt.
Breakfast scene good addition.
Door scene felt out of place.
Having the 'reveal' of the 'twist' (not a twist in the original movie) left out would be confusing if I didn't know. There's a difference between artfully holding something back and poor structure.
What. Why are we at the end. Is it supposed to be as though some random accident occurred and she didn't want to lose her only companion? I'm lost.
Is this supposed to be some sort of coda, where she died and he doesn't remember her, or is it a flashback?
Why credits?
Ultimately, completely unintelligible without knowledge of the film, but it had its moments.
Yeah well, its pretty hard to understand if you havent seen the film though. The 'scene' with prat is like 20minutes long?...
These are just the important bits out of my cut, in in chronological order. The last section with Pratt is a montage to simply explain better Pratts situation during the opening 3rd of the movie.
The doors scene is to show that I cut out the obvious foreboding malfunctions of the ship until its too late.
Heres the whole movie if you want to watch it with my cut.
>the first comment I see is from Big Guys Inc
Never change, Sup Forums
You didn't make it clear that this was a part of a greater whole. I figured this was some sort of abridgement with a slightly different story. To be clear, did you essentially just make the changes that Nerdwriter suggested?
Also, by "scene where they introduce Pratt", I meant when Lawrence first meets him in the hallway, not his long solo segment.
I actually really liked passengers. What did you do change it?
Nope, not exactly, but it does make sense now when I've seen what the nerdwriter guy said, its a bit of an universal solution to the movies problem imo.
The problem with that, he looks way too creepy, and where I cut it is more in medias res
Look at the youtube vid and look at it like it is in chronological order, then it makes sense.
I get you, senpai. That's one of the worst parts of the internet these days. No ideas are that original, not for plagiarism, but when you've got over a billion English speaking monkeys at over a billion typewriters, you'll get some crossover. It's really cool that you put in the effort, either way.
>Nerdwriter vid and the Cinema Sins.
You need to kill yourself as soon as possible or never post here again.
I don't normally. Just to make you hate me more, I'll let you know that the only reason I came on Sup Forums was to see if there was a Master of None thread since I just finished S2.
I really loved the first hour of this movie, i think it was great. then the last 30 minutes become shit hollywood tropes.
such a shame
No explanation where Pratt comes from. She wakes up very obviously distressed then is calm and knows Pratt all of the sudden.
No explanation as to why she suddenly hates Pratt and is beating on the door. Beating on door should come just after learning of Pratt.
Why include credits?
Thanks senpai
So you're tying to copy PTA huh?
Paul Thomas Anderson. The no voice sound + loud classical music is a straight tip from There Will be Blood.
people on Sup Forums don't even discuss movies never mind do anything creative themselves
" 'Your' cut" !!? What kind of goof ball are you ???
I made one earlier already
you made a slow dumb movie even slower and dumber.
uh....what were you trying to accomplish here?
Make the twist more intense and the repercussions of him waking up Lawrence greater.
Why did you put the parts with her on the run before the reveal that he woke her up? Why did you include the medical pod scene at all?
Oooohh... Okay ...
Its the breaking point, felt too random that she just goes from moving away from him to straight up considering murder.
The medical pod scene is just to show hopeless of space, there's no magic cure in space.
>The medical pod scene is just to show hopeless of space, there's no magic cure in space.
If there is no context for the scene, your audience will just be wondering what the hell is going on rather than thinking about the meaning of the scene.