I can't look at you, Sup Forums. I'm still blind.
Last braille
I can't look at you, Sup Forums. I'm still blind.
Last braille
At least if his outfit is shit we'll know why
You're killing /who/ with this blind crap.
>series 8, sneezegenerates from restored, young looking 11 to old wrinkly 12
>series 9, suffers memory loss/dementia
>series 10, suffers blindness/failing eyesight
Why is 12 so feeble bros?
Best blind OP to date.
>question mark stick
He punched a wall for a bazillion years, 11 couldn't do that. 11 was a little bitch
11 literally sat around defending a shitty little town of worthless humans from every alien threat in the fucking universe until he died of old age
I was just looking at my amazon account and I noticed they user that got the /who/nger games win for christmas has yet to redeem their prize. I think they're only good for like 6 months, the gift cards, so If you're out there you should buy something soon.
multiple versions did for a few hours each, then died and got replaced by another copy of feeble old man 12
>he emails me at the president's account
>begging me to let him return to Gallifrey
True, but Capaldi has nicer hair.
hair though
>tfw all your friends have slowly stopped talking to you for no reason
I wish the Doctor saved me :(
>sonics you
>wow thanks Doctor! stay outta my shed
"I was a Doctor" is Twelve's final line
"I'm ready" is Twelve's final line
"You first", he says to Missy
Aren't you sure his last words aren't "*BRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPP* Oh, goodness me, how impolite of me, please forgive m--*BRAAAAAAAP*"
And as he braaps a second time he regenerates into a giant nappy
"Nurse, I need changing!" is Twelve's final line
>Bill you were fantastic
>absolutely fantastic
>and you know what?
>fuckity bye
1, Susan, 12 and Missy at Christmas
"So that's what pegging is", he says to Missy
I just made this up but it would be GOAT
Nah, Missy's gone at the end of S10.
Hello, HELLO, hello!
Anyway, why don't we stop and have a nice little chat while I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me? I don't think!
You actually like that are you my mummy shit more than blink? Muh Nine?
Maybe you haven't watched it in a while, but it is a genuinely excellent pair of episodes.
>ywn lie in bed with your gf watching a fully recovered Daleks' Master Plan while it rains outside comfily
how does it feel /who/. :(((
Blink loses its luster the more times you watch it.
Did he dig wells?
Spoiler hounds have said in the Christmas special Wilf has a small scene, the Doctor reconises him but doesn't tell Wilf it's him. They talk for a bit about Aliens, and Donna now lives in a fancy house and has three children, the Doctor smiles at this. And talks somemore with Wilf before leaving.
Bernnard Cribbins wanted to come back even for a small scene. And it's a nice bit of continuity.
post yfw Bill gets Cyber converted Mondas style
You forgot to mention that Matt Smith and David Bradley are in it
Reposting inKredibleKris poll for those who missed it. About half or so have voted.
I mean, even joke answers aside, I don't think people would be up in blazes if it's Marshall. Some might not know him, if you're American, but in the UK he's been in some big shows. Leaving arguably the most-watched BBC detective series of the past three years.
The first shit lying spoiler, which I would be unironically happy to see.
>Bernard Cribbins
Surprised they would have him back after that whole pedophile rapist molester controversy.
Fucking hell, I mean I love Wilf but let's not do the "Tour de Companions" when Capaldi leaves like with Tennant. A small nod to Wilf would be nice, but please no bullshitting with Clala and the Paternoster Gang or whatever. Even Moffat wouldn't suck his own cock that much like RTD did.
Yes, they're definitely going to go into the detailed home life of a companion who was last seen in 2009.
Most people will know Kris, the 13th Doctor, in the UK. Death in Paradise is a big show.
>Death in Paradise
>Death in Heaven
And Kris, the 13th Doctor, appeared in court after he was charged with a drinking offence a few years ago on 13th October. That's the 13th. 13.
The universe works in funny ways.
>every time he thinks it'll be different
>Even Moffat wouldn't suck his own cock that much like RTD did.
wew lad
I heard 12 goes to visit Dodo in his final scene and she tells him to fuck off.
12's last words are
''Death In Paradise''
What are you talking about none of his outfits are shit
13's first words after emerging from the golden flames of regeneration are
"Kris? With a K?!"
The Moon's an egg that laid another egg of the same size while it hatched. This is permanently canon.
Rewatched the S10 trailer, and now we know 12 is blind I noticed something:
>blind Doctor never has his top shirt buttoned up
what the FUCK were they thinking
Everything ends, and it's always sad
but everything begins again too and that it's always happy
Be happy
>not even the hoodie
>The Moon's an egg
These are 12's last words
Maybe it's because you're a bit of a cunt
Spoilerhounds have reported that Brian Miller is to play the 13th Doctor. 12's run is said to end on a dark note as the Doctor kills the homeless man in Deep Breath, played by Liz Sladen's husband, and assumes his identity.
>Oh, hello again, did you find out who frowned you that face?
>Yes. And you're going to frown me my next one!
I... I Can't get the fog to clear
Well he wasn't blind before :^)
So is Simm appearing tomorrow or what?
>mfw Kill The Moon
It's anti-canon.
>the ultimate truth in the veritas is revealing that the moon is an egg
>people kill themselves because it's so fucking stupid
I thought the Veritas was draft 1 of the Sleep No More sequel.
Nothing is 'permanently canon' or indeed canon at all
the adventure games are
Hello, HELLO, hello!
Anyway, why don't we stop and have a nice little chat while I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me? I don't think!
Not today! Because I am...THE DOCTOR!
>yfw it didn't lay another egg but in fact just took an absolutely whopping shit that looked like an egg
>this is their reproduction strategy to avoid disrupting nearby environments
What is the Doctor's name?
Reminder that KtM was referenced in BtF and is thus canon
Kris Marshall
They could've solved majority of the issues by having egg be rogue planet or something.
if mondas is an egg does that mean the cybermen are actually chickens? has the moffat era been building to this moment?
Wouldn't that be nice
>strums guitar
>2 straws each
What a fucking waste of plastic.
Yeah that's what I said. He's well known in the UK, especially after Death in Paradise, which gets double the views than Doctor Who does these days...
Americans might not know him though, apart from his role in Love Actually.
Anyway, yes, the stars all point to Kris being 13. Hopefully he'll keep his ginger hair, not the blondish hair he got from filming in the Caribbean for three years.
Could the Doctor have impregnated Idris? What would happen if she then turned back into a TARDIS?
I really think if they had the money they should make a 7th and 8th Doctor spin-off series, so much stuff left to be done in their eras on SCREEN. Not the Big Finish shite.
Dr. Basil Funkenstein
Reminder that Doctor Who actively makes fun of the fact that its 'canon' contradicts itself and is overwritten constantly
To be upset that something you don't like 'is canon', when in fact it's just another made up story in an endless pile of lost legends, is very silly.
>Americans might not know him though
Who cares?
GOAT scene
8th yes. McGann somehow refuses to start looking old and shitty so anything TV with him would work wonders.
McCoy I'm going to say no because he's a fat old shite now and his acting ability hasn't genuinely improved since the 80s. I'd be down for him reappearing on the main show as a second version of the Curator though.
That's true. But still, writers don't overwrite things needlessly. Continuity is a bit tighter this days.
I wonder when someone get courage to retcon moonegg away.
If he wants more time with his family, becoming the new Doctor would be a stupid decision considering Capaldi often complains about it
>tfw you will live to see Eccleston, Tennant and Smith get fat