Was giving voting rights to women a mistake? Serious question

Was giving voting rights to women a mistake? Serious question.

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Yes. In America, we celebrate the wisdom of our founders and then studiously ignore all the reasons they quite conscientiously chose to limit suffrage to those people who were stakeholders in the state.

Once you made politics a game of satisfying feelings, there was no doubt civilization was going to go downhill.

I don't blame women for this. I blame the cucked men who agreed to this.



end yourself

Yes, women should have no voting right or be in important positions.

Wimmen belong in my oants. Pants



Fartgupp hahahhshshshshsh

No. It's the enabling and validation of narcissistic and anti-male behaviours that has led to many of our problems.

The first thing they did when getting voting rights was to make alcohol illegal. From then on they have infested the country with nanny-state programs.

Now just look at the DNC. Watch it tonight. Tell me that it was not a mistake to let them vote.

what did he mean by this?

Look at the world around you. Literally a world built on catering to women's feelings. That's our society today. And what's happening? We're being dismantled by ISIS.

No, it's beta fags who let their women vote for them/vote by themselves


The founding fathers are apparently the smartest group to ever create a constitution, yet they denounced the rights of women and blacks. Coincidence?


"limit suffrage to those people who were stakeholders in the state"

Why do you think women can't be stakeholders in the state?

If your point is that everyone over 18 shouldn't automatically allowed to vote, then yes, I could see some arguments. But being a women is not a criteria that make any difference whatsoever.

What's truly pathetic is that Sup Forums thinks that there is any chance of taking away their voting rights.

>Even niggers know how hard it is to amend the Constitution, why don't you fags?


I wish we would have some kind of family suffrage.

One vote per family with kids or sth


Yes. Only land owning males over the age of 25 should have the right to vote.

Jever in my fucking life have i sseenn a more punchable face. I eanna fucking smash it with a covvlestone until hes pretty white teeth falls out and his nose is pulvirised. I fucking hate that fucking liberal hippie cunt I FUCKING HATE HIM WITH HIS BEAUTIFUL ARM MUSCLES AND HIS WINNING SMILE AND HIS GORGEOUS NIPPLRS I JUST WANT HIM TO HOLD ME CLOSE AND TELL ME EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT

Apologise for english, i am abit drunk at tje moment
This captch has tak en me five mins to solve


Women have no idea what the fuck they are doing and very rarely should be given any power.

I mean, don't get me wrong, occasionally one halfway intelligent one slips through the cracks, but is it worth it considering you are lumped with the rest of the 99.9% of them?


t. Cancuck

Giving the vote to everyone with a pulse was a mistake.

No matter. The stupid people who vote for stupid shit will die when it hits the fan.

The biggest problem is that the only requirement beyond citizenship is just being 18 to vote. You should at least have to prove you have a basic understanding of the government before you can vote.

Nigga for thousands of years bitches were not allowed into gov. Why is that? Because women are not wired for that shit. Even in the bible it tells women to shut up. Now look at us?

Democracy was a mistake.

>Girls drinking too much together

>Men drinking together
>This is something that has been respected since western civilization existed


The problem is not WOMEN it is WHITE WOMEN

I think white women are a special type of beast compared to other races. Maybe that is why European writers tended to be so misogynist. White women are a special type of shit.

Do you have evidence for that? I'm looking around but I don't see much,

Yes. Mandatory daily beatings and gang rapes until they submit.

>What's truly pathetic is that Sup Forums thinks that there is any chance of taking away their voting rights.
It can be done during a crisis. take the vote away from anyone but military personnel. make military service male only. problem solved.

Whatever you say Ms. Elizabeth Petrycky of Winnipeg Manitoba

This. We should put forward the documentary In Search Of The Second Amendment and the Paladium of Liberty Citizen's Rule Book as a basis. Both are accessible, brief, and thoroughly explain negative rights.

>Virgins who can't maintain eye contact with women or talk to large groups of people talking about women

lol here we go


a feminist explains it

Yes . serious answer.

what have you been drinking my swedish friend

i wish so hard that was the case

And how many women are willing to die to protect the Constitution? They're already shitting bricks at even the possibility of having to register for the draft--they'll relinquish their voting rights voluntarily once it's their own lives on the line because they need protection after running society into the ground.

Not a chance, you faggot.

No no, this has nothing to do with women drinking. Just women in general.

Serious answer


Republicans can't even pass the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, get your head out of your ass.

>radical things aren't possible during a crisis
really makes you think bud

>Founding fathera of usa
Pick one

>Sup Forums is one country

>Lol I just happened to post a picture of girls getting drunk
>It's not like I was implying any sort of correlation between good decision making and drinking

men have more rights, get over it

Voting rights is fine. But educating them to be liberal voters was bad.

>Costa Rica
>talking shit about 'murica


No, the mistake was not expecting the insertion of a new demographic into the voting block to have massive consequences. So the vote should have been given, but the responsibility it carries should have been made known through strong, immediate educational policies.

Of course, no one can ever be smart about anything, so we're all fucked.


no, you are generalizing, and I'll have you know that some men cannot vote properly. see DNC


kek is not pleased.

Yes. There's a reason Islam is the only religion that's still growing.

Bigger than any other in American history.

The important word in there is "giving" the vote.

The common man earned the vote by fire and blood, fighting the English and building this nation from the ground up.

Women obtained the vote by bitching and moaning until a bunch of drunk Senators gave it to them.

Theory in me says no because democracy and everyone should have the say.

In practice even my best female friend is dumb as rock and prefer to live under illusion rather than face the truth (for example she said she wants to donate to dog I advocated stray dogs to be killed outright because shelters are stuffed and only few cute dogs gets brough home, rest just eat, shit and then gets euthanasia after few month in prison for being unwanted not to mention only quality dogs from certified breeders should be brought home, she didn't want to talk about it after hearing that even in shelter most dogs get killed, she just chose to ignore it and was pissed for me to break her peace of mind hold together by lie) and prefer feelings over facts.

So I'm at crossroads, but I think someone with IQ 230 would think in similiar fashion of me and I'd rather keep my voting rights, even if they're not much due to a rigged system.

If you want to start restricting the voting rights of adult males then the draft needs to go, sorry. I won't be a meat shield for a republic I have no say in, and neither will many others.

Even when stripped completely naked, the Asian woman carries about her an air of dignity and self-respect that most western sluts lack. It's grace, really. Each of those women look like they would be dedicated entirely to their man's happiness and well-being, their minds uncorrupted by Jewish feminist propaganda. Where your typical western roastie has fucked dozens of nogs by age 15, the Asian female has had two partners, at the most, in her teenage years, dedicating herself to academic studies and learning domestic skills.

The western woman is a perverted whore. The Asian woman is pure wife material. White women can literally not compete.

I would say that giving the vote to non-landowners was a bigger mistake.

Incidentally, making land ownership a requirement would eliminate most female voters and almost all urban (that is, liberal) female voters.


To be completely honest - yes. The actions of a woman are highly influenced by her emotions. Emotions don't always translate well into rational decision-making. Anybody with eyes and ears can tell you this. Most women will tell you this. Most women will also tend to have a maternal way of looking through life - which means that moral ethics will enter the conversation far more often than it needs to.

Liberals believe that a government should solve the problems of its people. Conservatives believe that the government should let the people solve their own problems. You tell me which one sounds like a mom and which one sounds like a dad.

Signs unfortunately point to yes, in part because it was given not earned. Had women still had any form of social pressure like men still do, they might have voted more responsibly. Of course, as it is, most people in general tend to be really shitty at exercising what little political power they have in this system.

I think therein lies one mistake of Liberalism: people honestly thought other people will act smart and wisely. Its the same with abortion. I used to think 'oh its fine, its not like people abuse' it. Yep, I was in for one rude-ass awakening. Never assume wisdom and good judgment from most of humanity.

If they were so smart then why werent they loyalists, monarchism is one of the few politicals systems that work, if the USA and the UK were a single country they would have dominated the world

They are emotional irrational retards of course allowing these things to vote or even have any political power is a huge mistake.


Obviously. Democracy only works I'd you give people witha functional brain the right to vote. Giving everyone the vote makes everyone think they need an opinion on things they don't understand, so they just do what everyone around them does. This is why not everyone could vote for over a century

Women aren't the problem, they're almost like children. They adapt to those they're around.

This is the reason it took so long for France to let them vote; not that they'd vote for BBC and partying, but they voted with the church, and French men didn't like the idea of Catholic parties getting a voting boost. The church was a strong power at the time that took care of women but gave them purpose.

Boomers/GenX were shitty parents/completely cut women loose.It sounds cuck as hell, but men died off and became pussies, so now women try to fill the void. Surprise, they're shit at it.

of course


Women can't be men. It's like yin and yang we need both men and women as a society doing their gendered role.

Yes. They overwhelmingly vote for leftist parties which are responsible for destroying western civilization.


Giving voting rights to anyone that doesn't own land was probably a mistake.

>emotional irrational retards
That's most people on Sup Forums

If you think so then you dont know what an emotional irrational retard acts like.

Everything in that image is true.

You have to ask?

We should move the age to 25.

The founding fathers did no renounce the rights of women they simply did not include them because at the time NO ONE was giving them rights and they would have no support from their misogynistic constituents

Yes. They are not capable of logical thinking.

This desu

Yes. If only white men over 25 could vote the west would be a much better place

>if you don't agree to my definition to irrational then you don't what irrational is!

Not really. A lot of white men at the age of 25 are commie, atheist, and ideological.

No, that just accelerated and exposed the glaring problems already ingrained in Democracy - the god that failed.

What was the first women did with the vote?

Pass prohibition.

Was that a logical, well thought out solution to the problems of alcohol?

Or was it an emotional visceral response with little actual logic!

To really understand imagine a person who thinks every idea their feelings gives them is objective and absolute and you are insane for questioning it thats an basis on the thought process of women.

this. Sup Forums like to forget that for ever 1 twitch cam whore there are literally THOUSANDS of beta cucks who will donate money to her for simply wearing a push up pra and prentending to play video games.

THIS is the world we live in and the over abundance of beta males is 100% to blame. They are the ones who let women get away with EVERYTHING.

Modern women have become convinced that their most important function, baby making, is beneath them.

It's quite sad really.

If women couldn't vote Trump would win easily.

So yes, it was a mistake.

kikes did it

Only Property Owners should vote

Teaching them to talk was a mistake. Everything else stems from that first mistake.
