Putin for Trump?

Trump's foreign policy:

>Dismantle NATO
>Leave the WTO
>Undermine UN
>Stop supporting strategic allies in Asia including Japan and South Korea
>Leave Russian-friendly dictators in power

All of these foreign policy positions would strengthen Russia's position in the world while weakening the institutions and power stability that we have worked for decades to establish and secure our superior position in the world as a military and economic superpower.

Trumpfags are getting cucked by the Kremlin... Donny says one thing about a wall and you gullible faggots instantly bend over and grab your ankles.

>inb4 shill and two-party meme

BTFO dumb faggots, are we supposed to just bend over and accept the Kremlin cock because wall? You tell me.

ITT: Foreign policy discussion only, no libcuck tin foil hat "muh email hax" bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Actually if Trump succeeds in making all the allies pay for defense Putin's fucked.

Clinton is the real shill for Putin:


Why does everyone act like Russia matters? Fucking weak ass state with half our population and aging military equipment.

Trump is a fucking idiot. No wonder Putin supports him

i think his stance is fucking retarded, but he always backpedals later. i expect he'll revise it to read "...if they don't meet spending goals as members..." sometime during a debate

This is interesting. Are we just ultimately getting cucked by the Kremlin in both nominees then?

>two-party meme

Which is worse and what about Trump's foreign policy positions?

Nuclear Arsenal.

Because the Kremlin insists on continuing Cold War antics to undermine our position in the world.

The USSR was just a meme, Putin and much of the Kremlin are proudly ex-KGB

Go fuck yourself, Putin is a God

t. Useful idiot

kys you autistic un-American faggot

Consider that Clinton has no principles or morals and nothing she ever says is true. I'm sure that Putin actually likes he and wants her to win more.

Putin did the leaks to fuck up Trump. Nothing of value was leaked and he made it blatantly obvious Russia did it and they probably gave the go -ahead to Kerry to make this the media narrative.

>Putin shows Americans the truth
>Hillary/DNC collusion & corruption

t. Liberal Logic

>All of these foreign policy positions would strengthen Russia's position in the world while weakening the institutions and power stability that we have worked for decades to establish and secure our superior position in the world as a military and economic superpower.
Good. Fuck the US acting like they're the leaders of the world. I hope Assange destroys the fuck out of that psycho woman you're trying to make president , so Trump can fuck your system over for good.

>Because the Kremlin insists on continuing Cold War antics to undermine our position in the world.
>US/EU MSN and other propagandist outlets screaming "Russians are coming" non-stop since dissolution of USSR
>not to mention NATO, NMD and everything
>somehow this too Russia's fault

>Consider that Clinton has no principles or morals and nothing she ever says is true. I'm sure that Putin actually likes he and wants her to win more.
That doesn't follow at all.

And no one is going to pay for NATO if not the US.

>implying you are even butthurt that the DNC shut out Bernie

>has reading comprehension issue

Did you mean to reply in a different thread?

lel fucking shills are so funny at times

they just fucking drop in at a time to it's purely (((coincidental))) and start addressing shit in terms and angles not native to Sup Forums, making their presence way more obvious than usual, and when nupol responds and actually takes their bait they must be thinking "it's working"

lel, I hope it's worth not being able to sleep at night

raid/slide thread sage
fuck off CNN intern

>wahhh I'm an underdog and victim of America meme

Stop whining about American dominance you unexceptional faggot, get with the program.

I don't like blantant corruption, don't care what side its from. I would have voted Bernie over Cruz if they were the two nominees.

>hurr don't bring up best argument bc I said inb4

Fuck off. Putin's foreign policy is literally to uncuck America.

I hope Putin invades all of Western Europe, maybe that would get the leftist fucks to wake up over there.

I'm curious as to what you think happened in Crimea? What was the official Russian narrative and do Ruskis actually believe it?

Why should I? I kinda like my life and Hillary's currently bringing back cold war rhetoric, I can legitimately see her going to war against Russia when she becomes president. Sorry but I'm not interested in Europe getting blown into pieces a third time.

>Putin's foreign policy is literally to uncuck America.

You think the former KGB Lieutenant Colonel wants to help the US?

What the absolute fuck are you talking about? You're an autistic dumbfuck if you think Putin has America's best interests in mind.

>Fuck off. Putin's foreign policy is literally to uncuck America.

Wow. This is a new low in stupidity. Even for Sup Forums

Have fun rooting for the dismantle of Western power structures and stability in the world, get ready for the Kremlin cock you clueless faggot.

when's your shift end? or do you shill from home and are free to do it on your own time?

If I have the choice between sucking Kremlin cuck and sucking US cuck and one of them means I have to endure WW3, I'll gladly take the other one, thanks.

He's talking about NATO being obsolete to set up a bargaining position. NATO will remain in place but with great concessions for America. Expect other NATO members be forced to cough up much more funding for little or no extra power.

Dealmaking 101. Start outrageous BUT YOU MUST MAKE THEM BELIEVE YOU ARE SERIOUS WHICH IS WHAT THE BLOWHARD IDIOT PERSONA IS ABOUT so that when you begin to yield to their wanting to strike a deal with you that they accept your terms.

You HAVE to be willing to walk away.

It's obvious that you STILL don't see.

>I'm a shill for wanting to protect the US and Western power structure/position in the world

>two-party meme

>Trump campaign literally uses Sup Forums as an outreach platform

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

You're a clueless faggot.

>Undermine UN

And here I actually thought your post was serious.

good goys
vote Hillary

>endure WW3

These institutions were literally established to prevent another World War by securing Western alliances and cooperation.

Keep rooting for the dismantling of them you fucking autistic nigger.

fucking lol, you would have been a touch less obvious if you hadn't responded

If the USA took over after WW2 and actually conquered all the countries like they did with Japan, maybe the world would have been better off.

At this current time, the best bet is to let all these old nations rot and burn and just deal with problems within the boarders. Basically what they wanted to do before ww1 and ww2 basically dragged them into the shitshow that is Europe.

Putins options

A woman who has caused the world a ton of chaos and should be considered a founding member of ISIS who has done all of this just to keep your people poor


A man saying that he will work with you and wants America to be a beacon of peace and wants to expand economic ties

Golly gee wonder who Putin supports

>two-party meme

>you must choose one of these two we picked for you goyim

Nice try Yosi Goldenstein


This is what I keep saying.
My only hope is that the "cuckservatives" groom Trump enough to understand foreign policy. Because you fucking faggots are too busy chimpin out because 'muh demographic" while letting the retarded russians keep away with this shit.

Which is worse, Juan and his insignificant existence. Or one of the biggest state of the world who's always been jealous of the west and will try to undermine it in every step of the way?

White people have been exposed this decade. Retards.

I'm rootin' for Putin

It wasn't so long ago that Russia was good friends with America, the best of friends really. Post WW2 dramas... the cold war of big brother telling you to watch out for 'them'.. we should just put it all behind us, cut the world in half, and dominate the stars together hand in hand like we were always meant to.

>Stop supporting "allies" that won't contribute fuck all to NATO

the two party system being bullshit is one thing, but it doesn't change the reality that its not being broken on this election cycle.

A democrat or a republican will be president. Which would you rather?


>Which would you rather?

I would rather retain Western power structures and our superior military/economic position in the world.

Hopefully the GOP brings Trump around to sensible foreign policy positions.

>two-party meme intensifies

Yours is an argument on "who to vote for", not foreign policy discussion. ITT we discuss foreign policy.

>two-party meme

Make me a taco paco

ITT: we discuss foreign policy

how many posts do you have to make in an hour on average?

>two-party meme intensifies

>only two choices for you goy

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates

>All of these foreign policy positions would strengthen Russia's position in the world while weakening the institutions and power stability that (((we))) have worked for decades to establish and secure our superior position in the world as a military and economic superpower.

All of Europe combined can't match the US military, the ones that don't even try to maintain their military are actual cancer. The only reason we've ever tolerated them was for strategic positioning.


I think the US has often taken the approach of "if you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself". As you can see from foreign faggots shitposting here, they take this comfy security for granted.

I hope this is the case with Trump, and I also hope that the GOP foreign policy experts have his ear.

Sadly, some of the old guard GOP foreign policy advisers are disavowing support for him likely because of these positions...


CTR is adopting new tactics, I see.

>Yes, keep the white nations divided, goyim. Keep fighting each-other for dominion over the Middle-East instead of working together to end the lucrative ISIS project!