Worth watching it or its just a shitty gore movie
Serbian film
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Watch it
Watch it, but try and enjoy the comedy. It's a Black-comedy/shock horror.
I had to watch it twice to fully get it. The first time I was appalled, the second time I laughed my tits off.
Give "IT" try !!
>roach ""art""
wew lad
Watched it while i was severely hungover, was pretty good.
I don't know why I find sexual violance so much more disturbing than other violence. Why was the scene where he kills the girl he has sex with worse than many scenes in the saw movies for instance?
This. Also it looks good and has a good soundtrack
bretty good, i only came twice though
I remember when this as being streamed on Sup Forums every other night when it was released, I miss 2011 Sup Forums.
The director flat-out said it's just a shitty gore porn movie, intended to poke fun at the relatively "safe" films that were coming out in the country at the time. It's got nothing to say, it has no point to make, it's violent gory shock schlock.
If you're into that thing though, it's worth a watch.
>The director flat-out said it's just a shitty gore porn movie,
I thought the director tried to come up with some bullshit excuse that the movie was symbolic of the Serbian government fucking over its own people.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's said both.
I wish I didn't saw this shit, also didn't help that my father entered just when the "newborn porn" thing was going on.
the movie has some interesting themes
the director is trying to make some philosophical point with his "art"
but they fall flat because the movie just descends into shocking scenes
sort of like Human Centepede were the bad guy has some interesting idea, but they are all put aside for the "action"
>are you winning, son?
I showed this to my whole family and I don't regret it.
It's it almost reprehensible but is spectacularly good. I could only recommend it if you're a fairly jaded towards suffering.