Global Islamic Victory-2020

Holy fucking shit.

Everyone has to fucking read this: Al Qaeda's 20 year plan written a decade ago. EVERY SINGLE THING has come true.

>The first phase from 2000 to 2003 is dubbed the awakening stage. This phase focused on “reawakening the nation” by “dealing a powerful blow to the head of the snake in New York. The aim: to push the United States

>The second phase from 2003 to 2006 is dubbed the “eye-opening stage.” In this phase, al-Qaeda’s plan was to perpetually engage the enemy in combat, while developing so-called “electronic jihad” capabilities, in preparation for the third phase.

>The third phase from 2007 to 2010 is dubbed “rising up and standing on the feet,” a phase of proactive al-Qaeda activities. During this stage, important changes would be introduced in the region surrounding Iraq.

>The fourth phase, from 2010 to 2013, dubbed “recovery,” coincided in reality with the Arab Spring wave of uprisings and the crisis in Syria. In this phase, al-Qaeda would focus on toppling regimes by directly participating in insurgencies against them.

>The fifth phase from 2013 to 2016 would see the “declaration of the caliphate or the Islamic state,” al-Qaeda’s ultimate goal. This phase would see many international transformations.

>The sixth phase from 2016 to 2020 is the phase of “total war.” Al-Qaeda’s ideologues estimate that the beginning of 2016 would be the “beginning of the confrontation between faith and disbelief, which would begin in earnest after the establishment of the Islamic caliphate.

The last, and final stage, is called 'Total Victory'. This would occur around 2020. Islam will topple each European Government by infiltration after reaching a demographic tipping point, and thus, Global Islamic Victory has been achieved.

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Remember to vote nationalist!

It's too late. We have reached a tipping point. The end is here.

We have lost.

>tfw rich Chinese gf

I'm just going to move to China or a Chinese part of Africa, lord knows the chinks are red pilled as fuck and will show no restraint in wiping those shitstains off the earth.

Either that or move back to eastern europe.

This is pretty much what I expect to happen.

The worst part is this used to read like a hilarious islamist fantasy, because at every single step it would be so simple to shut them down. But we move down the list and Europe continues to fail to react as the danger draws nearer and nearer.

There will be an Islamic takeover of that I have no doubt. This is pretty much the end, isn't it? At least we'll all be dead.

lmao good luck, if white people really wanted to they'd kill every arab in the world in a day

Fuck that defeatist attitude. If the fight comes to you, be ready and succeed

It's okay, we'll just crusade them again viciously and brutally once they start openly attacking. (The small attacks right now are making people question and prepare.)

White people are lenient until they snap, then it's full-on genocide.


How exactly will they conquer the governments?

Don't you think if a few countries (Belgium, France, Germany) fell Russia and eventually the US won't move in with professional armies and BTFO of the musllimes?

Judging by that they're a long way behind schedule.

It's funny. Muslims didn't need all of Europe. They just needed the most powerful countries. They've got that now. It's almost over. I just want a clean finish at this point.

Oh look, the spaghettis are surrendering early, AGAIN


I'm betting they throw poo encrusted paper in the bin

If my government turns full on islamic i will personally go into the woods, make a fucking bow and shoot any nigger i see

No they aren't. We're in 'total war' phase. Do you know how many terrorist attacks we've had in the last week? Almost every day. This is war. Total war. And we're losing.

US would "stand by it's NATO allies" and prevent Russia from doing anything.

From our treasonous, inhuman leaders perspective, muslim Europe is no different than before.

Good thing Trump is winning.

If Belgium seriously has a revolution headed by Islamists (as OP suggested) don't you think some European country would invade?

Ugh, a defeatist...

I don't know if you noticed but something very big happened recently and you what that was? Fucking Brexit! 10 years ago that would have read out to normies like a Neo-Nazi fan fiction but it happened.

Donald Trump, a guy that was expected to get kicked out of the race right at the start of the Republic Primaries is now the Republic nominee for U.S. President and currently has a poll lead over Obama 2.0.

Things are changing.


>2017 is when we knock em out and we knock em out FAST.

There has been a very large fuckup, however.

>The fifth phase from 2013 to 2016 would see the “declaration of the caliphate or the Islamic state,” al-Qaeda’s ultimate goal. This phase would see many international transformations.

Looks good on the surface, but AQ had a split up and ISIS and Al Nursa have gone more their own way, along with other minor splinter groups.

Also, they can get all the ducks in a row to starting a final confrontation but it doesn't mean they'd win it.

>Al Qaeda's 20 year plan written a decade ago
you mean CIA plan to fuck ME?

why you guys so stupid you believe muslims can accomplish something in this era?

they are controlled and funded by US + allies to fuck with ME

How's your war going - are you guys defeating die rote pest?

>EVERY SINGLE THING has come true.

Al Qaeda are fighting against ISIS. So there goes your Islamic state thing.

Sorry but vague shit doesn't spoop me. Lay off the guinness paddy it's making you see shit.

Of course they don't. It would be like England's appeasement policy pre-WW2. And this time there wouldn't be Russia to save the day as Russia has the largest Muslim population. And POTUS Clinton would be celebrating.

If trump gets into office then ISIS is over and Islam is mostly crush, the right wing in europe gets a massive boost in polling just because having the leader of the west be somebody with such a reputation would mean a fucking lot. Not to mention the kind of diplomacy he would do with russia and the EU. Migrants would become a much bigger concern if the EU wants to maintain relations with the US if it doesn't just break apart.

i dont care.
we dont have muslims.
i will enjoy watch you kill each other from my apartment

Europe has superior number for years to come. There is time but action must start in 5 years time. Good solid organization. It's coming.

Burgers, too.

lmao, you think al-queda and IS are really separate things?

You know what, I'm done trying to put this fire out. I'm throwing more gasoline on it by secretly voting for a cuck party.
People want it, let them have it.


Can't wait until Trump wins so we can get the Muslim travel ban

Argentina will become first world country be default if europe sinks

Still won't own the falkland islands

Once UK becomes islamic the falklands will be left to our mercy.
We'll skin the sheep, cover the kelpers in sheep skin, se them on fire and play soccer with they head troughout Port Stanly

How did 331 aircraft strength become 1249 lost?

It's Italy. They found a way.

you mean from outside your apartment window... from the 20th floor

Did some wops in Sicily hear how bad the war effort in Africa was going and fly over to surrender?

I'm genuinely going too lose sleep trying to figure this one out.

Al Qaeda's just like ISIS is Jewish

The long war...

>Islam will topple each European Government

and nothing of value was lost

>Toppling Europe =/= Global Islamic Victory

where did the 55 end up i wonder?

>AQ had a split up and ISIS and Al Nursa have gone more their own way, along with other minor splinter groups.

This. Any talk of a united caliphate is fantasy, Muslims can't stop killing each other for long enough to do anything that organized.

>they can get all the ducks in a row to starting a final confrontation but it doesn't mean they'd win it.
Also this, are they serious about picking a fight with white people?

You think while the West (your current shield) is busy collapsing to internal threats, your gonna be left alone to keep walking it to anime?

I want some of what you're smoking Yoshi....

>total war
Good thing I've been keeping sharp.

You think while the West (your current shield) is busy collapsing to internal threats, your gonna be left alone to keep wanking it to anime?

I want some of what you're smoking Yoshi....

>be Italy
>lose 4x as many aircraft as you start the battle with
Jesus, did Rome use up all their military prowess for the rest of history or something?

you're not the only one, brother.

I literally still play this to hit the exterminate button when I conquer the middle east.

>The sixth phase from 2016 to 2020 is the phase of “total war.” Al-Qaeda’s ideologues estimate that the beginning of 2016 would be the “beginning of the confrontation between faith and disbelief, which would begin in earnest after the establishment of the Islamic caliphate.

So we can finally begin to remove kebabs soon ?

Cool. When the libtards and leftists will run away in fear, maybe we will be able to take our countries back.

Whatever, the traitors will have 3 solutions :
- convert and become kebabs 2.0
- die or flee, removing themselves from the battlefield and from the debate
- rejoin the white european patriots and their secularist allies in the rest of the world (yes this includes arabic countries like Syria for example).


yes yes
keep thinking west is japan's security field
japan only uses usa
if japan wanted it could create a huge army, by the way involving robots
its geography also make it very safe
in theory to defend ourselves we only need countless airdefenses and naval artillery and there, its safe

I-it's always the jews or the arabs it's never the white's fault of being cuck I swear!!11!

>Still thinking you are living in a pre-nuclear fantasy world

Do we need to bomb you again to remind you of the harsh realities of the world?

This has been on wikipedia for years. I read it years ago and I have been horrified as it has been realized step by step, blow by blow.

They are. Read the Syria general

Dude, who was writing these memes. Who invented all this? Religion is the biggest meme ever created.

I want everyone dead, i don't care how edgy this might be.

Fucking anime nerds don't even know

Dude come on, I seriously doubt that the united states and their allies are plotting together just to fuck with YOU.

>take over Europe
>global Islamic victory


you are making three mistakes
firstly, you forget your missile defenses are stored in japan
secondly, you forget that you would ruin your own economy if nuke japan
thirdly, the rest of the world is watching, and russia wouldnt be happy to hear that happening

You think Chang isn't going to stuff your ass in a dumpster once the US is no longer pimping "tolerance" out to the world?

>non white


That's like saying the war has been lost because you lost a couple border skirmishes

The libtards and leftists are also the enemy, they stand together with the Islamists.

Confirms he's hitting the spleaf *hard*

you'd make a grave mistake to so greatly underestimate the intelligence of any group of caucasians or mongoloids.

What are you on about? You said you don't need us and merely use us. You said that AA would be sufficient to defend your island. Tell me about your missile defense systems. Tell me about how you can hold your own against an opponent with hundreds or thousands of warheads.

Can you faggots even feed yourselves? I bet a simple blockade would starve you out in no time.

Their ultimate downfall in all of this is their assumption that they would win open war with the West because their desert god is with them.

That's why they're suicidal. You can poke a sleeping dragon and say "haha look how weak it is, we are strong" but when it wakes up you're going to be fucking annihilated.

The question is how long will it take to wake enough Westerners up. Not long, at this rate. November (Trump among other things) is my bet for when the tide turns

Stop being such a pussy. Stand up, men of the west!

Hey everyone! Look at Sven, hoping someone else will come and save him

For you lol

I'm not going to lose 96% whiteness in 4 years

Grow up

Isn't the ultimate goal the complete Islamization of Europe?

>sleeping dragon
You have made the mistake of thinking the west is still populated with the same caliber of men as it was in the past. The west is soft and decadent. What made the west great was people born of struggles and hardship that none of us have ever known. We may yet get our shit together, but we have a long way to go before we would be in a position to fulfill your dragon metaphor.

That sentiment sounds familiar, IRELAND

Shit, y'all don't even got your entire island. The English are still like "just the tip", m8

4.5% vs 95.5%
Oh no. What are they going to do? Clean up our electorate by killing all the city dwelling lefties


>Alas! Narbonne has fallen! They are marching upon us. Assuredly, all is lost. We must give into our conquerors.
>Trump: *ahem* I mean...
>Martel: Shut the fuck up, watch dis

Gonna regret that when Best Korea decides to pay you back for the Mimisaka and South Korea and China stand by watching and jacking it to Japanese casualties. If you couldn't beat them in your most warlike era with fucking Samurai, you are sure as hell not going to win now.

This children is what we call a demoralising shill. Notice the lack of evidence and the attempt to make us look weak, without really adding to the discussion. He's just trying to shut it down.

>((("burger"))) implying his own, or any, Western military would struggle against angry goat herders with AK's

Once the political mandate is there from awakened Westerners they have no chance of surviving or hiding anywhere on this Earth

Our strength has been completely neutered by those in power leading the west while we've all been perma-glued to the new "you"tube society that has befallen us

It's more than defeatism, it's fucking reality

There are more than enough men who would be able to wipe out the goat herders in a fucking year tops. The only thing holding them back is the conditioning. I was a communist 7 months ago before I found Sup Forums and now I'm a Mussolini fascist. The redpill must be forced now, and with the rise in nationalism and right-wing movements throughout the white world, don't think for a second that we can't be awakened. It's already happening, and every jab they take is making us even more conscious. Our countries may fall, but the Christian white man will live on somewhere and exact his revenge.

It's hard to keep hope up. Thanks for the reassurance.

>China's face when nothing stands in their way

Very true. They must be exterminated. Every generation thereafter must be taught about the horrors of leftism, and those that adhere to it after the purge must be hung in the town square. Never forget what the progressives have done.

Why do you think this movement exists?

Yes our leaders are weak, even against their own people, but our militaries are not. If ordered, they could remove the threat.

We have been led down this path blindly for generations (I would argue it started with the first culling of Europeans, WW1), and conditioned by our media not to question it. However, a few right wing voices over recent years, combined with terror attacks, have been enough for 52% of the UK to vote for Brexit. It's also been enough to propel Trump to the white house, hopefully. All of those decades of conditioning is breaking within months, once people are slightly exposed to the truth.

As I say, (((they))) have kept the dragon asleep. You're vulnerable in your sleep, but that doesn't make you weak. And everywhere, as proved by this board, the European diaspora begins to awaken.

The West and Russia and China would kick the living shit out of any Islamic caliphate. They'd be bombed so hard their entire culture would disappear if they actually became a threat.

Wtf, bro, don't. We can watch sweden, germany and france do that shit and let the people see what happens. It may be too late, but you don't want fucking terrorism and violence in your neighborhood. Lets at least live our generation as quietly as we can.

Never surrender to a defeatist attitude. Don't disrespect your forefathers by being a mental child.
You don't have to do anything, but don't make it worse on purpose. It may be you who gets attacked one day and spend the rest of your life as a veggie.

Good let it happen. Better Islam than degeneracy and sjws.

You underestimate the Japanese, Pablo.
Not surprising, since *you* still think it's 1952 and the USA is in full victory propaganda mode.

The reality is, no one except the USA could attack Japan.
Talk about CHINA STRONK and Russia being a hair's width away from striking out (to anyone) as much as you want, they are literally parading about with their millitaries and are too pussified to do anything even remotely like attacking a 1st world nation.

About blockades, you also underestimate the size of Japan's population and wealth. It's large enough to ensure it will be a protected asset of corporations forever. It would take a simultaneous blockade from the East, South West, and West to cause Japan to collapse. Who would orchestrate such a thing? No one.

There will be no nukes, no invasions, not full scale wars. Now put your dick back in your pants and go outside and get some fresh air.

>2 riyal have been deposited into your account

Al Qaeda wants to destabilize the Middle East and create Invading Islamic Theocracies. Muslims are pretty based.

Fuck the Jews. Let them all die those fucking kikes. They are causing all of this.

Good man
keep the spirits high

>Total victory

We could literally kick out all Muslims from our countries tomorrow and they could do NOTHING about it if we wanted to.

>We have lost.

So fucking glad my ancestors left shitty Ireland and moved to the US.
What a bunch of pussies, no wonder they moved away.

From now on I will be silent about my Irish heritage and only tell people about my Scottish/English heritage.

I don't think it's as bad as it seems. The Muslims still can't agree on whether the Caliphate is legitimate or not. Unless things changed Al Qaeda doesn't even recognize ISIS and their militants actively engage each other in combat. You can find videos of this with a little bit of google-fu. I think they are very much still stuck in the fifth phase and it's not too late to stop it yet. If Trump loses and Europe doesn't take their state of affairs seriously, then the situation will start bordering on hopeless. You got to figure, how much longer will it be until there are no dissenters against the Caliphate in the Islamic world? Cause when that day comes we better be god damned ready to confront it since we have already proving we are simply unwilling to crush it.