It has been getting good reactions from Cannes (Even if the Netflix logo was booed at the screening)
It has been getting good reactions from Cannes (Even if the Netflix logo was booed at the screening)
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>booing the Netflix logo
How fucking butthurt do you have to be.
>due to a French “Media Chronology Law,” a movie can’t be shown on a streaming service for three years after it’s left theaters
>“Netflix has been avoiding French regulation and fiscal obligations. These rules allow for the financing of our strong film industry and ecosystem which in turns allows for many French and foreign movies selected at Cannes to get made".
>They want to force Netflix to release their own films in French cinemas, and then, legally, Netflix cannot offer their own films on their service in France for three years.
fucking frogs
>land of freedom has many laws to restrict it
It gets even funnier when you realized the bullshit Cannes is pulling.
>Films in France aren't allowed to be shown on streaming services for a 36-month period following the theatrical release (meaning Netflix can't stream their films on their own service in France if they want them in theatres)
>Cannes Realizes this
>Cannes hates Netflix
>Starting next year, Cannes is implementing a rule where, for a film to compete at Cannes, it must have a theatrical release in France
Fucking lel.
netflix should start its own film festival
Is this just about money or is there really something about protecting the art of cinema here?
>It's a let's show the entire plot and major scenes of the movie trailer
>anti-capitalist liberal propaganda the movie.
No thanks. Take you commie nip-shit movie elsewhere.
Its all about money.
Movie looked good to me. Both the antagonists and protagonists have reasonable motives. I will see this movie.
I get that, but the other point remains unexplained.
>Villan is an evil capitalist white person with blue eyes
>"It's a Shame that we have to tell so many WHITE LIES."
Real subtle...
You can tell who's footing the bill for this one.
Nice try shill.
Don't forget...
>Villain is dressed completely in WHITE with WHITE hair.
I imagine there's a good amount of spite involved too.
It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Cannes might be shooting itself in the foot here by separating themselves from the increasingly-relevant streaming services. There might soon be a day where Cannes becomes irrelevant because it simply doesn't represent the film industry any more.
There's a certain amount of "not muh industry" going around.
In the same way you had people flipping out about e-readers and how the real word-reading experience could only be had with the good old dead trees system, you've got filmmakers and industry folks talking about the Death of the Silver Screen and the sanctity of the theatre-going experience and all that bullshit. And, of course, you'll find those people at Cannes.
Normally with these things you just wait for them to die,but with how much cash Amazon and Netflix are raking in, they might just change the industry sufficiently to render them irrelevant before that happens--or, more likely, force them to accept that being shown on a giant screen does not make something art.
garbage man where are you???
>Netflix logo was booed at the screening
Are the Cannes critics /ourguys/? literally Sup Forums levels of contrariarism
>(Even if the Netflix logo was booed at the screening)
Reminder that the entire "no blacks at the oscar" debacle could had been avoided if they hadn't snubbed Beast of a Nation
>Netflix logo was booed at the screening
Why? The MPAA are that angry that their influence is waning?
It looks cool to me. I would fucking boo the netflix thing too though. Fuck this shit of movies being made exclusive for online services, what a fucking jewish thing to do, they'll always figure out some way to fuck you harder.
Besides that though I think it looks good.
Why frenchs ruin everything?
>Fuck this shit of movies being made exclusive for online services
Netflix wants (and does) theatrical releases. They're being blocked from doing them by a variety of organizations, in a variety of ways.
In February, for instance, Netflix intended to release the Crouching Tiger sequel they made simultaneously in theatres and on streaming. Regal flat-out refused to show the film in the U.S., and pretty much every other chain followed them. In the end, there were only around a dozen U.S. theatres (all of them IMAX) who actually showed the film.
Then you've got shit like the France thing (which has already been mentioned), where they literally forbid Netflix from showing their films on, well, Netflix, if they release them in theatres.
Netflix has said multiple times that their plan is a world where releases happen simultaneously on streaming and in theatre. They're being actively blocked from making that happen.
Me? I expect classic. Classic.
I'm dumb a don't understand
Why are theaters so butthurt about Netflix showing their own original movies there? What's the difference between Netflix and any other movie studio?
>It has been getting good reactions from Cannes
see /thread
I want to hug Okja.
>equating animal cruelty to capitalism
Soon be a day, user?
I think it has been for awhile now. Frenchies like to believe that they are THE purveyors of art but French cinema has been irrelevant since the decline of New Wave.
I work with Netflix all the time and know a little bit about their behind-the-scenes. The only thing they give a shit about is their platform. Theatrical releases are done nearly exclusively at the behest of directors because movies perform extremely poorly on Netflix comparative to Netflix's TV offerings. The thing is Netflix pays huge upfront costs to get a release on their platform, often enough to cover production costs for the film and then a little extra. The tradeoff is that though the film may be available to howevermany folks Netflix has subscribed, very very very few may actually ever watch it.
based frogs trying to defend their culture
They're competition. Why go to a theater if you can get Hollywood-quality new releases at home?
No idea what it's about, but Paul Dano is in it so should be great
With France it's a tax thing.
Theatres hate streaming services for the same reason they make you wait for the Blu-Ray release. They want a window of exclusivity where the only way to see the movie is at a theatre. The theatres believe that, by having the film available at the same time on streaming services, there's less incentive for consumers to leave their houses and see it at the movies. They're probably right.
>defend their culture
pick uno
>it's a "tv-tier Korean director produces yet another in a series of shallow, contrived and outright unintelligent political movies made for children and man-children" episode
yeah but is okay when asian people do it
they weren't booing the logo
>Amazing how OKJA booing story has devolved. To clarify: The top screen edge was down. The balcony could only see two thirds of it. #Cannes70
> A mistake then meant that the wrong aspect ratio was used, initially cutting the top and bottom off the movie's print, and leading to a 15-minute delay as the Cannes technical team struggled to correct the error.
>"A technical problem occurred during the press screening of Okja, the film by Bong Joon Ho, this morning at the 8:30 a.m. screening at the Auditorium Lumiere," the festival organisers said in a statement. "After an interruption of several minutes, the screening started again and went normal."
Cannes reactions don't really mean anything. Just a lot of butthurt faggots pretending to be retarded after each movie.
lmao, how could they fuck that up so bad
that screen edge was obviously sabotaged by the JEWS
Why Jake Gyllenhaal looks like Joaquin Phoenix?
they feel like it's better for the industry, but you know what's good for the industry? Fucking great independent films getting funded because of Netflix
what clowns
damn you bout to get a job if you know what you're doign
No, it's jews trying to keep milking french goyim to death.
Netflix and BeIN are killing Canal plus (Anal plus).
Try to unsubscribe to Anal plus and they will sue you to death.
The (((french))) movie industry is like the music in the 90's. Can't wait for (((them))) to die. (((They))) parasite popular movies with taxes on tickets sales to fund shitty holocaust movies.
I don't get it, the person who wrote that book was a Catholic
Shoo shoo cuck
That's nothing to brag about.
Why do Catholics want to be Jews?
Money money money