When Will White People Accept Their Privilege?
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When niggers accept they're subhuman
They aren't you piece of shit.
Ha k
then why does africa have subhuman living standards?
Instantly, where do I get it? Are there drop points?
There's no privilege in being white. There's only the white man's burden.
Yes, white people are definitely privileged to be genetically superior.
it's totally fine to have more minorities in government because experience really is subjective and skin color is immediately visible in public. minority politicians should not be discouraged and only the best should be cultivated for leadership roles
this shameless pandering is something else
by privilege do you mean the centuries of hard work and science that made modern life possible?
you realise the niggers in Africa still live in mud huts? they don't even want to prosper, they don't want to work, they want everything the white man acomplished handed to them
Privilege is blinding. Even the Don gets confused.
We have "white privilege" because we are a superior people who throughout the ages have achieved a good reputation and image as a friendly, intelligent and strong people. The other races know this and they like us for it, even if they wont admit it.
Thats why. We have it because we are better than everybody else and has been forever.
this, my dubs prove it
>having children when you can barely feed yourself
give them more aid and they'll pump out 10 more babies
South Africa isn't too bad. A failing power grid, infrastructure, and agricultural development. At least they had that at one point.
They obviously have sub human living standards due the amount of black people, user.
Fuck off shill. Africans are only dying because their incapable of sustaining a society of their own or even a neighborhood for that matter.
of course they're not racist, no racist would draw a cartoon like that.
boy he dabbin
He has a slick dab going on though
>easier to get into college
>easier to pay for college
>media bias in black favor
>can take pride in race and be socially acceptable
>affirmative action
>equal housing act
>education acts
Fuck off shill niggers are babied so much in today's society they literally have to give half a rats ass worth of effort to succeed.
South Africa? You mean the white one?
When you hit the dab so hard your friend behind you starts crying
When I start benefiting from this mythical bullshit.
Keep crying bitch ass niggas
Fuck off nigger lover
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
Please inherit the earth. Let your glorious nation bleed the subhumans dry
When you get the fuck out of our countries
Jamal, free wifi in Mcdonalds is for customers only.
Jackie Chan?
Why are white people privileged? Because we ARE better.
nice repost.
When something privileged happens to me?
Like a get easy money and fresh baked cookies just for being white.
Have blacks ever created an advanced culture?
Therefore: Subhuman
They didn't work that nigger hard enough. Look at all that fat.
you fucking racist bigot. They created the peanut butter that got us to the moon.
Egyptians invented peanut butter first. And then the Myans invented it. And then the Chinese invented it. And then some black guy
But they wuz...
"Inventing" literally 1 smushed up ingredient
Niggers came from poor uneducated crimepolluted countries. Not white people's fault that they were born in literal shitholes.
Nature decided that their homes are made of mud and shit. Not white people.
When niggers come to or be born in western countries and actually start behaving like intelligent rational educated human beings then I'll accept them but if they continue to nigger around yelling "AYOO WHITE PEEPULS WUZ THA RACIS DEVILZ YO" then they can get shot by cops for all I care.
Yeah, as far as inventions go that's like saying you invented applesauce
If I actually get the job I interviewed for this past weekend (its the last job I would ever have to get) with the city, I will openly accept my white male privilege.
Lol, it's from Roots which "surprisingly" didn't have a very accurate depiction of slave treatment or even their overall look.
haha boi he dabbin
Blacks were Egyptians, checkmate you racist bigot
>The only priveledge is something from nothing.
>Subsidized housing
Earned income is the law of exchange. Maybe, just maybe, blacks are lazy and that's why they're called niggers.
This privilege idea assumes that a society is composed of different ethnicities that are obliged to each other and on equal footing.
A white culture is not obliged to give up its assets and opportunities to outsiders, any more than other cultures are obliged to white cultures. It's not privilege, because outsiders were never entitled to a piece of the pie in that society in the first place. Go fix your own shit, you deserve nothing from us.
I'm sure they are so proud
>Invented crushed nuts with milk
When we genetically engineer the removal of the cuck gene
I don't get this shit, we whites are clearly the master race. We built this world we live in today if the blacks or whatever else are not happy with it. then they can go back to Africa and starve to death or get killed in some civil war....if not shut the fuck up and be happy your not in some shit hole country and thank your masters us the whites!
>Niggers came from poor uneducated crimepolluted countries. Not white people's fault that they were born in literal shitholes.
>Nature decided that their homes are made of mud and shit. Not white people.
Yeah actually it is their fault Ahmed. Nature is not an external force that decides which race gets to make use of its resources. Niggers are incapable of running a society even when given one by white people(Hati). Niggers didn't want to use the environment around them to make a civilization , and that's why white people colonized their land. Just look at black people in north america, their sub-culture is reminiscent of the their primitive primate ways
reminiscent of their primitive primate ways*
fuck you, we built our countries from scratch, the niggs do not.
>inb4 muh slaves
we ain had no slaves here, and nigs did have slaves back in Africa themselves
>kidnap them bring them to our country and force them into slavery
>ok your free goodluck
>not our problem your lives suck faggots
When the following happens:
Pigs fly
Monkeys fly out Milos ass
Trump becomes a liberal
Hillary goes to jail for the gross negligence
Alex Jones accepts the NWO as a good thing
When OP stops being a faggot
When privilege is shown to be a real thing and not communist marxist bullshit
When I take 23 dicks (At once)
When Burt Gummer gives up guns and explosives.
Is that how the dapping thing started?
Can you tell me about the four wudu?
dude hit that dab so hard it made a baby cry
Quality copy pasta
>1 post by this ID
Start at 1:20.
Its not, after slavery and Jim crow laws got BTFO they were in a superior society than in Africa with much more opportunity it's not are fault they cry racism and refuse to work at all to have a good life
I actually accept my privilege to be born smart
It must suck to have 85iq
Why is there blood every were but there's none on his sword?
Bait post... OP has 1 post in this thread.
There's a little on the guard there.
Power sword maybe
You are weak.
Why do niggers think culture is all about food?