

woah vin diesel is hueg

lel @ vin diesel being so insecure about the rock being more alpha than him he demands force perspective shots to make him look bigger when standing on a box wont cut it

Do they qualify as having BBCs? Because I really want them in my wife

what's wrong with his neck?

they're standing shoulder to shoulder and you can plainly see that in a later coverage shot you autistic fucks

Tortorello is huge here OMG

like clockwork, thanks.

washboard neck to go with the washboard abs



I dont get that chucks thing


it's Sneed's Feed & Seed. Replace that with Chuck and you get Chuck's Fuck & Suck

>"I was only pretending to be retarded!!"

it is an abbreviation for a converse shoe

Who was the villain here?

u mad bro? ',:^)


worst greenscreen ever

user, please this is a blue board.

Chuck's Fuck & Suck dude

is the rock really that tiny?

Why does the Rock have his neck cocked in the "I smell a nigger" angle?

he's like 5'7" IRL

Vin Diesel is about 6'4"

>liberal arts majors don't understand simple physics

Why didn't they just replace Paul Walker with Stephen Amell?

no it's chuck's feed and seed but the business went bankrupt primarily because of failed marketing
this is also why that one orc got put on the menu, taxes are serious business

Vin is a half nig so hes probably pretty smelly

So's the Rock

what a bold and daring meme synthesis

Vin makes Rock look like a faggoty manlet

does someone have the ms paint pic of the rock standing on a box

it's clever forced perspective trickery to sybollogically demonstrate that vin is the boss of the movie

>a Ferrari car weighs around 4500 kilos
>Vin Disel lifts it up effortlessly about a meter
>the world record for a deadlift is 500 kilos in which the 150 kilo heavy man suffered a stroke

Oh I see, very clever if it wasnt for your comment I dont really notice. Thanks.

is this possible IRL?

Vin takes a crowbar to the cheek later in the film and it just looks like he grazed it when he fell off his tricycle.

Not like The Rock is white either


>deadlifting in heels

Possible to time catching someone flung out of a tank by flinging yourself from a car you directed perfectly to do so, to redirect their body as a vector and calculate the angular momentum you and this additional body now require for you to land, upper back perfectly flat, into the softest part of a car you must have known was there otherwise you would have basicly just been trying to commit suicide but for lucky?

Well, its entirely possible that this COULD happen, not sure how long each of you would be in intensive care for after though... But if anyone was going to do it, I doubt it would be vin diesel...

Here you go cutie

thanks babe


I feel like you could fit more memes into this

>braaaaaap braaaaaaap splooooooooooooooooooooort

I don't dare push the meme synthesis too far, it could have unforeseen consequences

The barriers between memes have fallen and we have become our own shadows.
We can be more if we join.
With you.

usually forced perspective like this works because manlets, like all dwarves, have unusually large heads so they can stick him on a box and have him stare into the eyes of the normie.

i guess they didn't have any boxes on set.


>yfw Vin Diesel is literally a manlet nerd
>The Rock is basically the Chad who used to bully him in high school
>He feels uncomfortable around him and gets into petty fights all the time because he knows Fast and Furious is Rock's franchise now
>Chad won once again

>It's a WWE bills a 5'11.5" manlet as 6'0" to boost ratings episode



what the fuck was that guy's problem?




No, it's just Chuck's. Why would there be a brothel in the middle of nowhere?

The scene was shot with animitronics because of contractual reasons.

How is she THAT big?

thanks reddit for coming over and explaining it wrong

who the fuck is chuck?

For you.

If we could do it in the past we can do it now.

Let's just say they don't see eye to eye

nevada legally allows prostitution in the rural counties but not in the cities


>> a ferrari car weights around 4500 kilos

what the fuck

that mixed with the alcohol coming out of their breath from all the corona that they drank creates this illusion

It still looks fucking retarded, you stupid autist.

We calculated the exact weight in /fit/ some time ago. Can't remember how much it was but still got the basic data. Maybe some of you poindexters could figure it out.

Nobody? Seriously? So you just pretend to be smart.

now that you are reading this be aware your mother will die in her sleep tonight unless you tell her that you love her

Explaining the joke like a humourless autist is part of the meme, user.

arnold's old buddy frank colombo or whatever the fuck his name was used to deadlift those little italian cars in his home country

you're really only lifting a small fraction of the weight

the more unbelievable part is that he'd have two decent handholds to do it

it would rip the front bumper right off if you tried to lift by that

Great synthesis OP, very daring indeed

It is his second face

Yes, but how much is it? In this case the bumper is made of titanium and is indestructible.


Well like said you are not lifting the whole 1.3 tones of the car, just a part of it, so maybe its possible to some degree.

This meme never fails to make me laugh

Thanks OP, I needed it

Around 400 kilograms.

The fuck?
I don't remember this scene, Fast8 right?

It's a statics problem, but you need to know Dom's height and how high he lifts it. You'll have a support reaction at the back tire and on his hands. The support reaction at his hands can be converted to the weight he lifts.

we know from op's pic Dom is about 8' tall


the rock is looking right at vin, but diesel is looking off in the distance

This might be valid, but I haven't done this stuff in a while.


Vin's Fin & Sin

I'll just leave this here

Why the fuck is the Rock looking at the wall? Is he retarded in this show?

Formerly sneed's

Did walker do these scenes or was this cgi'd in on someone elses body

why is Dom's nametag backwards

also nice trips

Gal looks cute here :3

Why is this meme making a huge comeback all of a sudden?


so you can know who's about to pass you

when will they learn?