STUDY: college antisemitism increasing in 2016

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wow, will these racist Trump supporter nazis ever stop?

O Vey!


there is nothing wrong with this

the internet really fucked the jews over now everyone knows what kind of "people" they are

Media, police, terrorism experts still searching for what could possibly have contributed to the sharp uptick in overt anti-Semitism. It just doesn't make sense.
In other news, the government promises to import and naturalize more Muslim Arabs than competing governments!

>Critisizing Israel is anti-semitic

Questioning the racist apartheid state of isreal is racist

I was a leftist when i was in college but i always had an obsession to why professors always objected to what isreal did. I pressed the issue further and It led to my eventual redpilling

Oy vey

This is Bernie Sanders RAGING on a liberal girl for question isreal
You will never see him this emotional

>Jews lobby to import Muslim Arabs and Niggers to white countries to eredicate whites
>they hate Jews
>whites hate Jews for being eternal fucktards

>plz goyim support Jews muh rising musl...antisemitism
>yes I caused that thing its good for you economy fucking nazi biggot antisemite now give money for them white guilt programs

Israeli implies israel is country. it is not.

the whole map is rightfully Palestine.

Never was a country called Palestine, sorry try again.

I bet I know one reason why.
All those Bernie fags who sent him thier student loan money get to watch him hand it over to the corrupt DNC officials and Hillary.

a soon as we get rid of all the you most of our job will be rebuilding after that.
So no.

cant hid their lies and bribes from everyone. like light turned on, the rats scamper away

Never was a country called israel try again

Oh i don't give a fuck about Muslims or Jews i just like knocking Jews off their moral horse since they push immigration into Europe

also in before JIDF swarms this thread

Look to the left.. look to the right we have a kike in bound..

israel has arab and christian citizens, they are subjected to the same laws.

Wow I've never seen this

this is true desu. I moved out of my apartment to get away from my kike roommate, and now I have an autistic Sup Forums browsing roommie!
Livin' the dream fellas.
desu the jew was a nice guy, he just lives with his jew frat bros now.

>wow, will these racist Trump supporter nazis ever stop?
This was a leftist activist that got run over by a settler bulldozer that was clearing Palestinian homes to make way for racial Jewish only settlements

Careful Goyim, don't you remember what happened to your countries that last 20 times you tried to kick us out or genocide us?

>dumb tourist jumps in front of a bulldozer and gets run over

careful schlomo do you want USA to be added to the long list of countries to kick your big noses out?

(((C.H. Summers))) goes on a college tour with (((Milo))) and Crowder the Cuck to trick trumpfags into falling in line with the Jewish agenda

Ugly nose is right this time

Kek, it's like Tiananmen Square all over again.

>What are former Ottoman territories

Shill harder Lefty

Look it doesn't matter what you think, Israel was given international recognition. And independence back in 1948, it's considered a country by every sense of the word

except there is, right now, and through militiary successes and heavy handedness, its been able to maintain its statehood you retard,

inb4 zionist shill, i hate the fucking zydzi

They need to be genocided.

And niggers get chemically castrated too.

You think people that hate isreal are just radical Muslims and Nazis?

Liberals are the biggest political threat to isreal in the US and Europe. Mainstream liberals are controlled opposition in the US. Europe is cracking down with anti antisemitism laws which (guess what) hypocritically defends what isreal does

oy vey goyim shut it down

Hopefully I'll be able to break out my merchant folder during a seminar presentation on Jewish culture

memers posting jew cartoons are a group of dangerous antisemites

>massively campaign to import problem
>problem arrives
>problem creates problems
>"Oy vey goys! Feel bad for us!"
Get fucked yids.

Why do you think they're trying so hard to kill net neutrality?

>JIDF brigade reporting for duty

like clockwork

What the fuck do they expect??

Import sand people who hate them into western society. Add already increasing antisemitism across population

Are the Jews stupid or something

When the world is completely muzzie, what are they going to do?
No where to hide then, we just kill them all

>encourage leftist rhetoric
>leftists hate israel
>oy vey antisemitism is on the rise
hope they all get fucked

See the difference between a Muslim and a Jew, is that a Muslim simply wants to watch the Jew owned world burn.

The democrats are actually helping us by trying to import hundreds of thousands or millions of Muslims.

It's about fucking time

>Are the Jews stupid or something
High verbal IQs goyim

It's just that they've been kicked out of pretty much every European country on the planet for the last 1000 or so years for being a bunch of autistic faggots

true. i don't get why jews are so subversive by nature. always conspiring

It's the left

See, what's really hilarious about this is that they are calling pro-Palestine retarded Marxist liberals "anti-Semites", they aren't accounting at all for the alt right.

At my shook (university of Minnesota) a couple of years ago a French foreign student almost got expelled because he published a newspaper column calling the Israeli student group a "racist terrorist organization" and demanded that they be banned and the leader kicked out of student government. the leader The leader of that group oyyveyed and called him an antisemite and before you know it we were all getting emails about how we need to remember the holocaust.

I knew the French guy and we used to shoot shit about philosophy, he was a major marxist

Of course there was
Apart from the 1948-

>Kingdom of Israel
This is traditionally dated between 1050 and 930 BCE

>Kingdom of Israel (Samaria)
was a kingdom in Levant that existed roughly from 930 BCE until 720 BCE

>Hasmonean dynasty known as Israel
Between c.140 to 63 BCE

All of these are well documented not only in local histories and archaeological artifacts but also in Persian, Roman, Greek, Arabian, Egyptian, Assyrian akkadian and so on writings.

>Oh i don't give a fuck about Muslims or Jews i just like knocking Jews off their moral horse since they push immigration into Europe
This. It was hilarious when Nelson Mandela died and there was 24/7 yapping about the evils of apartheid, but not a peep about Israel. Certainly no mention of Israel being one of the few long standing Allies of White Apartheid South Africa.

Jews cry antisemitism every time somebody is even mildly critical of Israel. Which many college liberals are because they love Muslims and Palestine. So no, college students are not "waking up" it's just Jews using the situation they created to cry wolf and garner more sympathy.

This is the one thing the Jews have done that's respectable. Move to a worthless patch of sand, oppress the arab population and build a small nation that's on par with western countries. Get over it commie.

yes but those were real israelis (arabs)

the jews today are nothing but an eastern european cult. that's why they all look like white.

>Sup Forums still believes Israelis are aligned with American/Liberal Jews

Whites push Muslim immigration into Europe more that anyone else thought.

The Bulldozer was clearing sand from IEDs (as seen in the picture), in a middle of a shoot out with Hamas. She tried to walk into a war zone and block a military vehicle.

Implying Israel encourages leftist rhetoric while it's the opposite.
Fuck leftist diaspora Jews.

>israel has arab and christian citizens, they are subjected to the same laws.
Yep, neither group is allowed to legally marry Jews. :^)

Something I never understood: on my campus we had a Palestine group of muslims and SJWs who would scream at jewish kids like apes in the quad. According to facebook, a few of those kids moved to Israel after graduation. If they want less Jews in Israel shouldn't they try to open up to them and pull them on their side? Not try to assault them on campus

Arabs were desert dwellers in the ''''Arabia'''' Peninsula, they did not invade the rest of the Levant till the 600's.

Arabs are invaders and occupiers being pushed out by the original inhabitants. You're done.

There was Philistia. So the rightful owners of Palestine are...




> the Greeks

Great.Bout time.

I hate that slimy rat Schulz so much. Why must Jews always look like reptilian monsters?

I just want all the Jews to fuck off and for America to do its own thing. Israel can go fuck itself.

Only when in a liberal bread they will come.

Never in a Nazi threads all over Sup Forums

They don't want the new redditor sjw's here to know

>What is the British Mandate of Palestine

Blame the Limeys for that shit

is that what the talmud says? not buying it kike.

class dismissed

All this anti-semitism in the West is pretty damn ironic.

>Jews are being targeted all throughout history and thrown out of every country because they are cunts
>oy vey, we are the biggest oppressed minority ever
>everywhere we go the majority goes against us for no reason, muh 6 million
>have the great idea to flood Western countries with Muslims to turn them into a multicultural paradise
>if all the countries are multiculti there isn't any majority who will go after us for our bullshit and general kikery
>all the Muslims naturally hate Jews and want to exterminate them
>all the white people despise the Jews more and more for flooding their country with Muslims and trying to destroy national homogenity
>instead of being safe in their multicultural utopia where they are no longer targeted by the majority group, all the different minority groups hate them
>oy vey

Neither are Jews allowed to marry Christians nor Muslims.

Muslims are not allowed to marry to Christians either.
The laws are symmetrical and fair for all.

Honestly it's even less bad than you think. We just only recognize religious marriages by law, and these can only be performed on members of the same religion.

How exactly do they measure antisemitism? Is the SI unit of antisemitism the "oyvey"?
>yes, in NYC alone, we found 616 kiloyveys of antisemitism

Let's call it like it really is: rent-seeking. Jews' whole shtick is that they pretend to be victims and then use that to leverage power/money/support/whatever. That's why you're never allowed to forget about the 6 gorillion

Ok, so what happened between 63 BCE and 1930-what country was it?

Oh...and before 1050 BCE, who owned the fertile crescent that you murdered?

My problem isn't that you're actively genociding the Palestinians.

It's that you fucking do it and hide behind muh anti-semitism.

Fuck off, you sure as shit aren't fooling anyone, you fucking arabic gypsy.

Israelis burn down churches and shit in them in Israel all the time

That's because marriage is controlled by the orthodox Jews in Israel, Israel is very gay friendly, yet they can't marry. Why? Because of the orthodox Jews. If you get married outside the country it is recognized as a legitimate marriage in Israel. That's how gays couple and non Jews marry Jews in Israel.

>>have the great idea to flood Western countries with Muslims to turn them into a multicultural paradise

Is Angela Merkel Jewish?

The Canaanites were there first and they were not Jewish or Muslim

No, that's what the Romans, Assyrians, Akkadians, Kurds, Babylonians, Egyptians (the original ones), Greeks and every other people who have inhabited the ME say.

It's embedded in every historical relic that your brethren are so busily blowing up across the ME.

Arabs are desert dwellers, and you'll be pushed back into your peninsula in time.

Well kikes, it looks like you didn't think identity politics and oppression Olympics through, did you?

Funny isn't it?


>we were all getting emails about how we need to remember the holocaust.

Good. People need it wake the fuck up

I say plenty of "jidf" "shills" in Nazi threads.

>>have the great idea to flood Western countries with Muslims to turn them into a multicultural paradise

That would be Merkel, your deer white leader. And her wide spread white support.
Which is cemented and rest on the backs of White German owned media and banks.

All minorities were hated across history, and still are, weather there is a good reason or not. it's a human trait.
Whites were kicking each other out of one's another lands for millennia over small differences in nationality/tribe/religion etc.

No other group was as wide spread across Europe like the Jews so none other was expelled from as many places.

Every day we hear about another arab degenerate attack, yet you still defend them.

Even if the whole Jewish meme was a fact, you still have a higher survival chance with a jew around than an arab around.

Here's the story from the mouth of the King Jew himself

>the original inhabitants
Which are the Palestinians. You're done hehehe


Well, her maiden name is Kasner which is apparently an Ashkenazi Jewish name.

Getting real sick and tired of all these (((studies)))

It was you who murdered the fertile crescent Muhammad.
It used to be a home for some of the greatest civilization before the desert scum invasions and genocides/mass forced conversions.

Arabs have not ruled this land for 700 years! How is that for a claim?

>My problem isn't that you're actively genociding the Palestinians.
Genociding them into a growing population? Taqqiya has no boundaries eh?

I wish we would have expelled them all, instead we allow them to have a better life than their brothers in Egypt and Jordan.

>Implying Israel encourages leftist rhetoric while it's the opposite. Fuck leftist diaspora Jews.

So why don't you call those faggots out, Moishe? The Jewish diaspora is overwhelmingly leftists. Why don't you disown them? Why don't you Mossad them? When the West either turns its back or is completely unable to help you due to Islamization, guess who's next for some good 'ole jihad?

Palestinians are a newly formed "nation" which have no connection to the historical philistines which inhabited areas of current day Israel, Palestinians are just Arabs that took the name Palestine out of convenience because of the British mandate of Palestine and the former territory of Palestine in the ottoman empire

True, but they are no more, many of them assimilated into the Jewish kingdoms.

Nope, you Arab desert dwellers are the original inhabitants of the Arabian peninsula, you are invaders here, and have been rightfully pushed back.

One day the Kopts, the Kurds, the Assyrians and the Christian Lebanese would rise up and cast you back into your deserts.

Sorry, not arabic. Don't know how you jumped to that conclusion.

Palestine doesn't exist senpai

This dude thinks everyone who shit talks Israel is a Muslim.

No, this is an ACTUAL white person you're speaking with, kike.

I wish the death camps were real, but we both know that isn't true.

The first opinion I changed in college was on Israel after one of my Jewish professors got in a huge argument with a Palestinian student

It's often not until that age that you start finding your own information, up until then I learned everything I knew about Israel from cable news


>Why don't you disown them? Why don't you Mossad them?

How? Don't act like a kid now. You're advocating Israeli covert assassination operation in western ally territory?

Don't you see we'd have acted against the pro Palestinian western left ages ago if we could get away with it?
Hundreds of millions flow from the EU and leftists into the Palestinian organizations, to Hamas and to scores of NGO's promoting multiculturalism and pro Palestinian propaganda in Israel.

Soros has tried to stage a fucking revolution here against the right wing gov here in 2011.

We do what we can to aid the right wing parties in Europe, all of which have close ties to our ruling party. PVV was funded for a while partly from Israel, we have ties with SD, with FN, we have invited the head of FPO here to help legitimize them.

Our minister of defense has called Merkel out for destroying Europe over the pages of a large German newspaper.

We have multiple NGO's working to expose radical Islam in the west for what it is, some of the anti Muslim vids you've seen on pol were created or popularized by Israeli NGO's.

Anyone who claims that Arabs lived in this land before the Arab invasions of 600's has to be a Muslim or an Arab, it's too much of a blatant lie.

>we wuz kings and slaughtered all the inhabitants who lived here before down to the children .. oy vey I mean they assimilated. get over it
>muh Indians, muh Africans, muh holohoax the white goy must pay and hold himself back forever to atone for his sins!

Cmon pol. You are better than this. Don't lose time with the non sense bullshit about ''WE WUZ THE VIKTIMS N SHEIT''

Common Bernie supporters i dare you to watch this