Webm thread
fury had a few nice parts
Jonsey :3
And yea I think Fury is bretty gud, even if the final battle is kind of ridiculous.
what star wars movie is this?
the tracers rounds were my favorite part of that movie
Creepy sex cult partygoers on a cruise ship worshipping the descendant of a 90 year old lion that fucked a bunch if lionesses and doing all kinds of debaucherous shit to celebrate.
But what are they going to do to his dick?
sex party
also rape
Bravo Damon!
milk him
Hmmmm this may fulfill my fetishes
sounds dumb as fuck
Lindelof might've gone too far in a few places
can she act well at all? I haven't yet seen anything she's starred in, but every webm I've seen of her she looks completely dull and untalented
I liked her in Super 8 and Neon Demon.
Haven't seen her in much else desu
I actually like this webm, if only the context hadn't been so retarded.
Pretty much describes any kind of rave, doing dumb shit just to consume tons of alcohol and partake in unprotected sex
isn't that the one where he's some rich guy?
jackie don want any trahbull
Yes, waste paper management or something
Hence the bales of shredded paper in the scene
based william
the film was better
his earlier movies were all pretty much kino
I enjoyed both the movie and the show. Also great loop from a good movie.
also agreed
it all went to shit when they gave hongkong to the chinese
for user
wew lad
Nice Dissolve
What's going on here?
she masturbating in front of her physiologist
god that movie was absolute shit
It from a TV show user.
whoops i commented on the wrong post it was meant for
Yes, it was as I called it "Unhappy people, the movie"
The only thing that sorta funny is that I felt the husband was more of a ass lying to his wife about her being a drunk who cost him the job then him killing the blonde with problems.
Not just lol. Nazis have green lasers... Ammos.
i love that space background back thats about it