If whites are the supreme race, why do jews control the world?
If whites are the supreme race, why do jews control the world?
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Its just pols deluded fantasy to make themselves feel better
Because the nobility of Old Europe found it convenient to employ hated minorities as financiers.
Whites are not united as a race. If we were, it would be no contest. Many whites appear to suffer from 'terminal cuckishness', as Molymeme put it.
Jews are white
Jews are white
>Checkmate stormweenie
Jews are smart and whites are altruistic
Only by way of genestealing, they are unique unto themselves otherwise or without admixture.
and that they are more nepotistic than white people. Once one gains a foothold in a position of power, more will come.
It is a meme to some, but the ones that actually believe it are either nazi's, muslims, leftists, or idiots that believe the prior groups.
Muslims use similar anti-jew propaganda like the nazi's did:
It's the only logical answer without making whites sound weaker than the average jJew
Blah blah... Jews are not a race and they're not the problem.
They're goal-orientated
White supremacists are the WE WUZ of white people. Nigger tier.
White pride and moderate white nationalism are good though
Did the Jews tell hitler to invade Russia
Jews are quite successful today though, show me your ways so i can show them to the rest of mexicans.
they lack honor and don't fight fair
What makes you think (((they))) control the world?
Pretty much... Europeans need a voice but Stormfags poison the well.
Because midwesterners are rubes.
They cucked the burgers, fluke of history.
Jews are white, the problem is, they are Jews before they are white. They're all fine being buddy buddy, but won't hesitate to throw us under the bus if it serves them better.
Fighting 'fair' means allowing advantages to your adversary, which means increasing the chances of you losing the fight, which means it's fucking stupid.
If they don't, then why does Sup Forums continue to exist?
hint: Jews are white too. The most sucessful Jews, the Ashkenazis have interbred with Germanic peoples for centuries.
Because whites have one flaw; altruism.
This is true. Caveat Emptor.
What do Midwesterners have to do with anything?
Because race is not 100% of everything, as the pleb and jew alike would have you believe.
There is justice. There is hope. There is good and there is evil, there is truth and there are lies.
Lies are the dominant factor in this world, but it will end.
Pathological altruism vs. moral bankruptcy.
Eh, because white people literally invented every single thing of importance in the fucking world?
Because whites have and still are dominating music, art & sports?
Because Aryans only fault is to be too kind to non-aryan scum, instead of viewing them as the parasitic threat they are?
>A parasite/decease is supreme being because it leeches of humans and kills it.
Fascism was rising all through Europe in WW2, there were tons of Nazi sympathiser parties all over Europe. We came very close to uniting on the important stuff before WW2.
The timing was unfortunate, the burgers being completely cucked was more unfortunate still.
Corncucks are the staunchest supporters of:
>muh israel
>muh constitution
As soon as they start saying no, we can actually deal with the JQ.
Because our races aren't united.
(((Chosen people)))
Then why do coasts vote for leftist Jewish lies? Sounds like you're a salty coastal trying to project your area's problems onto somewhere else.
P.s. The south is far worse than the Midwest for what you're (mostly incorrectly) insinuating
Forgot to mention how disgusting non-aryans are compared to aryans.
Worry not, communism and feminism will make everybody equally disgusting.
Because the white illuminati controls the jews.
"Illuminati" is the Jews retard.
the are highly intelligent and highly insecure
There is no master race. Ironically, it's the Jews who think that, looking at the rest of humanity as livestock. It is not surprising they have infiltrated into the powerfuk positions of societies to usurp us goyim (African, European, Asian, etc ).
Average IQ in Israel = 94
Parasites can kill a lion, does that mean they are greater than lions?
Jews are not white?
Also on a genetic scale, Jews are rather inferior due to the inbreeding and litany of genetic diseases.
Lol gtfo.
>This parasite thingy white.
Jews are managment.
> He doesn't know that the world is controlled by the global Anglo World Empire.
> He doesn't know that the city of London controlls all the major central banks including the Federal Reserve.
> Rothschild is a court jew accountant familly that managed the Royal treasury
> he doesn't know that the Queen is the descendant of Jesus Christ , Solomon, Abraham, and Alexander the Great.
Stay bluepileld cuck
Goddamn the nazi's sure had style
the jews were created by a traitorous white scientist thousands of years ago to rule over the white race. he wrote a book called the book of tricknology that contained all of the dirty tricks they would need to do this but they won't teach you that in school.
Slide thread
>white reptillian
>descendant of black biblical kings and a mediterranan
literally going to bump it 4 u now
You seem to be confused about who's cucking who. One of her title's is Queen of Jerusalem.
>Stormfags poison the well
No, they're just the coal needed to keep the fire burning, otherwise our moderates would be considered extreme, you know, like Muslims.
one of your title's seems to be assmad faggot because she's literally just a dying old reptile wimmin. you must think she has ownership of americans because of SS numbers too? what a retard
Jews are a scapegoat for those who are actually in power. Just look at all of history that involves them, they're allowed to reach a certain peak, and then when SHTF they're culled. They are a weak and despicable people. They have no honor and they're cowards, which is why they were so easy to slaughter in WWII.
stay bluepilled cuck.
They weren't slaughtered in ww2.
>m-muh blew pill
stay addicted to meme's fagget
> Being this mad
plz stay blue-pilled cuck
Ashkenazi diaspora liberal Jews lack any compassion. Thus, they are tyrants as rulers. Whites only flaw is too often being blinded by empathy and not thinking clearly when making decisions. But that is only a flaw because we live in a world where many people take kindness as weakness and take advantage of it, even when seeking help.
>Whites only flaw
There is greed, hatred, jealousy, pride, arrogance, sloth, lust... They all are used by jews to corrupt us. Do you think feminists or socialists got corrupted through empathy? Perhaps the merchant got their foot between the door..
We have 20% arab population and loads of Nogs
>mad, says the reaction image goy
oy vey
They're successful at being parasites. Everything of beauty comes from the White men.
>jews control the world
If jews control the world how come we have a Muslim nigger as president instead of a Jew?
Because it's all the same shit, and the president is a figurehead with no real power.
Deridl Dreidl Dreidl
I made it out of clay
why would obama and his people then push for israel to give away more land?
why are his arms so short
Actually a total cutie and im not usually attracted to israelies.
> 1 post by this ID
>berg spray
>Because whites have and still are dominating music, art & sports?
>music & sports?
Ok buddy
Since when do 'parasites' have a greater influence in the world than the host?
>beauty comes from white men
Yeah, after many wars and killing of suppression of ideas, sure pal
dumb redneck trash can't even spell management correctly.
As an Ashkenazi Jew it is always humorous to read these threads. My family's station in life is elevated so far above you idiotic shits that we are practically a different species. While you garbage toil in the filth of our society, my family is educated and well stationed.
We Jews control the world because we are better than you rotten little shits. We are competent and you little filthy fucks are incompetent, we are educated and you people are the masses that need to be led.
I will enjoy watching Europe be ripped apart not through militant conquest but through sexual submission.
Whites developed internalized morality (i.e. conscience) via Christianity.
Why do you always end up being destroyed and rejected by the tyranny you help create if you're so fucking smart?
This was said by a brit in your last shill thread
They don't fight their own wars and don't use the same rules everyone else is forced to use. It's pretty simple really. Imagine this scenario
>You're stealing from prime Mike Tyson
>He tells you to 1v1 him
>Tell him you'll meet him in the boxing ring, but he has to have one hand tied behind his back because if he doesn't he's anti-semitic
>You send someone else in with an AK47 to fight him instead
>They shoot him dead
>You then press charges against the person who shot him for you
>Go on national television and brag about how you single handedly defeated prime Iron Mike 1v1
>People call you out on bullshit
>Threaten to have them charged with anti-semitic hate crimes
>Start self censoring themselves
>Fast forward x many years
>Be known as the man who punched Mike Tyson full of bulletholes using only your fists
Oh i must have forgotten the Jewish Bach, Mozart, Beethoven... shall i list every single famous WHITE musician who ever lived or do you get the idea?
Let's see who dominates music now, hmmm, Avicii, Martin Garrix, Zara Larson, David Guetta, Alan Walker... shall i list every single current musician or do we get the picture here?
Over to sports, lets see. Oh black people are good at running and basketball ok.
>why is a noble race under conflict with a race of parasites and usurpers
Which country is Mike Tyson supposed to be?