>Having four hobbits in your dungeon party.
Having four hobbits in your dungeon party
>I will take it. I will take the rung too moordoor."
What did Fordo mean by this and y didnt the eagles just flap their feathers and use the wind currents to fly the rung too moordoor?
>having a human that already showed signs of falling to the ring influence
they should have planned it better
That's why it cost them dearly you dumb cunt.
I am reading the first book.
Damn, the movie is so much better than the book
Did they earn less than the rest pf the fellowship? Were they taxed as harshly?
Why didn't they just encase the ring in concret and throw it in the ocean?
Pleb spotted
>having a 9-man party in the first place
Sorry, honey, books are for grown-ups who don't have to look up the meaning of a big word every two sentences
>rejecting the heir to Gondor and losing all support from Gondor and possibly Rohan
You have to think big picture here.
Weak bait
>giving the ring to a hobbit who was incapable of even throwing it into a fireplace
Solid plan Gandalf.
This. They had to take Boromir along. It would have been much worse if he had gone back to Gondor and told people about the fellowship's plan... cause if that had happened, there's a good chance Sauron would have found out about it, either through spies or the palantir.
But I am /lit/... I don't even like scifi books.
Nothing happens in the first (uh uh tom bombadil!) and it is boring.
>go on a multi-month journey
>can't bring women because they obviously won't be able to make it
>can't bring porn because it doesn't exist
Might as well bring some prime boipucci.
Admittedly the part where they're leaving the Shire is slow and a bit of a chore. It picks up when they get to Bree, which is right after Tom Bombadil iirc.
I am in the part of the book where they are in council (OP's pic).
Until there, the movie is better.
Question, Sup Forums. Why would any grown man watch children's movies?
This is the third time in as many days i have to post this image without appropriate text.
I was a kid too once
It's comforting to be reminded we were all hot at some point