Why do liberals claim to be tolerant but refuse to tolerate any ideas outside of their dogma?

Why do liberals claim to be tolerant but refuse to tolerate any ideas outside of their dogma?

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Because it's 2016

They're liberals. They've all been raped

Because it's 1939



Uh how fucking dare you, it's just like *scoff* I can't even *scoff* like how could you even *scoff* man, like *scoff* *scoff*

>This is so you remember it


Why don't conservatives claim to be tolerant?

Can Trump only win through fear mongering and muh feelings?


Oh wow I literally CAN'T EVEN right now..Like are you KIDDING me??


Underated post

Gobels sama come home

Because of brainwashing they are able to hold two or more contradictory opinions, yet believe both are correct.

Why do conservatives claim to be for small government but support massive federal programs that stretch and even violate the Constitution?

We have been blessed by defenders of the hate.

In a world where hook-nosed kikes want to turn everybody gay and biracial, tolerance is being afraid of an opposing point of view.


Why do conservatives support the second amendment in case they ever need to overthrow a corrupt government, but want to constantly increase defense spending and support the NSA therefore making it almost impossible to overthrow said corrupt government?

What the fuck are you faggot cucks doing on Sup Forums?

Go back to plebbit, you bottomsex fuck niggers.

Perhaps because they are more intelligent than to to make or accept claims like "...any ideas...".
ANY ideas? Or just the ones YOU like?

Such as?

Why are both liberals and conservatives assholes who are only interested in controlling other people's lives.

Because the liberals already claim to be

2/10 low energy

Since you're a maple fag I won't blame you for being ignorant. The NSA gathers all telephone data and preemptively scans all our Internet traffic, without a warrant. This is a clear violation of the 4th amendment. """"""""conservatives"""""""" are complicit in attempting to expand the NSA at every opportunity.
The DEA is massive and stands on a very sketchy interpretation of the commerce clause. It is used to restrict personal freedom, expand the reach of police, fill the prison system, and fill the pockets of the pharmaceutical, tobacco, and alcohol industries.