Julian Assange

Suppose he comes forward and says "I have all the deleted emails. Every. Last. One."

How fucked would Hillary be?

Assuming, of course, some user rolls doubles and he delivars.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's an interview he did last night with an old commie on Australian radio.


What does he say? I have no speakers, I sold them to buy more burgers

please based Julian!

I raise you these!

There have been empty promises from Julian before, im afraid this is going to be another one of em. Don't get me wrong, I admire him immensely and I believe he's been wronged in the worst way possible but he has nothing else.

If he had the ones the FBI said they couldn't release to the oversight committee that would be dope as well

Nothing earth shattering. But he states the obvious by saying that regardless of the source of the emails, the Democrats are pushing a narrative rather than addressing the content of the leaks. He also thinks they will be successful in getting the "Russia hacked us" idea into the public consciousness because they will repeat it often enough.

So he admits that what he leaked won't really change anything?

What about the big upcoming leak he says he has? The one that will "get her indicted"

I think it's funny that Hillary is going to blame Russia for hacking the DNC's mail server and then pretend that her server was secured.

SOMEONE needs to leak the emails from her server, and if they don't have a clearance, then there's yet another criminal charge the DOJ will never care about.

Mega fucked.

No mention of it...


i think he said this weekend

She'd probably just lose in landslide to trump.. it is smart to hold off till she's been nominated now everything released showing her corruption will stick and there's no alternative she will go down in flames alone and rightly so.

Trump wins by a landslide (assuming the dems wake up from their denial, but I wouldn't hold my breath), Trump tries to force an indiction, but every prosecutor is too much of a pussy to do it since the Clintons are too big to jail.

Checked with the 88's!!

This, the real leak comes once the convention closes. They will be forced to drop Hillary Clinton so that Tim Kaine runs for president. He has zero chance.


oh god this would be hilarious

KEK demands dump.

I cannot see the DNC pulling the same thing the GOP pulled by nominating an "outsider". They will never let Bernie run which is realistically the only one other than Hillary who stands a chance against Trump.

The problem for Hillary is that DNC is filled with self-serving people. Once real stuff about her is leaked every one of her associates will distance themselves from her in fear of being arrested as well. She will be dropped like a stone and forgotten. They would rather let Trump win this election than let her drag their whole party down with her. They are in it for the money and power after all, just like how Bernie backed down once he started losing in fear of his career.