if Trump wins it could start a race war/ civil war type scenario, maybe even a purge type scenario.
If Hilary wins no country would take her seriously and maybe russia or china will invade, starting WWIII.
Or am I wrong?
if Trump wins it could start a race war/ civil war type scenario, maybe even a purge type scenario.
If Hilary wins no country would take her seriously and maybe russia or china will invade, starting WWIII.
Or am I wrong?
yes you are wrong. Trump would start absolutely nothing except kicking a lot of corruption out of the appointed positions of the govt and appointing freedom defending supreme court judges.
>if Trump wins it could start a race war/ civil war type scenario, maybe even a purge type scenario.
Likely the opposite. There would be riots into 2017, but they would die out. Race relations didn't get so bad until Obama came to power. Hillary is marketing herself as Obama 2.0
>If Hilary wins no country would take her seriously and maybe russia or china will invade, starting WWIII.
Likely the other way around. Although I'm dubious about direct conflicts happening between nuke-having countries. Usually it's war by proxy (Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam...)
War.... has changed.
Nothing would happen with Trump win. Hillary winning and clamping down to solidify corporate power would disenfranchise many, and by the end of eight years we might be closer to something like that.
The police shooting people and black retaliation killings have not stopped, seems to me they are on a rise. I have no doubt that he'll go do the things he has said about cutting ties to foreign nations, I give you that.
Russia more likely under hillary than china
>Race relations didn't get so bad
Sup Forums cucks actually believe this.
>things that have always happened and are just now getting media attention for 500 Alex
They are going to chimp out no matter who wins, less if they don't think they will be coddled. Protip: cops if anything are already letting blacks get away with more than is mathematically optimal. If they knew what was good for them blacks would be clamoring for taking LESS of their shit and MORE law and order.
ED 209 a totally impartial machine would do all the things they complain about more than human cops do now.
Fuck both the orange faced baboon and the entitled crook in the heart. I'm voting for Johnson.
No, I'm not wasting my vote.
>If Hilary wins no country would take her seriously and maybe russia or china will invade, starting WWIII
You're right she might start a major war with probably russia, but wrong about people not taking her seriously.
Trump starting a war would be way more scary though and probably involve nukes. I don't think he would start a racial riot, but major riots could occur if he did something drastic that hurt the lower class.
Why would Trump start the Purge? And even if he wanted to, why would the house and senate let him?
>maybe russia or china will invade
Are you legitimately retarded?
Clinton would be the stronger president in my mind, but that's why she shouldn't take office. She is far, far too familiar with how the system works. We've seen 100 times over she's corrupt as fuck, but she knows how politics work.
If she's in office, she'll know exactly what information to be keeping away from the public, she'll be making shady deals with other world leaders. Very little about her country or the world itself will change because that won't suit her, she will want everything to appear completely normal while she's making herself, and anyone invested in her unbelievably rich
What would happen if she goes to Saudi Arabia, where women aren't even allowed to roam the streets if they aren't escorted by a male, do you think the king would allow her to shake his hand?
Basically both are shit and will do all sorts of damage.
Glad i'm not a american.
>against trump
it writes itself people
Im against everything, so this proves nothing.
wishful thinking I guess...
Do you think she's never been to Saudi Arabia? It's where she gets a large part of her investment, they want her in power because she's agreed to do business deal with them. This is why people who don't follow politics shouldn't get to have opinions.
>she will want everything to appear completely normal while she's making herself, and anyone invested in her unbelievably rich
Hilary isn't after money. She has money (I mean she gives a hour long speech and gets enough money to buy a house) Hilary is after power.
She will give her friends deals, because that's how you play the game.
Trump will go after money if it's there. He's not a ethical person, and he's not stupid either.
But really Trump is in this for fame/legacy more than anything.
That's why this sucks so much, both are in it for bad reasons.
>if Trump wins it could start a race war/ civil war type scenario, maybe even a purge type scenario.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
>Race relations didn't get so bad until Obama
Didn't get the full line there, retard.
>She will give her friends deals, because that's how you play the game.
>Trump will go after money if it's there. He's not a ethical person, and he's not stupid either.
How do you deal with the fact that Trump was a friend to Clinton before all this, and would've been one of those "friends" getting deals?
I really don't think Trump gives a fuck about legacy. He's a business man, and he's having to step away from his work to play politics. Not doing this would have been far more advantageous to him, he could've just sat back and abused a corrupt system via Hillary, but instead he's cemented himself as voice for the people with high expectations to fix the entire country. If he doesn't do that, there will be no legacy. He must believe what he says or he wouldn't even bother running.
so you can have a good leader and get rid of niggers at the same fucking time
and people hate this?
Chimps are chimping out because they know Obama has their back no matter what they do. Once Trump gets in office they know they've lost a lot of their political power. Cops won't be afraid to do their jobs when Trump will protect them.
>if Trump wins it could start a race war/ civil war type scenario, maybe even a purge type scenario.
And all Trump would have to do is cut the welfare system, easiest war ever.
>If Hilary wins no country would take her seriously and maybe russia or china will invade, starting WWIII.
Actually she might start the war because war inc told her too.
You're very wrong. If Trump won the leftist cucks wouldn't do shit, maybe La raza would riot for a day or two before they get deported. If Hillary wins it would start WW3 but for a different reason, its because Hillary is an ideological fanatic who wants a one world government by any means necessary. Hillary would be way more likely to try and purge dissenters if she came to power.
Biggest two obstacles for a one world government, a free USA, and Russia.
non-blacks make me puke.
You're wrong if you think WWIII is going to involve invasions.
Trump isn't after only money. If he just wanted more money he wouldn't run. He's in this for the fame.
He likes the spotlight. Whats the biggest spotlight in the world? American President.
You literally can't be more famous than The president of the united states of america. EVERYONE knows you.
Race relations haven't been this bad since MLK days. And MLK was never calling for abolishment of the police and the entire government, or advocating violence, he condemned it vehemently.
Trump isn't going to do shit, Congress will hate him and cockblock him at every turn, there will be no memewall or ebin round up of illegals.
Hillary however will get to do whatever she wants aka invade Iran asap.
dunno. it'd be pretty nice. I think I dislike half of America more than anyone else.
it's interesting that you think those things
interesting and stupid
go back to africa then. OH? you don't get free benefits in africa do you?
Leave it blank, vote the rest of your ballot and walk out. An affirmative vote supporting either is an immoral act.
I thnk it's one of those "im so rich I can't really accomplish much more in business, so what else is left?" kind of things. What better way to leave a legacy and ensure a future for his children by saving the country?
I'm sure you know American history better than I do leaf. 1968 was the last time it was this bad. The main difference back then was, the media didn't have a vested interest in hiding it and pretending like everything is fine.
>He's in this for the fame.
You are just saying this with no evidence, no even a logical sequence as to why you believe this.
As I've already said, he's only famous for being president if he delivers what he promises, and he has made some wild fucking promises. If he doesn't deliver, all of this will have been for nothing, he will be hated. He's not just going to run for president "for the fame", he believes in what he's been saying.
Why would they invade Iran? Her and Obama made them superpowers with that deal.
>There would be riots into 2017, but they would die out.
yea cos Trump millitary police will died them out
Yes you are, but given the alternatives it is the best thing you can do. I think Johnson s a ding-dong and his party a bunch of morons, so I'm not voting for him either, but I understand why you would, if you can stomach doing so.
I'm just leaving the President line blank, which in practical terms amounts to the same thing.
A vote for Trump dispenses America gumballs?
The best part is they're burger flavored, you can really taste the freedom.
I thought the UK was known for their jokes being funny
He litteraly has to build the wall that was one of his major promises to make the border secure
He will have to make it happen aka executive order
She's so low energy, it does even go off.
typical american, doesn't get the joke.