Who would win?
Who would win?
Best Emma is my wife
Worst Emma is my lover
Stone has superhuman frog powers.
Watson is just an ordinary human being. No special powers whatsoever.
Watson can win anything she wants at crappy awards voted by immature kids, but not more than that.
im not sure froggy has frog powers but watson has access to uncle scrooges money bin so she could probably just buy a time traveling tactical nuke or something
Win what?
An Ultimate Surrender match.
emma stone is so fucking ugly I hate her stupid face
>Emma Watson is a smug, privileged and stupid cunt who genuinely believes that feminism in the western world is a worthy cause about bringing up women to the same level as men under the delusion that females are oppressed while ignoring that men are treated unfairly by the judicial system, suffer more work-related accidents/deaths, commit suicide far more often than women, men are expected to be and are sent to fight and die in wars, almost never win in divorce cases, always fucked over in rape cases and ostracised by their local communities even when proven innocent etc etc.....
>Emma Stone is qt
i'd go for stone in that case
i'm pretty sure she's a bigger girl than watson
We already know how Kek vs Feminism turns out.
Based Frogfu would fuck this bitch up so ez
Yeah, Stone is big and ugly. Look at her standing next to superior woman, Rachel McAdams. She looks ogreish.
Even so, she would not be able to ignore my girth.
>ywn have a tiny pocket gf who beats you up every night to show her how much she loves you
this places makes me want to suicide
>best emma vs worst emma
I don't see Best Emma in that pic user
lmfao kys
>ywn dutiful mouth and strong hands to pleasure Emma's shapely, delicate, sweat and nylons covered feet
Why live anons
I wonder what her footsweet tastes like
That's not best Emma, that's best Emmalet.
I think he'd appreciate her even more than I do.
ugly frog and janky tits. neither
lmao manlets btfo
I hope both of them lose
Watson for everything but the footjob.
Coalburning garbage.
How would she beat you if she's so much smaller than you?
What's wrong about fucking niggers?
Because I'd let her
Alternatively, with a whip
"in a relationship" is a movie, dumbass
she isn't a coalburner
>not wanting to cum between Watson's soles
Would you let her lock you in chastity?
That would be a bit too much. She could beat me until I have open wounds though.
>Emma, would you be my Yuri if I was your MEW?
no contest lad
I might pick Watson if it was just looks, but I'm not spending more than the 15 seconds I'd last with such a devout feminist.
>Who would win?
My dick
I want either of them to shit in my mouth. I guess I win in both cases.
Who would you want them to lose too user?
Hardmode: No female Draco Malfoy
if you don't want best emma to lock you in chastity and tease you every day until you literally break down and cry you're a homosexual
is this the GOAT feet pic?
Emma Stone has GOAT feet. Therefore every feet pic of Emma Stone is the GOAT feet pic.
How did she get away with that arch slip?
>you will never get these in your mouth
glad you excluded Best Emma from OP, she's so above the grudge match between those musty sluts
There is no best Emma but the triumvirate of Emmas.
>sure user!
>*draws volchatka*
>Have you ever been to Siberia?
Your taste is shit
She reminds me of the pinup golden era. Such a classic beauty.
Oh, you didn't mean make me wear a chastity belt? Just telling me to not have sex with anybody?
Then I'd let her. The chastity belt thing would be extremely painful and I see no appeal.
stone already won.
Watson, Stone, and Roberts, all pleasuring you with their soles.
Stone>Roberts>(power gap>literal trash>(power gap)>Emma Watson
>oscar 2017
I thought they miscalled it went for the florida niggerfaggot flick in the end. Who corrected that travesty of justice and gave it to Best Emma?
de Caunes>Stone>Roberts>(power gap>literal trash>(power gap)>Emma Watson
believe in the triumvirate of waifuism.
she won the best actress jeward.
the one you are thinking about was for best picture.
1000000x this
again what do you guys mean by "lock you to chastity"?
i was assuming he meant chasity like pic related
just the thought of her teasing you and making you rock hard and then leaving you there to suffer without release turns me on, similar to how women get turned on by bondage and being tied up
but i can understand how its not your thing
The only thing that matters is: which one has the biggest cock?
It's not really similar to bondage because the woman can still get off...
I will never understand the autism in the brain that makes this scenario appealing
That type of thing looks like it would cause you pain for getting erect. I'd rather have her tell me I can't fap or fuck and then if I end up being too weak and fapping confess to her so she can give me a good beating
actually change that to
>even if I don't fap tell her I fapped so she can beat me up anyways
>That type of thing looks like it would cause you pain for getting erect
that's the point
look up masochism
Watson > Roberts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Worst Emma
>I will never understand the autism in the brain that makes this scenario appealing
different strokes for different folks
i dont understand scat but it drives some people crazy
>That type of thing looks like it would cause you pain for getting erect
ye that is what its for
thats the whole point
>I'd rather have her tell me I can't fap or fuck and then if I end up being too weak and fapping confess to her so she can give me a good beating
>even if I don't fap tell her I fapped so she can beat me up anyways
what if she cucks you and fucks chad whenever you cheat
sounds like a shitty form of masochism tbqh
getting beat up to a pulp and getting fucked by her while being unconscious on the floor sounds a lot more arousing to me
>what if she cucks you and fucks chad whenever you cheat
blue balls it is then
but how do I get her to beat me up
post more feet instead of spouting this autistic chasity shit
>she makes you eat her pusy
>if you cant make her cum she beats you
hows that
but what if I want to make her cum
feet is even more autistic
based pusyposter, how does he do it?
check that one too
Watson. Stone is horseshit. No wonder this board sucks now with all you redditors
>said the watsonfag
>emily stone
>>but what if I want to make her cum
man thats a hard one. um....
you could tease her back
then she would really beat the life out of you to regain the dominance in the relationship and make sure you know that SHE is in control over you and that you exist solely for her pleasure.
/thread only faggots disagree
Sup Forums used to be good
that image causes me physical pain
Roberts >>>>> power gap >>>>>>>> an angry mob of sentient AIDS infested dildos >>>>>> more powerful gap >>>>>>>>> figurative shit > literal shit > Stone = Watson mediocrity stalemate
>robertfags shilling this hard for their shit waifu
how fucking pathetic
Can you imagine being such a homosexual in denial that you find a literal frog in a dress attractive? I mean, I can't because I'm not a faggot.
La La Land is OK.Not what it is all that it was hyped to be, but still OK. You might want to see it before you spam that image some more.
>pulp fiction
I want redditors to die a slow and painful death
Damn, those eyes
I want her to become cannibal and eat me alive while looking in my eyes
Only Emma wins, Emma Watson
>having shit taste
It was a 3/10 and that's generous.
>not using forced anonymous
why do you hate yourself?
Watson>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ugly frog>>>>>>>>>>>> literal who horse face
>gets trips
What did Kek mean by this?
I love how stonefags are always claiming they aren't reddit, you could tell when their influx came in last year
Stone. Look at Anglo Emma's beady brown eyes. Absolutely disgusting.
All I know is I fucking hate this lemur monkey bitch.
Oh come on, it was at least a 6/10 film. Not perfect but definitely an enjoyable experience.
I'm sorry that your opinions of films are entirely based on the popularity of those films.
What shit taste you have I don't even like brown eyes hers are gorgeous.
>using the word disgusting
>not talking about stones busted face