Why do millenials work entry level jobs?
Why do millenials work entry level jobs?
A mc job at 14 hours a week is technically employment
boomers won't give people jobs based off IQ, just bullshit degree. millennials will have to save this country, which the boomers have destroyed
someone has to you stupid fuck, in some years when the current older generations are dead millenials will be saying
>why do whateverthefuckwillbethetermfornewergenerations work entry level jobs?
is it possible to ban based on an image? like what the fuck mods
because you cant work as a surgeon with a african studies degree
>kid does an entry level job
yes people can become CEOs day 1
I had a job interview today and it was clear that both the hr bitch and the hiring manager were impressed.
I know I won't be getting the job though because I saw a mexican girl was also interviewing for the same position
Entitled brats, I started working at Ford when I was 17 and 25 years on I'm second in charge of the engine plant. It just takes hard work and not being buried in your smartphones
>Second in charge.
Admit it leaf, you failed.
because they are young?
Why would I want to waste 25 years of my life making money for someone else?
Sounds like you're cucked m8.
How can you be this thick...
>30 years old
I guess 30 is the new toddler.
They're called 'unpaid internships' and we have to do them because the idea of hiring someone without work experience to do a job frightens baby boomer/gen X business owners.
>Second in charge.
The story of Canada
Stupid boss won't retire even though I'm more fit for the job, either way I'll get it in the next few years.What lofty job do you have big boy? Head of changing the fryer oil at wendy's?
remember you gotta have 25 years of experience, and just graduated college
>implying I need to sell myself to an employer
Enjoy the CuckLife
I'm on mobile which African country are you from?
Unemployment isn't a job Muhammed
I am 19, born in 97. Am I generation Q(ueer) or something?
>he doesn't even consider self employment
Enjoy the Cucklife.
>follow this advice
>spend the next 10 years working the same low level job
>an opportunity for advancement shows up but is given to Shaniqua who has worked there for 5 months
>continue working same job for 8 more years
>finally get promoted to junior management
>company moves away
>apply for new job
>"We're sorry the position was filled by Shiniqua as she had more management experience."
>get old waiting to find another job
>starve to death on your government pension of $13 a month despite paying in to it your whole life and you would have been better off just keeping your money in the bank for retirement
A millenial is anyone born after 1982.
Why are there so many jews in Canada?
because employers want a bachelors and 5 years of experience for a supervisor ($10 an hour) position
Because minimum wage requirements have made it a bitch and a half to get work experience. A business isn't going to take every John, Dick, and Harry off the street, you need to prove you can bring something to the table. Or a degree.
you didn't refute my point tho...
because thinking is difficult as hell. give me a job where i move a heavy thing, and i'll do that shit forever. give me some minor thinking? fuck that, i'm done.
>t. Eng Lit Major
>I know I won't be getting the job though because I saw a mexican girl was also interviewing for the same position
Are you sure she wasn't cleaning the place?
>NEETs vindicated
Im working to get a job in networking
Almost every low lay help desk jobs want a bachelors and three years of experience working helpdesk
Everyone knows Fords are made in Mexico you faggot.
If you make too much money, your student loan payments go through the roof. Currently make 46,000 a year, payments are $75 a month on $300,000 student loan debt.
If I made 70k I'd be paying $900 a month.
Wow, where do I start on replying to these bitter trolls? Hmm. There is no conspiracy to keep you down, honestly if I could do it then anybody can, it takes hard work that you obviously aren't putting in. I'll give career advice to anyone who asks
>remember you gotta have 25 years of experience, and just graduated college
I'm not even millennial and this gets me every time.
> Software Developer Position Available
> Requirements: 5 years experience with language X
> mfw X was just released
Hello underaged b&
If you're under 22 here fuck off, nothing you have to say is relevant.
> lack of focus
> lack of ambition
> gimme dats
> all of the above
pick one. no wrong answer
>become police officer
>shoot Shaniqua
Follow our ways, leaf
Finally a mature answer
I seriously hope you added an extra 0 in front of the comma.
Nope. Went to law school and ended up out of work for almost two years. This shitty job is as good as I can find.
What fucking school or degree program did you go through to accrue $300k in student debt that will only get you a $46k a year salary? Do you work for the government?
Sorry to hear it m8. I can't imagine the feeling of finishing the bullshit from undergrad and the difficulty of law school and this being the reward. I wish you the best and hope good things come soon.
>Second in charge
>After 25 fucking years
You failed. You should be number one after that much dedication to your job.
Because baby boomers are clinging to the other jobs like a pestilence
At $75 a month you'll be paying for over 300 years, don't spend your meager pittance on pokemon and Marijuana
This. Anyone born after 1993 can fuck right off
OP is a troll, but
>this is what boomers actually believe
I was in charge of raw material logistics for 13 years and was transferred to the engine plant
wtf i do :*(
>Born in 1992
Oh boy! I'm in the cool kid's club now!
Because it's possible to work and have fun/make money. I'm 30, a chef in a professional kitchen Monday -Friday and I bartend on weekends. I fuck girls, make a shit ton of money, stay fit and never spent a dime on the college jew. Get on my level stemfags
In some way, its probably got a good bit of truth to it. Our generation is, while full of idiots, probably the only generation that might yet competently pull things back together. Not too destroyed by media, but not so brainwashed and clung as the boomers and their fail babies gen x.
Pick a number in your head that you think will be the age baby boomers will finally start to retire and you'll start making out for yourself financially.
Now, think of all the advancements in science/medicine that will take place in between now and the time you reach that number in age. Compound that with all the immigrants that politicians want to import in order to secure more votes for themselves.
When you ask your kids in 30 - 40 years for that same number, what do you think it will be?
Chefs make fuck all money, and you're likely a CDP at best. Any cook over 24 is a burnout loser who couldn't make it in the real world and is cucked into working doubles, every weekend, no vacation, your coworkers are illegal immigrants and junkies and your coke head boss is stealing your tips
>born in 93
wew lad
Early-80s to the end of 99 are Gen Y, aka Millennials.
1994 reporting in. Most old people are brainwashed by the cold war so age really don't matter. RedpillEd > age, not: age > redpilled. Seriously kys
The BB are to wide an age group, there probably wont be a country by the time im their age, and I dont want to marry.. although I would love kids. Hmm. Anyways what is your point?
Thanks for serving me and my wife when we were on vacation! It was a really good time. It's so nice taking a few paid weeks off. And my high credit score and miles rewards program bought our tickets! Next year I'm taking a sabbatical in Kenya to teach for a few months. Fortunately, my employer is kind enough to cover all my expenses and give me a wage while I'm there! To top it all off I'm only working five days a week, but usually I sneak out early on Fridays so I can spend time with my family!
>Anyways what is your point?
You seem pissed that baby boomers won't give up their jobs. They lived longer than the generation before them. If you live longer than they do, and don't give up your job for them, whatever generation that follows you will be just as much, if not more bitter, than you.
>7.25/hr is to much
>It's just as easy to achieve upward mobility in those types of jobs these days.
..because we're waiting for all the asset rich baby boomers to hurry up and fucking retire already.
Because I don't have career ambitions or dreams of immeasurable wealth and feel perfectly content with warehouse work that supports my relatively modest lifestyle.
>"tons of money"
>linecook =/= chef
>work 7 days a week
lol. just slowly commit suicide with heroin like everyone else in your profession
Considering the high chances of war in our immediate future I dont think our ranks will be as swollen as comfy, entitled boomer scum. In fact, we may not be around.
>In fact, we may not be around.
pretty sure nobody is going to be drafted
Doesn't take a draft to affect people, really when those who war against you want your civvies dead more then anything.
Get a better job scum. I'm a Corporate Accountant and all the other Corporate Accountants I work with are fairly young.
Yes it is, most unskilled workers aren't worth that much.
The mostly white volunteer army will go and die, and that will put us in the minority bracket of a nation taking in way too many foreigners all the while the whole nation being taught racebaiting and white guilt propaganda. Add the race mixing and liberalization of the youth against firearms and faith.. it doesnt look good.
Yeah ita called pay what you are able. And it sounds like you defaulted to get that deal.
>millennials are entitled and don't want to work
>lmao why the fuck are millennials working such shitty jobs
What do you even want?
minimum wage @ 7.25/hr literally does jack shit. no one hires/works for 7.25/hr. even fucking bojangles and walmart employees get 10/hr
lowering the minimum wage would have no impact on the economy because people already refuse to work for the current minimum wage
you do realize our casualty rate has been decreasing with every war?
compound with the fact that Trump might be president which will decrease the flood, and we're using drones and shit
>the army is mostly white
i was in the army for 6 years. its mostly niggers, native americans and puerto ricans
86 here and I can't agree with that. All of my friends from high school and college are employed. It's the kids 4 years behind me that all went for art shit.
To bitch about something. It's all some people know how do to.
Old fucks are clinging to life
Are you a nigger? In that case, we whiteys will be getting the last laugh. Who grows the food you eat? Ill be watching you starve from the heaven above.
Either that or youll be like the white that survived the haitian purge
old fucks wont retire and minority quotas
Only the leg units. Airborne qualified units are 90%+ white.
>I'm 30, a chef in a professional kitchen Monday -Friday and I bartend on weekends. I fuck girls,
guys he's not wrong. he makes ok money and fucks hot chicks from bartending
this is the way to go. if he wanted to he could probably save up money and buy into a bar in 5-10 years
Yeah, I'm a nigger... on Sup Forums
Are you an emo? Because you write like an emo.
You underestimate the power of "muh country"
The job of infantry is to take and hold ground. If you think armies of men will ever go away, youre delusional.
And there would probably be a draft. If there was a draft during nam there certainly would be for civl war 2 or world war 3.
He's a bartender so odds are he's spending that money on weed and going to other bars.
i was airborne.
niggers, spics and native americans
tons of women that don't do shit
more than 70% of women graduate from airborne school. it was pretty fucking easy.
the army is shit/massive welfare leech system
> niggers cant manage to find their way to Sup Forums
Look im a realist too but come on, man. Also, an emo? What kind of insult is that?
>there would probably be a draft
The draft didn't work in Vietnam. It was a huge failure. Unless we get down to less than 1B people on this planet, there won't be another draft. There will always be infantry, but air support will soften any resistance beforehand.
>Pull myself up by my boot straps and get an engineering degree
>All entry-level jobs require 1-3 years experience
>Get a job stacking boxes for $8/hr because it's the only one that will hire me without experience
Becouse most high schools push college so hard. I went to trade school and make 55k a year as a welder
Do you have a box making machine?
>i was airborne
So was I. Infantry unit. 100% men. There were about 6 black guys and 2 latino guys. I don't know what airborne school is like now, but it was super easy and no women graduated (I think there were about three total.)
My friend does that. But then again he also gets no benefits like other jobs.
I have health dental and pension