Sup Forums used to be good.
It was 70% NatSoc and 30% libertarian.
Now it's full of bluepilled cucked faggots.
What went wrong?
Sup Forums used to be good.
It was 70% NatSoc and 30% libertarian.
Now it's full of bluepilled cucked faggots.
What went wrong?
We grew up
>Cuckservative detected
jidf like got scurred of keyboard warriors having an opinion.
cool dubs btw wanna trade
No. There are much more underages than before.
Jews are no longer being combated like before. It's the core of the problem.
Why does nu/pol/ keep asking this question? It was fucking gaymercancer. It literally just fucking happened. Is this like the game where America and Israel create ISIS, admit they made them, admit to joining them, admit to buying oil from them, then everyone pretends it didn't happen.
Great prediction, Orwell!
>cool dubs
Kek speaks in my favor.
How to beat this motherfuckers?
Daily Reminder: the Nazis would have executed the jew-loving plutocrat Trump.
Im still libertarian at heart but just role play as a nazi on Sup Forums for fun
Too many newfags took Trump's words seriously instead of realizing that it's just tactics.
American kikes are disgusting, vile, wretched creatures, they are the root of the core problems facing white societies today. I guess we just have to create more NatSoc threads again, with actual content, not just spamming pictures of 3rd Reich marches. We need to find the quotes, the ideas, the people who are truly inspirational and spread them here. The newfriends WILL be interested in threads containing big scary nazi symbols, and if we come off as intelligent people ready to debate logically (instead of screaming cuck and being polemic), then we'll start winning again.
Try logging on earlier in the day when the Euros are all online. Unfortunately the newfags who still believe in Left vs. Right and are pro-democracy are mostly American.
sounds like you could use a safe space, where you wont have to worry about people disagreeing with you
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, liberty or death.
>i love freedom
>i didnt know freedom meant people doing things that suck
nice politics Sup Forums
cuck channels like sargon or amazing atheist started to do anti-sjw shit, but still they still were being a cucks.
Their viewers sooner or later heard about Sup Forums and view it as a dank site against sjw and feminism, but they are too bluepilled to realize the hard truth. Instead they take their cuck political&religion views and try to push them here. Shills only benefit from this- their job was never so easy as today.
Could you ever imagine that on old Sup Forums someone would actually praise a nigger loving gay kike?
reddit and kids came on here for the election
Classical Liberalism only works best in a homogeneous anglo-saxon society. Other groups do extremely well in different forms of society but this society can only be created through National Socialism. So It's just a platform to reach the ultimate goal.
>He said anything about freedom
Nice reading /reddit/
They all moved to 4+Sup Forums. Seriously go there literally everyone calls our kikes. After that in swooped all the newly somewhat redpilled neocons who still live Israel, basically milofags. Everyone whines about Muslims as opposed to the real threat, Jews. Seriously jew posters are way too comfortable here.
>Unite jewish bullshit with self-direction
>T-trust us, goy- guys!
No. Get the fuck out of here with this evil bullshit.
>It was 70% NatSoc and 30% libertarian.
huehuehue more like 50% Libertarian 30% Traditionalist 20% Stormfag
We realized natsocs are autistic and that libertards support open borders
Except back then everyone called out Israel
everyone got triggered by m00t went to hotwheels' site instead
Now all that's left on Sup Forums Sup Forums are the newfags and the moderates
NatSoc doesn't work with the heterozygous society of the current western world. We need to let the shitskins be purged by their own lack of self-sufficience in a free-capitalist society. If you try to genocide them, other kike countries will invade and destroy you like they did to Germany.
This board was never good, newfag
8ch is way ahead here is this sense. I was just looking for the harmony we had before. JIDF and cuckeds were a little minority.
It was a place to seek the truth and debate ideas, now we see more shilling and troll.
Lurk moar. If you have to ask questions about Sup Forums or it's boards, you haven't lurked enough.
Lolbertarians lost support after pic related happened. Now its 70% natsoc and 30% monarchists
why not vote for me as king emperor
its a good platform for the ultimate goal too, i promis
>nice undestanding of politics Sup Forums
>If you call out Israel then you're a national socialist
Stormfag education
>Implying most Libertarians on Sup Forums are not white nationalist.
wew lad
Reminder to idiots.
If Trymp had lived in the time of the Nazis he would have the brains to smell what was on the wind.
An expert at the machinations of the elite realm of the day works the trends he doesn't flout them.
In short he would be living a different life than the one you claim would get him killed.
This user wasn't there for the flim flam
Were you here months ago with the cuck threads? It's calmed down now. Maybe the reddit fags will leave knowing their brainwashing doesn't work
>Libertarian nationalist
Wtf is this meme.
>What went wrong?
Moot turned on the cuck machine before he left and drove all the hardcore Sup Forumstards to handicapchan.
Once on handicapchan, the hardcore Sup Forumstards installed nigger mods that fractured the userbase yet again.
You clearly don't understand the concept of Sup Forums. Reddit(cathedral of SJWS) is a better place for you. You are one of the cancer I'm talking about.
I'm here to seek information and to debate with logic. I don't give a shit about your anime culture or what you think is freedom.
So that makes the fact that he's an opportunistic, jew-loving sociopath okay then. Glad you got that out of your system.
Morons trying to have their cake and eat it too.
Sup Forums used to 99% shit posters, now only the Australians and Canadians remember the old ways.
This was and will always be a Rwandan woodcarving board
>What went wrong?
Trump. He's neither of those and a large portion of Sup Forums loves him.
Moot didn't do shit, you fucking newkike. JIDF fomented gg specifically to destroy Sup Forums, then blamed the creator of Sup Forums for it after the posters turned against the site at the behest of literal feminist and jewish shills. You are all traitors and should be killed.
Don't be fooled. Those are mostly paid shills. The constant lie that Trump isn't spending money on his campaign needs to stop. He is. He's just spending it all on internet shilling.
I remember a poll that was exact 70/30
>with logic
good luck, half of the people here dont understand freedom, and think they can be free while having a god emperor who somehow furfilles all their wishes and agrees with them on what is degenerate and what is not
sounds to me like religion is the thing for you, and most people on here, go join a christian cult and fight the desert cults of islam
most people on here are too emotional to use logic
they rage and wnat their safespace to be free from unwanted information
sounds alot like the SJW if you ask me
America in 1776 you faggot
>Libertarians can't be nationalist
Wtf is this meme.
We realized the stormfags screaming 1488 were mostly neckbeards in their mothers basement, and realized that there is a 0% chance white people would agree to kill all non-white U.S citizens in the country.
Reddit and "fallen" tumblrinas.
Pol needs to go full natsoc singularity
8ch is very exclusive and omitted from all google search results so if any shill/bait or general shitposting pops up it gets instantly called out/reported and dealt with.
The current state of Sup Forums was inevitable after many popular alternative media sites were reporting on us, leading a mass of normie faggots here who come and spout their bullshit without even lurking for at least a month.
this fuck pop Sup Forums
Memes happened and went out of control
Now many users come here to have fun instead of learning trough discussion. Memes kill discussion, that kills the board
>Le early american meme.
What do you mean by nationalist? Please tell me, user.
It's impossible to be a libertarian and a nationalist, look up syndicalism, you might like it more.
Some of realised anti-intellectualism made us retarded.
There is no hope anymore.
Definition wise
Syndicalism sounds cool, but why would it be impossible to be libertarian and nationalist?
This this this. One of the fundamental tenets was disdain for science and knowledge and that expressed itself in distrust and experts. All those infographics on Sup Forums are fun and all but when you find out they are fucking rubbish and all made up you start seeing through the propaganda of the other side.
Because it's impossible to advocate for the advancement of your own people but also advocate for Libertarian policies, such as free flow of trade and migration between countries to better advance your market.
Maybe is you that don't understand freedom.
Freedom is also abdicate from freedom. It's essential to live in society. Freedom can't be a concept who lives in itself
Milo and Trump.
Shills because of elections.
>implying nadsis killed 'plutocrats' if they weren't juden
Trump would have profited nicely off the confiscated jew property
He also does chemtrails
Jingoism, tariffs and xenophobia are not libertarian. You are nationalists who believe in a certain amount of freedoms. Which is fine.
>An extreme laissez-faire political philosophy advocating only minimal state intervention in the lives of citizens.
>Because it's impossible to advocate for the advancement of your own people but also advocate for Libertarian policies, such as free flow of trade and migration between countries to better advance your market.
I don't agree with either of those but I would still consider my self a libertarian.
Like how some liberals agree with right winged policies and some Fascists agree with some left winged policies.
You don't need to fit every criteria in order to be a Libertarian.
I guess I fit that definition
Libertarians are retarded cucks. Prove me wrong.
You can't. They support trade more than their people.
American libertarianism is different then actual libertarianism. At least Gary Johnson heading the party, he wants to protect the constitution, power to the states, he sees the use of some social programs.
Their platform doesn't say that.
Look at stuff Gary Johnson has said, he's more of a moderate republican.