Telling the heartfelt story of how their children were stolen from them by racism and prejudice.
I can't wait to see Stormfags and Trumpfags get triggered by this while the rest of the country stands in solidarity.
Telling the heartfelt story of how their children were stolen from them by racism and prejudice.
I can't wait to see Stormfags and Trumpfags get triggered by this while the rest of the country stands in solidarity.
Other urls found in this thread:
where are the fathers?
it's a shame these moms have so much time to spend on their piece of shit kids now instead of back before they were criminals when maybe it could have stopped them from needing to be shot
So they saw all the women in trumps campaign who lost their kids to refugee and immegrant violence and decided they needed their own woman spotlight? Except theirs was about how their kids commited crimes and were stopped by racist cops? What the fug?
All those nig whores wishing they had straight hair.. bahahahahahaha.
They honestly have disgusting hair tbqh famalamadingdong
6 feet under with dey sons
I'm sorry?
> no Fathers of the Movement
top kek this is comedy gold
Mothers of criminals stumping for a criminal. How wonderful.
Tommy Sotomayor ladies and gentlemen.
Rare flag
also they raised halfwit criminals so congratulations to them
I honestly read this as "twerking address". I wasn't really surprised.
> "His life ended the day that he was shot and killed for playing loud music."
> Be in Murrica
> Play music
> Get shot
Still beats being a catholic priest these days. Did that guy really dindu nuffin?
BLM isn't buying it, they're starting a riot right now
You enjoying your first day on Sup Forums?
Is Jake Tapper breaking the conditioning? I swear he's been getting more and more right
The movement? What movement? The fight for the right to steal shit without fear for being shot?
No this was planned in advance. Coincidence really but is a good idea m wouldn't be surprised if two different people came up with it but in all likely hood the Dems were inspired by Trump's primary run and got the idea then and there.
kek, the DNC is anything BUT solidarity.
and some say Burgers don't bring the bantz
I guess I just don't understand how it's possible to form this kind of narrative- you have to be willfully ignorant of the facts in each of these cases in order to sell it's conglomeration as systemic racism
tldr- each of those kids didu sumpin
I would say he's giving a comparison and nothing more.
also this
Would have been a lot funnier if they had let them dress themselves.
Also check me.
THese guys could have shit on the constitution and murdered an eagle and they still would have printed this shit.
Fuck the zionist run media.
Both Bernie and Clinton used mothers of the slain in their primary ads. It's pretty common enough for them to do it independently.
He's distancing himself from that email leak. He'll be re-tweeting Trump by the end of the DNC convention.
I see they're cosplaying as their son's by putting gunshot wounds on their chests.
>this BLM pandering going on even as BLM pickets the convention
Shows just how much they really stand for the movement huh.
They went out to get cigarettes
It's not even about stealing shit without getting shot, it's about assaulting cops without getting shot. Though the cops they assault are often trying to stop them from stealing shit at the time,
Nice one burger kekd.
>leftist party
Theyre certainly not gonna logic-jerk you
If not emotions, what else do they have?
No mother should have to fear for her sons life every time her child robs someone. It's 2016 bigot
>left eating itself alive
>protests between dem factions just outside
moderate jej
Pic related is all I see honestly
All they want to talk about is their feelings. That is probably because the facts of the matter hurt their feelings
Sandria Bland: got in a fight with the police officer and the dash cam can prove it
Jordan Davis: pulled a shotgun and was shot because of it
Treyvan Martin: fought back against a police officer while high and was shot the autopsy proved it
Funny how all the mothers have different last names than the kids.
Facts are what is important in law not your feelings.
>raise a thug
>gets killed rightfully
>get a platform to complain on DNC
Mothers of a BOWEL MOVEMENT is more like it. A bunch of shitskins claiming dey beez viktums an sheet.
YEAH lets celebrate the criminals and the mothers that failed at being a good parent YAY CRAZY PILLS ANYONE?
>Be French
>Have nogunz
>Still get shot
I was going to do the bowel movement joke but renigged. Glad to see it found its way here anyway.
May every single one of them burn in hell with their dead sons
Which is more disgusting?...the DNC exploiting the mother's loss of their criminal dindu boys, or the fact that these nigresses are duped into being used as pawns, as they always have.
I missed it, can anyone give me the TL:DR on the parade of Dindu Mommas?
Pic related: What Democrats really want
pic related
Identity politics doesn't have to be logical.
Illegal immigrant is a bad no-no word now.
>the fact that these nigresses are duped into being used as pawns
Some of these bitches know full well and are only in it for the money.
Michael Brown's mother didn't give a shit about her son until he died and she realised it could make her money. She didn't even raise him, he lived with and was raised by his grandmother.
Sandra Bland's mother blaming the police is likewise fucking retarded considering Bland committed suicide, didn't even get shot or anything.
Everyone involved in this shit is disgusting, both DNC and the mothers.
>undocumented immigrants
So I guess if I break into someone's house and live there, I'm not trespassing or squatting, I'm just an "undocumented lodger"? Fucking hell these games of shitty semantics.
Da fuddah all be playin pro basketball.
Hey, at least they got a free Cleveland vacation out of it, huh?
PROTIP: The DNC is more disgusting.
He said "undocumented immigrant." Is that bad as well? Is there a cool, new term I'm unaware of? "exotic guest"?
>while the rest of the country stands in solidarity.
Theres a fucking riot happening right outside the convention center you ignorant twat
The DNC's in Philly, not Cleveland.
Isn't it amazing that every single liberal is a victim?
Not my tweet. I'm just bringin' the Tapper bantz.
More fitting term is 'undeported illegals'
>those innocent pistols
You're not "right" if you can't even say the phrase "illegal immigrant"
>their children were stolen from them by racism and prejudice.
Because they were all good boys.
what about the mothers of white kids who got killed by black dindus breaking into houses? dont their voices matter?
lurk more newfag
If Obama had a son....
I like your style
>none have fathers
>all are black
DESU the shooting of Jordan Davis was fucked up.
But the guy that shot his was sentenced to life without parole for the shooting. Not sure what they want.
Why do only a couple of them have the same last name as their sons?
>Sandria Bland: got in a fight with the police officer and the dash cam can prove it
Naw, that cop was fucking crazy. None of that shit should have happened. That was police state bullshit. All the rest, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, those guys were at fault. Bland was pushed into it.
>Treyvan Martin: fought back against a police officer while high and was shot the autopsy proved it
You're high. Martin was killed by an Observe & Report nutjob. No police were involved.
I'm so glad the piece of shit doesn't play anymore.
it's associated press - you're not allowed to say "illegal", according to those jews. because, they just lost their paperwork, afterall, hence "undocumented"
Are you intentionally skewing what happened?
I lost my paperwork at the DMV this morning; they told me to "go fuck yourself."
>"Did you see him? He has a news conference, all the time when he's eating. I have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion. I'm always telling my young son Baron, always with my kids, all of them, I say, 'Children, small, little bites.' This guy takes a pancake and he's shoving it in his mouth, it's disgusting."