HELLLOOO Internet and welcome to behind the meme! Today we're going to have a look at Fidget Spinners!
HELLLOOO Internet and welcome to behind the meme! Today we're going to have a look at Fidget Spinners!
Of all things...why...just fucking why?
I hate this guy. Also, what's wrong with his fucking voice?
It's like one of those after school head start """""teachers""""" all he needs is a guitar
Did the person really call these things a meme? Did people forget the difference between a fad and meme?
Can I get a quick rundown on this meme?
a thread died for this
actually you might have made Sup Forums slightly better, fuck you janny
its literally a forced meme and idiot teenagers who like retarded meme pages on facebook sheepishly follow along.
i hate this reality
Tell me user, what is a meme?
>coworker bought one of these things
it was when i saw that i realized that i need to get a better job
Oh wow, I saw a video related to fidget spinners in my Youtube feed this morning. Had no idea that people have already made it into a meme!!
His content could be good but he resorts to filling his videos with lazy tumblr gifs.
Grandma's little memer over here
>fads are memes
>trends are memes
>jokes are memes
What is the next thing that will be labeled as memes? I feel like controversies are on the border right now.
I just finished a uni degree through distance and I always struggled to sit down and watch the lectures because I could pause it and get distracted online, I honestly feel like one of these things might have helped
Opinions are memes
>Trolling is someone who doesn't agree with my political opinions
Everyone should relax since they'll be forgotten about next week.
Not until they make a cockring edition.
Those things are literal memes though.
Reddit spinners
They are memes. Maybe you should look into Richard Dawkins' work some more before you have a hissy fit!
>things that I don't personally like/agree with are memes
Sup Forums capeshit is a meme
/fit/ SS is a meme
/r9k/ working is a meme
Sup Forums windows is a meme
/lit/ infinite jest is a meme
/ck/ sriracha and avocado are memes
more like behind the negro
Smashed avocado is absolutely a meme though
no one cares about your dad
>Sup Forums -Television and Film
Seems like the job pays its employees enough to buy what they need; I'd keep it.
>memes are what I want them to be
Except that he himself has said that the way the word is used online is completely different from the way he intended the word to be used.
It's amazing how many underage posters post on Sup Forums.
proof that $8 an hour is a comfortable living wage
The mcchicken is a meme
more like proof people making $8 an hour cant control themselves.
Meme literally does not mean anything anymore. It is everything and nothing
I was shopping today looking at food, holding a bag of chips and said "this is a nice meme" out loud
Thanks to the way the internet and social media is now, they are totally one in the same.