>Media insists there is real evidence that Trump colludes with Russia
>Gets called out for having no credit and no named sources
>CNN just posted about the so-called bombshell.
>"Russia said they could use General Flynn to influence Trump AND HIS PEOPLE"

In other words, all this evidence again leads down a false corridor, just like when they said "Intel officials provided evidence of Russia hacking" which turned out to be... HYPOTHETICAL GUESSING!

This isn't your political soapbox you dumb Sup Forums fuck.

>Media insists there is real evidence
and this is a fallacy. Media is insisting that there should be an investigation.

Why aren't we allowed to discuss the news that airs on television on Sup Forums anymore? Why do they keep pandering to Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
Wasn't killing off the rest of old Sup Forums enough for him?

another whiner about Sup Forums. gee whiz

>and this is a fallacy. Media is insisting that there should be an investigation.

they're clearly confident, almost certain about russian collusion.

Honestly, I'm getting tired of it. Yes, Trump is an idiot. But every day there seems to be a new thing to be "outraged" about when it comes to something he did. It's just a constant barrage of "OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS" and "RUSSIA PROBE PROGRESS". And then nothing happens. Fucking nothing. Seriously, shit or get off the pot.

its not the fall that hurts, its the landing

They do it for two reasons.
To distract people from REAL news, like Seth Rich and the upcoming Civil War in South Africa
Trump = ratings.

Is lke with the nigger in chief birth certificate

>upcoming Civil War in South Africa
Please do go on

Shut the fuck up. Mods visibly show favoritism towards right leaning posters. They stay up forever and delete left leaning posts in the off topic threads before deleting the thread. The fact that swaglord is a confirmed alt right cuckhold also invalidates your argument.


It was the same shit during the election. They're just throwing darts and hoping one sticks.

>this entire post
Hilariously untrue and the last part is just proof that you're new. Gingercuck isn't either, hes whatever gets him attention

So literally nothing? The media's literally just being spiteful?

yea, that's all complete bullshit and you know it.

Because this is the first time we've had an incompetent, self obsessed manchild in office. People give Nixon shit but he wasn't this bad.

>People give Nixon shit but he wasn't this bad.

You weren't even alive when he was in office.


Niggers want to kill all the White People.

I bet Trump is the first president you've even paid attention to, fucking idiots.

Would that be Sup Forums related then?
Mobile babby here gets upset when our old Sup Forums pro right wing culture threads like op get made here

>beta cuck redditors who invoke the basement dweller boogeyman because their identity centers around "i'm a loser, but at least I'm not THAT kind of loser"

What's up fellow 'pede?! We've got your back! We'll defeat libtards with MEME MAGIC LOL!!! PRAISE KEK!! SHADILAY :^)

Then fucking impeach him already. What a useless generation.

Fuck off /r/ the donald, this isn't Sup Forums

Because /news/ exists for this exact purpose.

Does the media really think they can keep this up for 8 years? Eventually people are going to realize that Trump isn't going anywhere and they're going to stop watching these horseshit "news" networks.

>fucking hate those alt-righters
>*navigates to picture folder "basement dweller"
>*scrolls through hundreds of images till he finds the right one*
>heh, that'll teach em'

>tumblr in full force.

Democrats know they fucked up by pushing this so hard.

You'll notice the shut up real quick about impeachment after Mueller was hired. A few even saying that's not the goal. They let the Clinton campaign lie go too long and it will bite them in the ass.

They better hope Mueller doesn't finish his work before mid terms or they're fucked even more then they are now. But they're fucked either way.

You had no clue what you're talking about. Nice try trying to pretend you know anything about Nixon outside of Futurama.


Jesus christ I'm not even a Trump supporter but when are they going to stop harassing daddy?


But CNN is fake news

This isn't Sup Forums related, fuck off back to /r/ the donald you stupid cunts

Yes. They were wrong about everything with Trump and he shoved it in their faces. Big media needs to wither and die for what it has become.

t. /r/ the donald

watching television these days is exhausting. it's like fapping but never making it to completion

You know all about reddit don't you.

The whole world is laughing at America over their Russian fear mongering. It's like you people can't go without starting a war every few years.

>he still discusses anything from us media

you cucked yourself, read rt

Because lefties are mentally ill. More proof out there that those with mental illnesses tend to support left sided politics.

Mods don't want degenerates on here.

Why does Sup Forums have no mods to banish the Sup Forums menace?

The only people still watching fake news are retards. They want the clickbait audience.

>all these triggered libtards

Your Bullshit and delusion is crumbing.

Know thy enemy.

>Your Bullshit and delusion is crumbing.
Indeed it is, /r/The_Donald kiddie.

That was a pretty good post, fellow centipede. Have an upvote.

>fucking up this bad
lel. that's what they get for having an IQ below 90


>beta cuck redditors who invoke the basement dweller boogeyman because their identity centers around "i'm a loser, but at least I'm not THAT kind of loser"
So /r/T_D redditors whenever it comes to "muh libruls"?

>/r/The_Donald kiddie.

whatever you say >>/leftypol/

>>how does gubmint work?

On 12/29/12, President Obama signed HR 4310, (at night, during the holidays, in the dark, so that no one would even know); the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. Section 1078 (thomas.loc. gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.4310:) of the bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the US, which had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed. The media was also reclassified as “entertainment”.

good, you leftwing faggots have the entire rest of the internet for you hugboxes. so fuck off to one of those places.


>he doesn't know how to redtext
State of the redditfugees.

is this why foxnews went to the supreme court seeking legal authorization to knowingly lie and still call itself a "news network"?

We just had 8 years of Obama. Who was literally everything that you just described.


who told them.

Obama? A manchild? LMAO!!!! I'm sure you're a perfect judge of what constitutes a manchild.

Why do autistic redditors like you not understand what this means?

you need some new oc, shariablue.

When it turns out to be nothing they have given Trump the casus belli to go after them, and they are all fucking dirty crooks.

Can't wait til he gets all of his appointments into place, because heads are going to fucking roll and it's going to be the most entertaining shit since the election.

why do americans hate russians? russians are just trying to fucking chill out while america is making up rumors about them to fear monger their people

not going anywhere, nigger loving libshit

>A black guy
>fucking based!

a hearty kek even tho I'd vote for Trump, if I were an american, just because I wouldn't want Hillary as president.


CNN finally having to admit it's been pushing FAKE NEWS this entire time. They should be absolutely ashamed but as we know leftist generally have no moral compass

7 more years libcuck

literally was correctly used in this case.

Didn't Clinton fuck bitches in the Oval Office, but got reelected because the economy was doing great?

It's the economy, even Bush and Obama got second terms since things were better than they were four years before the election.

I'm so bored of this politics crap, I'd rather play Tera.

Can't wait to see trump supporter tears on wednesday when Comey confirms everything

Oh wait, it won't be tears, just autistic rage about how Comey was paid off by demon lizard liberals.

>daily reminder that if Obama did ANY of the shit trump is doing he would be fucking crucified

>Didn't Clinton fuck bitches in the Oval Office


Because newfags like you don't actively report off-topic threads

What do you mean by this?

This, Trumpfags can't see the writing on the wall

Can't wait til wednesday when the opposite happens and you libfaggots conveniently forget about it like it never happened.

Even your shitty democrat politicians have been backing off about it for the last two days.