Who was in the wrong here?
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let it go
One of the worst I have ever had the displeasure to listened to. It was like listening to a hamster run it's wheel for 3 and a half hours.
What happened?
I like "CALL ME GRAHAM" but man just him chimping out like he's being attacked the 3/4 of the time. Never figured he'd lose composure that quick.
I thought these guys were the ancient civilization guys?
all the rankings have them as the best of JRE podcasts
I had it queued up right now
is it not worth watching? what are some good JRE episodes? Im on lance armstrong right now. shannon biggs, and jordan peterson were great.
Dude gobeklitepi lmao
Hancock reeeee'd too hard.
Randal "Iceman" Garrison looked like a pimp.
Shermer and his Skypefriendo had nothing interesting to offer for a rebuttal other than NO UR WRONG and acting exasperated.
us, for watching
shermer talked a bit about scientific principle and falsifiability iirc,
joe should have a 1 on 1 with some scientist who explains the scientific method for him
I haven't seen it but Shermer is usually interesting and well spoken. The fact that he's been received poorly makes me think this episode was a clusterfuck.
>The fact that he's been received poorly makes me think this episode was a clusterfuck.
joe rogan has a lot of pseuds among his fanbase, which is partly the reason I think
It comes out towards the end that Graham is just making bullshit up when he talked about the lost city of Atlantis and how he fell for the Aztec end of the World meme. hit me hard "oh this guy is a retard"
An author chimped out and Joe acted like dumb dick for a short while.
Indeed but he offered little to no real counter points to the evidence presented by Garrison.
I may be biased towards Garrison and his theories already but Shermer really dropped the ball imo. Lots of circular "well it's not true because it's not mainstream".
He's a bit of a dunkass but he's introduced me to a lot of really interesting ideas and concepts outside of some stupid bullshit. I don't expect a person to have 100% infalable ideas/opinions on everything.
It was a three on one retard attack for a good portion, then skype bro came on and got a few good points in as Graham squirmed.
I barely understood anything they said. Debates don't work well on his show. One guest slowly explaining things is what makes the show so great. A debate with several guests and a host is too much to handle.
That geology professor was kind of a smarmy fuck. Why write some hit piece about Graham, who's just a loony old man having fun before he dies, and then require your students to read it? Is that critical knowledge to a geology student? It seemed petty to cop out and pretend like it's some kind of draft but it was on the skeptic website apparently.
Yeah. The last quarter or so of the podcast was the only listenable portion, in my opinion. All because Joe and Graham shut up for the most part. Joe and Graham were almost as insufferable as the discussion between Joe and Crowder.
>Lots of circular "well it's not true because it's not mainstream".
I disagree with this interpretation. I think he was trying to say that it's probably not true because the majority of scientists don't agree on it.
Anyone else think that Joe was actually a fairly competent mediator?
I suppose. Maybe he was wording it poorly but for a self-title skeptic going with that kind of attitude is bananas.
He should have jumped on Hancock to save his friend from lookling like an idiot and talking so much but was otherwise pretty good.
If you listen to his older interviews carefully, he believes that pharaohs of Egypt go back for 40,000 years. The "mainstream" Egyptologists don't think these pharaohs are real people because they have magic powers and lived hundreds of years, but Graham thinks they're real. The guy is a nutjob.
Shermer is one of the only guys to debate about religion that I like. Doesn't use it as a platform to earn Reddit points.
He's very honest and simple about it.
He is better than the tranny who moderated the Vegan Gains debate. He's still useless.
No, he yelled at his guest several times. Just let them talk and bring up whatever issue you had later.
I loved it when he shouted "not my problem".
>Vegan Gains
I am eating Pizza Hut pizza right now but that doesn't mean I ignore how it raises my chances of type 2 diabetes and cancer by a lot. If you like Joe Rogan of all people you have no right to "wew" at VG.
This was a total cop out on all sides. Graham uses the "I'm a journalist, I just report what others say" excuse for the more outrageous claims, and Michael Shermer uses the "I'm just a skeptic, so my job is just to cast doubt without actually debating anything or making a real argument". Neither of these are legitimate jobs, and both of them just embarassed themselves. Randal is a dude though.
Joe, Jamie, Graham, and the neckbeard.
>How old is the göbleki tepe? like ten thousand years? holy shit that will fuck you up
Hancock and Carlson are total fraudsters
Joe's a retard, he actually believes these idiots as though they were actual scientists.
klaus schmidt
>Shermer and his Skypefriendo had nothing interesting to offer for a rebuttal other than NO UR WRONG and acting exasperated.
Which actually explains why Hancock REEEE'd as hard as he did.
The first guy who was brought onto Skype was the lowest point of the talk. Utter fucking cringe and completely fucking up, misrepresenting points all over the place and generally coming off as a cunt. Oh wait, not "coming off as" i meant ACTUALLY IS, because why the fuck would you make a smear-article for skeptic magazine that's a WIP and then let your students see it?
Once again, ego-drama is shown to fuck up everything.
The second guy who was brought onto skype was much better and informative. Liked how he side-stepped the general drama going on, too.
>and Carlson
Randal Carlson was the most legitimate person in the entire fucking video.
He side-stepped the "ancient civilization" drama bit and generally only refered to plausible cataclysm scenarios based on physical evidence of the landscape.
anyone kukd enouh to listen to these plebs
Randall is being exploited by graham
Those pseudo scientists are morons
>Well where are the pottery shards from an advanced civilization over 11,000 years ago? CHECKMATE, pseudoscientists!
I'm not saying Graham argued well but do the skeptics realize how fucking dumb this point actually is?
Time did end in 2012. Everyone feels it.
No not really.
I don't follow your thought process at all. You expect people to just take their word of an ancient civilization without any proof of it?
Pottery is pretty durable when it comes to time and the earliest pottery found is 20000 years old.
Graham's irritation was understandable but he comes off as a cunt.
Randall is a God-tier bro and btfo everyone while being good natured and cool.
>and the earliest pottery found is 20000 years old.
How do you know that's not the pottery of the lost civilization?
>shermer talked a bit about scientific principle and falsifiability iirc,
Graham and Randall are both using scientific data to back their claims and their claims are therefor as falsifiable as the data and observation they're founded on. If Graham found some strange object in the wilds and said "This is a relic from a deep history civilization!" and then some analyst came along and said, "No it's a wrench from the thirties" it would then be falsified as a claim. This is no different than their current claims. All can be falsified by the information they're founded on being falsified and none are truth claims. They're amalgamations of evidence and then judgment calls as to what the collective evidence suggests.
Because I didn't first decide that there was a lost civilization and then started looking for things to support my unfounded claim.
It was also in china.
From what I briefly heard Graham was on about something more specific around anatolia and egypt? but it was underwater now?
>muh lost civilization
>Did you know Klaus Schmidt personally?
Well, no, I--
>But surely you've been to the pyramids and seen them in person?
I have not.
>Oh dear.
it was a great podcast, it was like a bunch of nerds debating their favourite video game, sure they got mad at each other but when do scientists ever get together and talk it out. i dont see all the hate for that author guy, he seemed reasonable and passionate and very able to defend his points. I dont know his works but it cant be that insane from listening to him talk.
There must be some space for speculation on archeology.
The "Do you have evidence of it" sounds stupid in the sense that we know about those little specs of history because the little archeological evidence that could have been preserved. Erosion, have you heard of it, Randall?
If we go into his logic we can't prove that giant quantities of people didn't even existed since there are no valleys filled of bones.
Randall looked like an idiot by saying "hunter-hatherers could have built something more! But no civilization fellas!"
Joe needs to get David Icke on the podcast.
>Can you believe someone said I believed something because I quoted something in my book that implies it?
>Well do you believe it?
In time, Graham will be proven to be correct.
Here is a recent podcast of Randall Carlson on the Grimerica Show, where he can actually get his points across.
Yeh this.
>I would show a slide
In time, your mother will choke on my ballz
i liked it better when it was just comfy escapism
>Make a claim that an ancient advanced peoples came to the middle east and helped build gobekli tepe
>Get asked where is the proof
That episode was an absolute shit show
The critic had a douche bag vibe about him but that English guy was so fucking butthurt he wasnt being believed without supplying any fucking proof
Any time I see an episode with actual scientists on it I wonder how much better it would be if Eddie was also there.
Good point, they must do this on purpose.
>teaching grandma how to suck eggs
>Not climbing Giza 17 times
>Not being a writer
Graham is /ourguy/
Why is he so based,lads?
We need to make this happen
Also, Rogan really needs to check his input to this discussion. It seemed as though he was helping GH out of every hole he had dug himself. I get that we expect him to take sides, but sadly this was at the expense of a good interview. and that's what he should want achieve; an impartial manner of questioning and not so much so that he's obviously bailing water out of Hancock's boat.
>Jamie, go to slide 167...we bout to go in hard up in this motherfucker
Graham is a loon and also has bad arguing skills.
JR was helping him mostly because GH wasn't doing a good job.
JR actually was being impartial, GH was the one being biased towards some fallacious idea that some nogs were super intelligent humans.
GH is a cuck and it's obvious.