Periodic Reminder (especially for >>82951852):

Periodic Reminder (especially for ):


Deal with it, grow up.

Why are liberals so fucking petty lads?


The marxist jews have them convinced that he will actually be impeached. It's quite sad.

As a liberal, I'd much rather Trump limping along, accomplishing nothing, and fucking everything up than a President Pence

Absolutely no need for this thread. If I wanted to see a retard respond to every petty insult people hurled at him from the internet I'd read your twitter, Mr. President.

can i have capeshit threads instead of thedonald

You make trash threads constantly from your poorphone and then have the gall to complain about people promoting actual discussion?
I mean since you've started posting on Sup Forums in 2016, how many genuine threads have you made?

This. Pence scares me.

DC fan I see

can't wait until the white race is out bred by poc. Fuck white people

Homosexuality is a shameful, self satiating condition that puts pleasures of the flesh over the intrinsic role of man in nature. It's weakness and moral corruption incarnate, found only in stagnate civilizations wallowing in a pit of their own opulence without any true purpose


he's also a fucking moron and proves that Americans are retards.

>it's a redditor gets triggered by a bait thread episode

>White people become minority
>flee to sanctuaries
>jews stay behind operating all major institutions, corporations, etc
>white people live on islands in peace and tranquility, with their vast legacies build mansions and villas and resorts
>america fully commits to a thirdworld nanny state
>nobody can afford health care because taxes are paying for transitions and abortions
>nobody has a job because everything is automated, school debt is massive, mortgages aren't paid
>all housing becomes public housing
>nobody takes care of anything
>replaces broken things with cheaply made other things
>USA becomes China 2

>constant news berating island whites for invading ecology of an island somewhere

>a war begins

>Genosha is attacked

>all the happy people die at the spite of the mad people, despite getting exactly what they asked for

>nobody is happy

>earth dies

>100,000,000 light years away, a monkey picks up a stick

Not a capeshit fan but everybody knows DC>Marvel

Why are redditors so autistic?

Their autism gets reinforced with the upboats hiding the few sane posts, I guess.

>global message board

I don't know but I've never seen a group of people foam at the mouth like this at a president with these wild accusations and conspiracy theory shit.