

it's ok but it was very predicable but still somehow effective. id say it's a little better than Prometheus.

>Love Alien and Aliens
>Excited for this
>Sup Forums is shitting all over it

It's a beautiful movie and the story is amazing. Don't let these faggots ruin it for you. That's why I saw it before coming here.

I agree. I'm confused as to why everyone hated it.

it thought it was slightly worse than prometheus overall but it had some standout scenes that are more memorable for me. I don't like what they've done to the alien but the gore in this movie was surprisingly violent and I got some enjoyment out of it. The crew managed to be even more retarded than in prometheus, and besides fassbender I didn't feel a strong connection with any of the characters. Prometheus had better visuals and less CGI bullshit and a cleaner feel to it, and that little tune is also memorable for me but this movie didn't have its own sound in my mind.


Plebs don't understand Mr. Scott's genius and the next level philosophy in the film.

It's an easy 9/10 that will go down in history as one of the great sci-fi pictures.

He wasn't gay. It was a brotherly or sympathetic kiss, you idiot.

This. Not even kidding.

Are there any links? 4movies doesn't have them out. And rutracker doesn't have any yet also.

I slightly preferred Prometheus. Prometheus had some really stupid shit in it but it took some interesting risks. Covenant has a lot of the same problems as Prometheus but none of the risks. I overall enjoyed Covenant but it felt a bit too formulaic.

Alien > Aliens > Alien 3 (assembly cut) > Prometheus > Covenant > Resurrection > AvP > AvPR

Sounds like a fag excuse

>I'll do the fingering

Is that a timeline? or a like ratio?

I think after the 3rd the movie we won't call this the prequel trilogy, we will call it the David trilogy.

My prediction is that David is under the space jockey armor on the ship in Alien. He was on his way to deploy eggs on earth but then a xeno pops out of him and he crashes on that planet.

>be David
>have the human desire to create but can never be a creator
>meet Walter
>it's my tribe and my family

The whole movie was about David's anxiety over his inability to create life. Rildey Scott is a genius. Plebs can't understand Gay Nazi Flute Playing.

"Let me do the fingering."

Like ratio/ranking. How would you rank the series?

Oh shit that's actual pottery.

Fassbender was pretty much the only good part about the movie. It was such a fucking waste of time.

Prometheus and Alien: Covenant are prime examples of pleb filters.

You should be an english teacher

i'd rank by timeline. including the predator series timeline.


If you like Aliens, you are not smart enough to comprehend the reasons the original film worked.

Aliens = Alien > AVP >>>> othershit didn't happen.

Just watched it.
You will not be disappointed. This ties everything together.
Kudos to Ridley Scott & crew.

Hey, you didn't pay the troll toll!

0.05ยข has been deposited into your account.

OP, I'd just like to let you know that the average person on Sup Forums isn't going to listen to the opinion of somebody who can't or won't even bother with capital letters. It's a sign of poor education and low intelligence.

I thought Aliens was great as any sequel to Alien could be. Doing the slow deliberate pace as the first again would have been pointless. Taking an action sci-fi with a mix of horror approach was a good movie. Plus it further developed Ripley and upped the ante on every level. I prefer Alien over Aliens, but it's by no means a bad sequel.

I ain't trolling man. I was seriously disappointed by the movie. The horror did nothing for me and the action sucked. All the other characters are just kinda there. On a technical level, the movie is certainly great, but I didn't feel the need to state that. It felt flat to me.

It's still pretty fun. Also, don't make a post like this again on a thread for something that you're excited for, people will spoil it for you

Cryosleep seems to cause brain damage.

So the liquid became solid particles when deployed in the air, and then killed the engineers. Then it started evolving. David used the DNA of a parasite and created the neomorphs, and then later improved it by creating the xenomorphs. So it was just mutant goo before David got to it. But then how did pic related happen? David didn't do anything to its DNA but it's has the xeno life cycle and basic form. The fuck Ridley?