Howdy Kingamaniacs! Has there been any new IT news?
Howdy Kingamaniacs! Has there been any new IT news?
inb4 sewerposters
The sewer sex scene
Bev a cute.
I saw a pic she took with her bother. He is missing both of his legs. Fucking terrifying.
Looks like a little boy
will her oven get hot?
I'm guessing that's the point, why would an attractive popular girl of her age hang around with a bunch of losers?
She's not just hanging around with a bunch of losers. She's hanging around a bunch of preteen boys. Her father makes her cut her hair short like a boy because he is not comfortable with her being the only girl around 6 boys.
Honestly even if that thing came to kill me my last words would be
I didn't read the book, what stops the spook clown from just killing these dumb children?
Any word from King himself on if he actually likes this movie or not?
is it closer to the book than the first movie?
Kill yourselves.
Yes he likes it. Keep it mind though that every pleb on Earth tells you not to trust King's opinion since "he hates Kubrick's Shining and he wrote a apparently crappy tv movie version Shining!!!!! so trust anyone but him! Ignore the novels he wrote goy!"
Noboy is stopping you from pretending Nolan makes good movies.
You think he was in the room when they filmed the orgy scene?
I don't they think they filmed an orgy scene since faggots have to pretend that such a scene would be offensive... as if being offended by a movie is wrong. These same faggots have no issue with mutilating baby penises.
>King's opinion
King is a liberal nutcase, just check his twitter. He'll probably rewrite Dark Tower books eventually to feature a black bull
why does that lip-bite make me so hard?
BREAKING NEWS: cutest boy on the planet discovered by scientists
hes a boomer
hes old
his brain is probably deteriorating
coastal elitist
lots of money
of course hes an obnoxious liberal
King's approval is good, that means the movie is a decent representation of novel and its themes instead of being some cheap "le spooky clown movie" like normalfags think it is.
that photo doesnt look like it was taken with a film camera, and it doesnt look like slide film either. whoever was in charge of this scene is a turbohack.
>The guy who made Maximum Overdrive likes it
Duly noted.
>cutest boi on the planet
that's not meee
>hes a boomer
>hes old
>his brain is probably deteriorating
>coastal elitist
>lots of money
That's literally Trump.
Pennywise is not actually showing up on the projector, IT creates illusions for the kids to see
Buck teeth shouldn't turn you on
that photo and the other photos look all digital and "washed up", just how a hipster numale imagines slides looked like, when in fact they were fucking colorful.
it's pretty funny seeing a conservative hate on old people
I genuinely think new IT will be a great movie. Super similar to the book