Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
> Ohio
> Pennsylvania
> Florida
> North Carolina
>new Hampshire
Yeah no, fuck off dreamer trump baby
>what are polls
herp a derp derp.
I'll give you new Hampshire but the rest you're fucking retarded.
I'd say this is about spot on. There are three toss ups because I don't want to try to over predict
Loving every laugh
Michigan stands a good chance of being red.
He's up 10 points in New Hampshire, Retard.
Trump has a bigger lead in New Hampshire than any of those other states excluding North Carolina
the facebook I use to keep tabs on the normals back home says otherwise.
I wont pretend to know about the other states, but PA? it may have been blue in the past few elections, but they have always been pretty even. and this year? be it racism, such as watching the youtube video of a ape punching a college girl on St. Patrick's day, or that they are tired of the bullshit and the lies. it's more red today then I have ever seen in my life.
hawaiifag here, doubt it
Honestly surprised that the big suits running the casinos in Nevada aren't pushing the Clinton Foundation
How'd i go
>winning Michigan but not Ohio
>Winning Michigan but not New Hampshire
>winning Indiana + Iowa but not north carolina
>not winning Nevada
shit tier map senpai
This will be the map, however Michigan is a toss up.
Screencap this.
>believing that one tied outlier poll
412 reporting in. Agreed PAbro
Have buddies up in CT who say that the only places not for Trump are the steel jungles. CT could very well go to Trump.
>mfw I live in New Jersey and never votes Republican
Where you at? Camden County here.
Hawaii shouldn't get to vote, like the revolution is going to happen on a fucking island.
I'm from RI. Trump is extremely popular in New England but only regionally. If your polling isn't done well, you could have Trump winning.
Democrats have too much of a hold everywhere that matters. Most of the economy is based on finances which will not be treated well during the early years of a Trump presidency due to uncertainty.
Just look at the primary turnouts
Morris county
This is true. We don't really understand most of the shit that happens in USA
Connecticut my fucking ass.
Is trump even winning in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Nevada?
In polls, he's either tied or within the margin of error either up or down in OH and PA
In Nevada, he's either up five or down five
You near any big cities? I'm literally about 5 minutes from Camden at any given moment. Surprisingly enough crime is very low(but there is a lot of drug usage from the kids :/)
I supposed you're right. I have friends in Rhode Island too(I'm talking to them right now, along with my friend from CT), and the ones from RI believe that the Northeast will still be blue. My CT friend is dead set on thinking that the state will go red however. Can't really comment on anything past Newark myself.
>Massachusetts will never be red again
someone shoot me
Isn't he winning in Oregon? Is OR really in play?
Nevada fag here. We've voted Democrat two elections in a row now and it will be the same again this year. Large voting Hispanic population will insure it.
Polls aren't a reliable forecast this early, especially after a convention when the candidate will usually get a trivial bump from in the polls anyway.
Don't think Michigan will be red
+5 in ohio
+3 in flordia
+10 in new hampshire
Hillary is going to win with the same margin Obama won with in 2012.
If you think the swing states that didn't even vote for Romney are going to go with some batshit insane, literally retarded, completely politically incompetent right wing racist, you're fucking retarded.
Also what about Colorado? Any chance?
If Morristown counts? About 45 minutes from NYC
rendundant bullshit buzzword trash
>didn't even vote for Romney
That implies a whole hell of a lot about Romney as a candidate, primarily that he was in any way exceptional.
switch PA and Ohio
Polls are never fucking reliable.
No one other than 60+ old racists participate... You think some 20-30 something is going to sit down for a half an hour and answer political questions from some random guy calling them?
If they even call them, since its only QVC shopping moms that are listed in that bullshit.
>No one other than 60+ old racists participate...
Totally false
Sorry but New Jersey will NEVER go red this election for two reasons: Newark and Trenton. Those cities are mini-Chicagos. South Jersey is all for Trump and a lot of the coast is but Trenton and Newark, much like Chicago, completely negate their votes.
Romney was a Mormon weirdo though. He had negative charisma.
Trump, as strange as he seems, is basically a walking circus. He's got energy and fanfair everywhere he goes. He lives and breathes it. It's why he's shat on everyone every step of the way and he's sustained by the internet and media.
Hillary is about as interesting as a wet rag dipped in sewer water that never got burned and thrown away with the same old policies. Not even Bern-Outs want her.
724 here. Not a Clinton supporter in sight. Also, not many black people, sooooo....
>believing 20-30 year olds vote in large enough number to make a difference
>implying anyone different than shopping moms and 60+ year old racists vote
Polls can be fine if they're truly random and are weighted correctly
>the only places not for Trump are the steel jungles
>you know, where all the people who vote live
>if only cows could vote
CT will never be red, ever
R8 my current prediction
Romney is just another empty suite politician sucking on the D.C. teet. I voted Johnson last election for that very reason.
Both Hillary and Trump are equal in their respective favorability ratings right now.
30% of Democrats have an unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton
30% of Republicans have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump
They're both equally popular.
He's not winning all of Maine. At best, he'll win the meme district
>voting Johnson ever
Trump can raise his favorabilities much more easily because he's unknown
Trump support in Tri state is quiet. Don't be surprised of close calls in Conneticut and Jersey. NY is eternally fucked tho ; _ ;
hell no
He can raise is favorability though simply because he's 100x more charismatic and not buried in scandals.
CO and ME are pretty optimistic
It is too early to be making projections, they haven't even started debating yet.
Trump is up 10 in NH
Yes he's unknown. No one knows shit about what his politics are. All we have is rhetoric and promises. For all we known, he could be more corrupt than Clinton.
Plus the people who weren't following the primaries don't even know the rhetoric and promises. The media has just been screaming about he's Hitler for months.
Meanwhile we know everything about Clinton's politics and exactly what to expect when she's in office because she's done all this before.
I think it's going to be extremely close.
oregon turns red
they are greatly underestimating number of white burnouts going trump
Hilary will win NC.
>Yes he's unknown.
Not even remotely.
>No one knows shit about what his politics are.
The vast majority of voters do not vote on policy. That's your first mistake.
It is too early to be making projections, they haven't even started debating yet.
No but this is
Whateva brudda.. it's chill brudda just enjoy da waves and smoke da green brudda and dance to shitty fucking raggae all night and day brudda
Fucking this. The worst of his "scandals" are his wife "plagiarizing" a speech.
Keeps him in the spotlight still. SJW crowd can't fuck him too hard. Hillary still has so so much more baggage.
>more corrupt
If that had been known the RNC would have found it and squashed it then.
He's clean as clean at this point. The media has scrutinized him as hard as possible and what did we get:
Trump steaks, some bankruptcies, his name wasn't Trump but Drumpf, and he's an asshole. Hooooo boy. He's such a Satan compared to Hillary who's had people killed and wants Putin on a pike.
If Pennsylvania is red, Ohio and Michigan will assuredly be red.
>only the dumbest, hickest, middle of nowhere states vote republican
>all the wealthy, beautiful, modern cities vote democrat
how do republicans not look at spreads like this and realize who they stand with?
Excuse me, friend, you may want to remove the tripcode. I understand on reddit that people use accounts to differentiate eachother, but part of the culture here is anonymity. Don't worry lurk some more and you'll get the hang of it.
Have a pleasant day
this will happen
i bet my wife's son on it
cap this
It's awesome to see a follow RI nigga! If you listen to talk radio I almost think RI is gonna go trump I'm really scared amigo.
All of those states will be blue.
It's amazing how Democrats fuck up their own states, then go to Republican states and start ruining them, too.
Virginia will go blue again.
I know it's bait, but the city > country meme needs to die already
Switch VA with PA and I'll agree
Move PA into the blue column. Hasn't voted for a Republican for president since '88 and isn't about to start for Trump.
>all the wealthy, beautiful, modern cities vote democrat
cities attract parasites (niggers, spics, and other trash) that work service jobs for white and asian white collar workers
in other words, people move to where the handouts are
>the vast majority of voters do not vote on policy
correct, but the people who know stuff decide elections unless you have someone like Bill Clinton, Reagan, or Obama who can just get up there and make you feel good with a story. Trump could do that but the media threw "he doesn't talk about policy" at him so he's forced to talk about policy
Trump's bribed Clinton before. The media doesn't cover it because it would make Clinton look bad
I'm guessing you're from Central Falls
Strongly disagree.
Ohio stands the best chance of being red, Pennsylvania second, and Michigan a close third.
Trump's message really resonates with rustbelt states, and the strong population of white voters will put them in Trump's column, especially with the way things are going.
>Hillary losing
>Trump doing better
never change Sup Forums
This. Also, flip NH. Trump is WAY up by 10 fucking points. He's got it in the bag. It's only barely a battleground state at this point. He has a smaller lead in Georgia, for fucks sake.
Lol fuck. All trump has to say is emails and he wins every debate
The order of them going red is correct but I believe the blue wall will hold. We can survive without winning Ohio.
Please refer to my prior post:
Holy shit, I just looked at your map.
How much are they paying you at Correct the Record, exactly?
If you actually lived here, you would understand the difference between downtown metropolis and middle of nowhere nebraska
and the country is rife with the poor and uneducated. your point?
>believing some weird outlier poll by a no-name group
He has much better material than emails. Believe me
Doubtful, Ohio loves Kasich and Trump isn't like Kasich at all.
Kasich even said Trump probably wouldn't win Ohio.
215 here, lad.
Not a single Clinton supporter save for a sparse sprinkling of shark-faced middle-aged white women. Only seen two.